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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Always very open (age appropriate as well) and honest. When they asked a question they got an honest answer. I have very good kids, no complaints whatsoever and they always knew they could talk to me about anything, that I love and accept them unconditionally. When my daughter came out to me, it was honestly a bigger deal for her than it was for me. I've given them all of the tools they needed to be functioning, contributing, well rounded, supported and loved adults. I'm very proud of both of them and could not have asked for better. Honesty was always a really big deal for us. I never
  2. Little Mermaid The Lion King Forrest Gump Sense and Sensibility TheFull Monty 28 Days Later (the Blue States are awesome) O Brother Where Art Though Ladykillers The Big Chill Saturday Night Fever (takes me back to middle school, lol) Grosse Point Blank The Wedding Singer The Breakfast Club
  3. Sounds fascinating! Let us know if you liked it.
  4. Yeah, this looks like 'winning'...
  5. Preach it. I think the only thing I have ever seen with C.S would be re-runs of 'Spin City' (I think that's the name of the show). I thought he was skeevy then. I feel the same way about Mel Gibson .
  6. You know we have 20 bajillion of them at The Bookworm, and all at 50% off retail. I think the most expenseive we have are 3.50. PLEASE come and clear some out for us .
  7. He's a woman beating p.o.s. The ONLY people I feel bad for are his parents.
  8. That p.o.s. needs to end bloody... just sayin
  9. My son has been with Boost for almost 2 years now. He was a roaming' construction worker for the first year he had the phone and never had a problem picking up calls anywhere. He works in vinings now, still no problem. We live in Powder Springs and he always has that damn phone attatched to his ear, or texting someone here in the house. He's had so few problems that my husband is seriously considering not renewing our contract with AT&T next year (been with them for 8 yrs) and switching to Boost.
  10. I agree with the Libertarian point, as I am one as well. I hate that the term 'progressive' is used as a smear word nowadays (thanks in large part to Glen Beck). Progressive is a positive term, not a negative one. I also do not view 'Liberals' as they are commonly known to be true Liberals. Only Libertarians are truly Liberal. Democrats are for more government control, not less...just as Conservatives are whether they realize it or not. Just so many catch phrases and terms thrown around that really have no basis in historical fact.
  11. MarkD~It kind of cracks me up up that you think liberals-progressives would bash her. She was pretty progressive for her time, and an atheist to boot . Personally, I love her...and I feel secure that they will do a fair job with the film version as they would be ripped apart by fans of her work if they do not.
  12. We LOVE Della! My stepdaughter is her assistant.
  13. This looks like something that should have been reported on 'The Onion', lol.
  14. Ahhhhhhhh Patak = heaven . Absolute best meat in the world. It smells like all of the shops we used to frequent in Bavaria. My kids love it because they can get the chocolates and things they used to eat when they were young that we are unable to find here in the states.
  15. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean...lol YOU are appreciated .
  16. I use Wellstar in Powder Springs (Dr. Wizner is the main physician there). My personal, primary care physician of choice is Dr. McElhaney (sp), BUT I have never had an instance where I or my children( while they were still under our insurance) have been ill, and not been able to be seen at some point during the day by at least one of their physician staff. There are several there at any given time of the day. We have used them for 13 years, and I could not give you a single complaint. Exceptional care, I really couldn't ask for bettter. The support staff and PA's are just as awesome. HIG
  17. I hear you Sister! I don't borrow them, and I never loan them out, lol. If I have authors that I want to introduce friends to, I will buy a spare copy to loan...how anal is that? NO dog-ears, NO highlights, NO binding cracks. I would kill over it . You are definitely a girl after my own heart .
  18. I gotta chime in and say...my political, moral, religious opinions don't jibe with a majority of the folks here on this fine board. Momof 3 has never been anything but kind to me from my first post. I even think we would not agree on many issues, but she has remained charitable to me always, and I appreciate that. We can agree to disagree, agreeably...I don't get where the contention is coming from. Based on my own personal experience. She's always made me feel welcome here. Just my two cents . It's hard to 'read' inflection in a post on a message board, and I think that might be to bl
  19. BOOKS! Big surprise, I know . I have a fairly large catalog of signed (Inscribed because I will never part with them) , lettered and numbered limited first editions of most of my favorite authors. I absolutely treasure them. I don't even blink twice at the prices, they mean that much to me. I couldn't care less about girley things...I am all about the books .
  20. Yep, it was the year my youngest son was born .
  21. I understand, but I agree with Momof3. My son is almost 22. I was married to his father for literally 7 days. Or, I should say he was around 7 days after I married him. When he left I was 2 months pregnant, so I was unable to obtain an annulment. I had to obtain a divorce, and did not even put the bastards name on my son's birth certficate. I never pursued child support because as far as I was concerned he did us a favor by geting out of our lives. When my son turned 18, he decided he might want to at least see a photo or something just to get an idea of the other half of his DNA. I co
  22. I know my little Emma is hopping around whimpering .
  23. Thank you! I personally am as liberal as they come. I wholeheartedly believe in spanking when needed. My 24 year old daughter was spanked maybe twice in her entire life. She has a compliant personality and it just broke her heart to think she dissapointed you. My son (22) on the other hand...suffice it to say we went through a period of time where if he didn't get a spanking a day it was a miracle . He's a stubborn redhead like his Mama, and I swear god gave him to me to keep me humble . If I had only had Britaini I would have believed myself to be the best parent in the world with a
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