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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Wow. Her work is absolutely fantastic. I'm actually amazed by it, and while I wholeheartedly believe she did the paintings themselves I doubt that she titled them alone. If she did I am even more amazed. Either way, she is prodigious.
  2. I don't believe 'psychic' in the common sense of the word. I do believe some people are more 'intuitive' than others, more in touch with their intuition. Some people (like myself) use tarot to focus that intuition. So yes, intuitive and it would be a good thing to hone that ability.
  3. I was at work at 6:00am . Ran register all day, and everyone was super nice. It was a good day, and when I got off of work I bought myself an automatic wine corker... The arthritis in my hands is sometimes worse than other times and this thing is AWESOME! Also got the Sherlock Holmes movie on blu-ray 'A Game of Shadows' for 3.99 , and a few other awesome blu-ray deals. Twas a good day .
  4. It's not just you . I read about 2/3 of the article, it was really interesting. Computer reading for extended periods of time kills my eyes. I knew someone like this on FB. He was a 'writer' , and mutual friends with several other of my FB buddies, so I assumed he was legit. His life as well, always in some turmoil. Then the post from a 'friend' who 'found his book of passwords' (I am not kidding), the friend posting on behalf of this dude who was in the hospital in a coma having attempted to take his life. The subsequent posts were SO very obviously crazy that he began to be called
  5. Another bit of my childhood has passed away . RIP
  6. Once that gas tank was modified those suckers were practically indestructible, solid, reliable and actually fun to drive!
  7. Mine was an AWESOME 1979 powder puff blue FORD PINTO. Exactly this model, only blue . I loved that damn car. The hatchback was plastered with The Clash, The Cure, Sex Pistols, Adam Ant, Billy Idol, and Dead Kennedy's stickers. I wish I had some photos of it .
  8. You and me with the John Denver .
  9. I almost died when I heard music from 'The Cure' in the Kroger. My heart broke just a little bit.
  10. LOL! I just saw this on FB and thought of this thread. I couldn't resist .
  11. Edited to say if those tame songs bother you, your head would explode if you hooked into my car/iTunes.
  12. I think the black and white is an awesome idea. If I decorated for Christmas at all I would probably go with that as well. Use lots of stripes and swirls too...very Tim Burtonish ! FYI...I belong to the cult of Tim Burton .
  13. The one I was at is fairly well known also. It was worse than public school as far as attitudes because the biggest as*holes could always justify their actions, or ask for forgiveness...Bullying in public school is much more honest. I'm a HUGE supporter of homeschool, when done properly.
  14. You know I homeschooled for 12 years. I would homeschool my grandson as well if I was asked. I thought private Christian schools were different...and I worked in one for 2 years (yes, me). The kids, the cliques...were worse there than they were in public school, if you can believe that. Especially in the higher grades. I was kind of shocked. No regrets with homeschool, if done well. It's not for everyone, but oftentimes is the best solution. It most certainly was in our case.
  15. I adore mine. I've watched movies on it from Amazon instant video, and I have a few other apps. My daughter bought it for Christmas for me last year. I use mine primarily for reading...I have approximately 300 books on it, but it has in no way curbed my purchase of physical books (much to my husband's dismay). I'm an addict, but it's cheaper than crack .
  16. And I will be in tears with you when I see your post about it .
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