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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. HEY!! ANOTHER zombie sister, WOOHOO!!! I'm an (almost 45) year old grandmother and have one literal bookshelf FULL of zombie novels. I can suggest some really good ones for you if you ever run out . I also have almost every zombie flick ever made (even the horrible b-flicks)...if brains are being eaten, I am so all over it . My niece once asked me "Rhonda is there any movie on your shelf that does not have the word DEAD in it"
  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you . Also, who cares whether it happened last night last week or last month. The p.o.s is gone, and that is ALL that freaking matters.
  3. I know! I came home after walking all damn day, did laundry, took care of the cats and dogs... NEVER done . My kids did get me an awesome sterling silver necklace (absolutely beautiful) at the Fest today though. So, it's all good !
  4. Believe it or not this was my first time, ever . I'm a real homebody and never do things like that. I can guarantee you I won't miss another year. I did have to budget the money, but it was so worth it. I am actually hoping to go back one more time before it is gone. I don't know why I waited so long to go!!
  5. Absolutely awesome. It was a beautiful day! Britaini (my daughter) Susan and myself (the entire Bookworm staff) were joined by a family friend Leah, and my son and nephew Mitchell and Adam at the Renaissance Festival. SO much fun!!!! I hope to go back before it is over with this year . Good times with friends and family, even if my son apparently did drink too much mead . A wonderful time had with some of my favorite people in the world .
  6. Seeing my grandson smile and tell me 'I love you MORE, Mema'. Spending time with my daughter and son and knowing that even in their 20's they still want to spend time with me . My husband telling me that he adores me, still . My book collection, and having the chance to read it. Working at a job I love, for a person I love surrounded by books I love. Holding my precious princess (Emma) while I read. She sits on my chest/shoulder while I read, and I swear she is reading with me .
  7. You forgot to mention seeing Britaini and my smiling faces .
  8. Yes Ma'am, we certainly do! THANK YOU for thinking of us .
  9. *Argh*...tapping out, I give. We need a banging your head on the table icon, lol. Clearly your mind is made up, as is everyone elses. I think for someone who does not give a rip you have devoted FAR too much attention to the subject today .
  10. Unless you yourself are being somehow influenced by the 'media' I don't understand why you want to insist that anyone interested in a royal wedding has been influenced by 'media'. I really don't care what dress she is wearing, or by whom it was designed, who is on the guest list, yada, yada, yada. It's the 'pageantry', the 'tradition', just the entire culture. WE do not have anything that comes anywhere near close to that, the historical significance of it all. You can (but erroneously) compare it to celebrity culture infatuation, and I guess for some that may be true. But I think for mo
  11. Me, it's not so much about the monarchy...it's the spectacle, the traditions, the history. Like I said in the other thread, I am a life long anglophile. So much so I named my daughter for the country (her name is Britaini, pronounced Brittany). SO that's pretty much it for me. I'm not a person impressed with titles, etc. I don't give extra respect to anyone based on their social position, religious, etc. I guess my reasoning really is not very logical, but there it is . I don't watch most media, or reality shows or anything of the like but for me this another thing altogether.
  12. Wow, that sucks. I hope he feels well very soon!
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love you, though...
  14. Well dang. See, that is what happens when you are an old fart. I could have SWORN that it was during the school year...okay I was in high school, so I must have stayed home from work and not school .
  15. I agree, and it probably isn't healthy for them. I'm sure they will figure it out and move on . The little tree frogs are the cutest... with their little sticky toes, lol. My fascination with frogs always creeped my younger sister out, but then I didn't put much stock in her opinion because she was (is) also scared of moths . She's gonna find this thread and cuss me, wait and see!
  16. I love, love, LOVE frogs . I've raised a few different types for most of my adult life. My last one just recenty passed on and I've been feeling the need to get another, I think this thread has pushed me over the edge. My husband keeps promising to build a frog pond for me in our back yard. So far, it has not panned out. I love their little faces, frogs are always smiling . It's okay, I know most people think I'm creepy, lol.
  17. Me! I am totally watching. I am a complete, unashamed anglophile and have been for as long as I can remember. I was in high school (and stayed home to watch) when Di married Charles. I remember both boys being born and this feels a bit like things coming full circle. I know Diana would be proud of both of her sons. We don't have anything here that rivals the pomp and tradition of the British monarchy. I think it's pretty cool, and a hell of a lot more interesting than the train wrecks (Charlie Sheen *ahem* ) people flock to watch here.
  18. One sure fire way to get rid of slugs is open beer cans in your yard. I'm not kidding, and I know it sounds crazy. Old fashioned (non-pesiticide) way to keep them out of your garden as well. They cannot resist the beer, they are drawn to it, crawl in and die.
  19. YEAH!!!!! Congratuations, that is SO awesome . I need to get an e-cig thing again...
  20. Kindness is it's own reward, and the cosmic payback so much better than material gain .
  21. LOL! You could do like I was going to do and offer to read Tarot for them...if you offered to read naked you would really make their heads spin right off .
  22. 'Up', oh yeah, another fantastic one. How could I forget??? I cried my eyes out in the first ten minutes!
  23. I know, right? I was thinking the same thing, lol. What's a marriage without a little bit of yelling??
  24. It was, it was absolutely beautiful . I know what you mean about missing the kid movies...my youngest is 22. So now with the grandson that will actually sit and watch them... I get to make up for lost time, lol.
  25. YES! If I didn't add it to my list I meant to. I just watched it yesterday because I was trying to preview it to see if my 3 year old grandson would like it, or if it would be too 'girley' . I think he will enjoy it, I thought it was terrific!
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