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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I don't like malls either, just in general and do not shop in them. I have don't like crowds, anywhere...anytime. I did like the Disney Store when it was stil at Arbor Place, and I do shop at that Borders. Other than my social anxiety issues I've never felt the least bit uncomfortable at Arbor Place.
  2. I have 5 indoor pets. 3 cats and 2 dogs...mini Dachshund and mini Chihuahua. I do not have houseplants for that reason. I can never be sure what they may react negatively towards. My mini-Chi and one of my cats wants to chew on everything. So I figure better safe than sorry .
  3. I set for myself a goal of 150 books read for the new year. Am I just a horrible book nerd or does anyone else set reading goals for the year? This is actually the first year I have started a reading journal, to go along with my goal setting. I am currently at 9 books in, which I think is a pretty good start so far . I'm not counting audiobooks, btw. I also just listened to 'Room', which was absolutely amazing. Anyone else? What is your current read list?
  4. The ONLY reason I hit Arbor Place is to visit the Borders. Currently managed my my friend Heather Knowles. I didn't see anything from her posted about a robbery at Macy's though. Need to check. I avoid malls as a general rule.
  5. Or, you could call me Ra-Honda like Lauretta does. lol
  6. Does that mean you can't say my name?????
  7. So are we postponing the book club meeting? I'm trying to decide whether or not to go dig the Camaro out from under it's ice blanket .
  8. PLEASE keep Susan busy today. She could probably use some warm hugs .
  9. Reading! I'm now 5 books down...working on my 6th for the new year. Pretty good start to my goal of 150 for this year .
  10. My husband is one. He works for Old Dominion. Right now he is sitting tight in SC. Just talked to him a few minutes ago and they told him not to try anything right now. Even the CDL drivers can refuse loads if they think driving would be hazardous to themselves or other folks on the roadways. Believe me they would much rather have them call out with their concerns then face multi-million dollar accident lawsuits. Rest assured that almost anytime a tractor trailer is involved, accidents are seen as their fault (even when not) and therefore the companies are liable. Ray doesn't have a sle
  11. Tell Steven to be super careful. Now you just have to send Sarah good mojo for the ride home .
  12. Nope, we can't go anywhere. Susan has closed The Bookworm for tomorrow. I think they are still expecting my son (asst manager at CVS) in tomorrow... but I have news for them, he's not going anywhere. I don't care if I have to hide the car keys. Mama don't play that .
  13. Yep, I remember that too. It was the year my youngest sister was born so it was pretty rough on us.
  14. Yeah, I am hoping that it is more hype than anything as well. I was supposed to work the store Monday and Tuesday but if the streets are iced we will all be home.
  15. I have never understood the rush out and buy up the store mentality here in Georgia. I mean...it's Georgia . The worst that can happen is a few days of icky streets. It's not like we will be snowed in for long, lol. I can understand if you have a baby and need the baby supplies.
  16. Right? Geez...you see my face, you know who I am. I even use my 'real' name . That's what Scarlet said when she came in "I recognize that redhead" !!! lol PLEASE introduce yourself to us, we wanna know who you are!
  17. I don't care whose fault it is...or why it happpened. Just feel sorry for the parents and their loss. I can't and don't even want to imagine losing a child.
  18. My vote is yes... I pity the fool that breaks into our home .
  19. Yes, I received the mass email. I do understand why they are doing it. Some adults are very irresponsible. I can't take my grandson anymore however, because although 3 years old...he tires quickly in the toddler section. He cannot do the larger jumpies because he had a stroke in utero, and is unable to manage pulling himself up the larger jumpies that he loves so much. He has limited use of his right arm. "Help me, Meyamaw", and I would have to climb in and help. Unfortunately, and apparently some people have ruined it for the rest of us. I do understand that Toni had to make this dec
  20. Sheesh! I just hope that companion animals aren't next . I hope they figure out what the heck is going on . This all has me a little freaked out.
  21. We would love to have (and meet) more pcomers at our store. I am always THRILLED when you guys stop by!!!
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