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Everything posted by kwood

  1. I think that is only a process in Georgia. I have lived in several different states and I've never seen so many name changes through jurisdictions. I never call the local roads by their names, I always refer to them by their number unless I don't know the number. Makes directions a lot simpler.
  2. Apparently in a dumpster left at the new entrance to the Greystone subdivision on Bill Carruth.
  3. I'd like to make a motion that we pick a name for 278 and stick with it. I just refer to it now as 278 because I don't know when it's Thronton Road, Wendy Bagwell road, C.H. James Parkway, Jimmy Lee Smith, Jimmy Campbell, Rockmart Highway etc....I have never lived anywhere that has so many names for one road as it is here in Georgia. I realize this has nothing to do with Bill Carruth, but it just made me think about one of my biggest irritations with the State of Georgia.
  4. I would just officially like to come out and declare that I am heterosexual. Phew, that's a weight off my chest.
  5. Do you know which logo is on the Alabama one, and how much? Roll Tide.
  6. So in conclusion no city or church in Hiram are having fireworks this year.
  7. Hiram animal hospital on 92 is amazing. They have a great staff and Dr Johnson has performed surgery on my dog and was great with the follow up.
  8. Its not just an increase in domestic production. Saudi's have also increased the amount available. But I don't know why anyone would be hyper over an economic down turn causing lower prices.
  9. Yes its great news that gas prices are down. Of course it means production is up, and demand is down due to a horrific ececonomy. Seems akin to being happy about your basement flooding because now you can swim indoors.
  10. So there is nowhere decent to eat in Paulding county? You are a piece of work. The Olive Tree in downtown Hiram has good food and a nice atmosphere
  11. Could you provide the cliff notes version please. Thanks in advance
  12. I always get those backwards, yes, I'm referring to Medicaid, not Medicare
  13. Have you ever been on Medicare? Have you seen how they handle that program? The waste? No accountability for those that are receiving it? Yes, it provides coverage to those who can't afford it, but do you think that without Medicare millions would have died, or do you think we may have been able to find better more cost effective ways to cover those who can't afford insurance or doctor bills
  14. We are not Europe, we don't want to be, we are the United States of America. Our healthcare system needs an overhaul. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone that would argue that point, but this is not the way.
  15. So basically.... Don't blame us you voted for the morons.
  16. Business is business conservative or liberal. If keeping 3 employees means I go in the tank, and losing them means I stay in business what do you think a business person will do? And for the record I don't own a business. I just work for a business that has slightly over 25 employees, and we don't offer healthcare coverage as of now.
  17. So if I have 27 employees, 3 are getting laid off
  18. What area of the county are you in? Car descriptions?
  19. The city of Hiram has an ampitheater (maybe on the small side) in the city park. They have had concerts there previously. I don't know if they have anything coming up.
  20. From my understanding, and I may be wrong, but that place suffers from the same issue that down town Hiram does, the businesses are on septic tanks, and not sewer. And now you can't open a restaurant in Hiram without having a sewer connection. I may be way off on that, it's 3rd hand information.
  21. Being heavily involved in a down town Hiram business, it's hard to keep businesses there because it's hard to make money. Some people don't know that those shops are there, or they would rather go elsewhere. We've been in business for going on 3 years and we still have people tell us that they didn't know we were there. To have a thriving quaint city business you have to have people willing to frequent them.
  22. I arrived in America's airport with clothings, US dollars, and a jar of gypsy tears to protect me from AIDS.
  23. And AFTER the ruling came out Obama stated they would not pick up illegals that are found by the document checks during legitimate stops. Read the article. This is in response to the upholding of the provision. They will not respond to the increased calls that will come in. He's basically saying you can call us about illegals but we aren't picking them up.
  24. For the record he ordered that AFTER the ruling. Not prior.
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