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Everything posted by kwood

  1. Has it happened more than once?
  2. I grew up a Michigan fan (originally from Ohio). I was at the Orange Bowl in Miami in 2000 when Michigan beat Alabama, we need to make up for that loss.
  3. It must stink that your only NC in 50 odd years (if you count the one back then) is book ended by Alabama NC's.
  4. I do a job search every morning, as well as my husband. He's had 5 interviews, phone and in person in the last month, none of which has ended up in a job offer. He has 3 irons in the fire right now. His job is taking care of our daughters and looking for a job. He has to be able to clear a certain amount to be able to make it worth him going to a job to cover the cost of child care. So that's our ONLY restriction, that it be enough to cover the daycare that we are going to have to pay. Oh, and that one of us get benefits because as soon as he goes back to work we lose health care coverage for
  5. Not all people struggling have degrees from cracker jack U. I have a Business degree from the University of Alabama with a major in management and a minor in history, and was on deans list. I'm not an idiot. I just happen to work in an industry that is struggling. My husband has a degree from UAB, and is out of work. I think you're making broad assumptions about people that are out of work or under employed because you haven't been in the trenches looking for work.
  6. You know a lot of people traveling to Europe? I don't think anyone that is iffy on traveling in the US is going to hop the pond because the dollar isn't as strong. Those that have been lucky enough not to have to deal with a job loss or substantial cut back in their income have no frame of reference as to how bad it is. There are college graduates on food stamps and medicaid. They don't WANT to be there, but you have to do what you have to do to get by. I think the economy is obviously very different from person to person. In the 11 years I've been out of college, the last 3 years hav
  7. In regards to packed planes its because there are fewer available flights. My personal experience is that I and many I personally know are struggling. We will be taking a vacation but only because my in laws are funding it
  8. We just ran title on some other property he owns in Fulton/Clayton last month. Maybe he's building another one.
  9. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, you have to be some kind of nut to even want to be a politician. They're all crazy.
  10. Personally I think by 22 people in general should have their sheeze together. At 22 you have had ample time to graduate from a 4 year college, or to have had 4 years out in the working world. You have been cleared by the govt to drive a car, smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, and carry a gun.
  11. I think we've gotten at least 5 from Braddock
  12. You know what really stinks. Say you got a mortgage back in 2005 on a home in Paulding County for $120,000. You stayed current on your payment, you never got behind. Your neighbor across the street got foreclosed on, the house now got sold by the bank to a new homeowner for $55,000. So you have one person on one side of the street that lived up to their promise and has a $100,000 mortgage payment on a house worth way less, and the person across the street paying half as much. Sucks to be the person who did the right thing. I guess you still have your home, and no ding on your credit.
  13. Not all people receiving some form of government aid are shiftless and non working. A family of four making just over $30,000 can qualify for Medicaid or peachcare for kids, WIC, and foodstamps. From my experience throught this whole economic down turn it seems like the working poor are in the worst position. They are trying to work and get by on their own, but then get critisized for milking the system like a dead beat when they have to seek assistance.
  14. I believe people can do a variety of things, but they are innocent until proven guilty. Fact remains he had the means, and he didn't do it.
  15. I find it funny that as of about 2 years ago there was a Shellnut on the Hiram police force, but I don't think his name was J.D. And I don't think he was chief of PO-Lease
  16. Yet he had money, he had the passport, and did not in fact run. The man was convicted in the media before he was ever even arreste and there were millions on the ready to play executioner. So, I don't blame him for wanting to run if he did, but the fact remains he had the means and didn't run
  17. I call BS on accountants. My husband is an out of work accountant, and hasn't been able to find anything in a while.
  18. I guess it depends. My life is filled with one liners from Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski. At work we use a lot of Office Space references. I would say at least 80% of my conversations reference some sort of movie. Maybe that's why strangers look at me funny.
  19. I don't know if he lives in that subdivision, but that would be EPHS wouldn't it? I wonder if he was one of those innocent spray painters
  20. They are filming at the studio which is at Bill Carruth and Thomas? Road. Just drive up and down Bill Carruth, you'll find it. There is a big fence around the studio though. I imagine you would have to go sit out in front of the gate and wait for them to come and go.
  21. There are signs up again today going towards the studio saying Ebbets which is in refernce to Ebbets field. I'm gussing that means they are filming there today, not sure of any details.
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