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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Yep, it ain't fun...that's fo' sho! I was thrown into full and complete menopause on August 21st of last year. My husband still hasn't adjusted. He's afraid I'm going to 'Dexter' him in the middle of the night .
  2. I'll be 47 this year and have had my entire baby factory removed, so even though young(ish), I am fully menopausal...and apparently creepy, lol.
  3. O.M.G Where's the puke icon? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I will never eat another gummy bear in my life, seriously. Occasionally I crave them, which is weird. Never again. Even though I am thoroughly grossed out, thank you for posting this .
  4. Lol, true. My husband was laughing about those little old church ladies (that's how I always associate it) that carry those paper fans with them. Right then, the light bulb went off over my head, and I said "OMG, that is a GREAT idea!!!!!" When the hot flashes hit me at my occasional job as a checkout girl at Best Buy, I just grab one of those carrdboard gift card holders and start fanning away. The young'uns there are always laughing at me. By god, Ima get me one of those paper church lady fans, for real.
  5. I want to understand how menopausal women are creepy since I are one an'all. I wouldn't want to creep anyone out .
  6. Um...right? 'Mayhem' could wreak havoc on me any day of the week, and I make sure to mention that to my husband anytime we see him on tv, lol.
  7. SO excited!!! There's no such thing as too much Darryl...imho .
  8. O.M.G...ME TOO!!!! I finally broke my husband from doing that. Grosses me out, to no end. Women with those big inflated surgically enhanced lips. The Kardashians. Maggots. Liver. Pig parts, that are anything other than bacon. Pimento cheese. Guacamole. Rotten teeth. Dick Morris. He always looks bloated, like a stuffed sausage...and the way his lips move when he speaks actually makes me nauseas .
  9. Our wedding anniversary is February 27th, so we usually don't really do much of anything on Valentine's Day. My husband always gets flowers for me, but other than that we save gifting and special restaurant visit for our anniversary .
  10. Right? If one person says the word 'drought' to me in the next 3 months, I swear to baby jesus they are gonna get punched in the mouth. I'm SO over this damn rain!
  11. My sister (AdamnnAarensmom) politely refers to me as a 'house cat', lol. L.O.L I'm never gonna live this down, am I?
  12. I think we may be sisters ... I am extraordinarily shy, and slightly (okay a bit more than slightly) agoraphobic. Folks who meet me for the first time are very surprised to hear how shy I actually am because I am very bubbly and talkative. The thing is, that is how I deal with my shyness...it comes out as verbal diarrhea . I also hate crowds and crowded places.
  13. RhondaW


    Lol . Yes, I can pronounce it...I always have been able to because they have been a constant fixture of my life since 2. I can even remember (in detail) the first one. I cannot remember things from 5 minutes ago but I remember those seizures.
  14. RhondaW


    I just went back and re-read that *duh* . lol
  15. RhondaW


    Really? I don't ever remember them using needles in mine, always adhesive of some sort. I started having mine in the early 70's (as in 1970) and through the 80's. I had my first grand mal seizure at the age of 2 (1968)...they began to use EEG's at a rate of 2 per year at the ripe old age of 4. Maybe they didn't use needles in mine because I was terrified of them? Or maybe they did and I just blocked it out?
  16. RhondaW


    They are painless. Annoying yes, painful, no. I've had over 20 in my lifetime (seizure prone). The scraping of your scalp to glue down the little electrodes is the annoying part. Afterwards you will have some adhesive left in your hair. Rubbing 'Dawn' dishwashing liquid onto those spots will help to release it from your hair easily.
  17. Okay wait...nooooooooo who are you? If we went to school together I want to see you again...unless I hated you in school, then I don't. Just kidding...I actually hated very few people . Even here on this Board I think there are maybe only 4 people I would prefer not to meet, lol. Pm me!!!
  18. Yep you, and Blondie and Papi and Shai and Dana and NC17 and OMG there are so many and I know for a fact I am missing some of my favorite people...I can't remember all of the names .
  19. You're welcome, lol. We heard the song just the other day and sang it that way while giggling like little girls .
  20. I understand. His 'music' ruins any tropical memory I have of anything since the seventies, or whenever that damn song came out. Problem is my husband loves that song, he doesn't understand my disgust . It's one of the few things we disagree on, lol.
  21. My kids always thought that Dwight Yoakam was singing (in A Thousand Miles from Nowhere) "I've got hard eggs in my pockets, and pickles in my hands". He was actually singing: "I got heartaches in my pocket I got echoes in my head". Lol
  22. Noooooooooooosssss I love the Violent Femmes, always have . I need to add anything by Jimmy Buffet to my list. In particular 'Margaritaville' (however you spell it). I HATE that song, probably in my top 3 of most hated songs of all time. I want to dig my eardrum out with a spork every time I hear it. It's not possible for me to be drunk enough to enjoy that one.
  23. Eye of the Tiger. I had to do my graduation walk to that song...and to this day if I find out whose idea THAT was, I'm gonna castrate him . Anything by Jefferson Airplane-Jefferson Starship-Starship or Fleetwood Mac. Yep, I said that .
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