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Everything posted by kwood

  1. So if we can't take his word for it, and there is no concrete evidence on either side then he should be found guilty just because? I want no part of that justice system.
  2. Why are they telling this to Anderson Cooper, and not telling it that night to the police? There is a police witness via 911 calls that supports Zimmerman being on the ground yelling for help the night of the incident.
  3. I can't argue with ignorance. Martin was justified in shooting Zimmerman? For what? We don't even know IF he followed Martin. He said he lost sight of him and was returning to his truck. There is something wrong with this country when we jump to the conclusion of guilt and go on a witch hunt for someone who was trying to look out for the safety of himself and his neighbors.
  4. There is a witness stating that Zimmerman was the one on the bottom of the fight, says Zimmerman was the one yelling help, and Martin was shot in the chest, not the back. Do you have a link to the witness who said Zimmerman was sitting on him. I haven't seen that in the 911 transcripts.
  5. You have Zimmerman's testimony, you have a witness, and you have the opinion of the officer that arrived on the scene. I'm curious as to why any of those would be called into question. Why do we assume all three of those people would be lying? I'm not sure why everyone is so quick to jump to the conclusion that he would be so happy to take the life of a teen in cold blood.
  6. I don't know where people are getting 30 to 40 minutes after the shooting, this morning on the news they said that video was from 4 HOURS after the shooting. I don't believe that any law enforcement works quickly enough to get him to the station 30 to 40 minutes after a shooting. Also, I have finally seen the video, and I don't see anything obvious to his head, but if you've ever watched pro wrasteling it only takes a small cut to the head to bleed all over. So it's quite possible the officer on scene did see a lot of blood and a gash on Zimmerman, and if it was 4 hours later that would have b
  7. I cant watch the video, I would wonder how much time passed between the incident and when he was seen on surveilence. They said he got medical attention, I would assume the waited until he was done bleeding and was cleaned up before transporting him
  8. You mean people might learn that there are consequences to their actions? If more criminals assumed others were armed and ready to kill maybe they would think twice.
  9. There is no recording of the call. From what I understand once they received the phone bill weeks after the shooting it was noted that he had either placed or received a call to his girlfriend just before the shooting. The victims parents contacted the girl to ask her what was said. Only did then did she come forward and say that she was on the phone with him just minutes before, he said someone was following him, and then the call abruptly ended. So the only one who knows what was said on that call is the girlfriend who never came forward until asked weeks later. I would think that if there w
  10. You must be reading something different than me. And why do you give any credability to the girlfriend on the phone for 3 weeks she said nothing. In fact, it took martins father finding his cell records.to even know she was on the phone with him. I believe a witness on the night of the crime or soon there after over a girl on the phone that said nothing until the victims family talked to her
  11. Good for them, I often associate a mythical large rabbit depositing eggs in a field with the crusifiction and redirection of Christ. Come on people, let the kids have fun.
  12. I wouldn't be doing anything or be anywhere where someone would feel the need to grab me or detain me. And if I was innocent I sure wouldn't give them a reason to detain me further. I don't for one second believe that Zimmerman grabbed or detained him from what ive read of the police reports and witness statements. I like to base my conclusions on facts, and not what I think may have happened.
  13. So its more believeable to you that Zimmerman shot the teen unprovoked, and that the teen was fully within his rights to bash Zimmerman's head into the ground? If the teen was running away how did he assault Zimmerman? How did he get hot in the chest and not the back? Are you telling me a 17 year old teen cant outrun a 30 something year old man?
  14. But did he persue him? Zimmerman claims that he lost sight of the teen and was walking back to his car when he was approached by the teen and attacked. Why do you automatically jump to the conclusion that Zimmerman must be lying to the police, and was in fact following him. And even if he was following the teen, does that give the teen the right to attack Zimmerman? Zimmerman is found by the police with a bloody nose and a gash on his head. Are we to assume that he followed the completely innocent teen, then slammed his own head to the ground and then unprovoked shoot the teen. Did the teen ha
  15. If he knew the man had a gun maybe he wouldn't have hashed his head into the sidewalk. Moral of the story...don't pick a fight with a stranger.
  16. His father lived there, and I live in a "gated community" for what its worth, its not exactaly exclusive
  17. Not to be repetitive, but he became a thug when he beat a mans head into the sidewalk.
  18. He didn't shoot him because he was black, he shot him because he was beating his head into the sidewalk.
  19. It just happened in dekalb. Two black security gaurds at an apartment complex shot a black teen.
  20. When did it become ok for a teen to bash a mans head into the sidewalk?
  21. You don't shoot to wound. Have you ever been around guns? So lets string up Zimmerman for the racisim of others, who cares if hes guilty or not
  22. Based on the facts we do not know that Zimmerman was following the teen at the time of the scuffle. So I am not going to make the assumption that he was. They were both free to be walking on the street. Zimmerman has physical evidence that he was attacked. You think he beat himself up? Is it ok to slam a mans head into the pavement? Should Zimmerman have just laid there and taken a beating?
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