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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. Ya know, I want to say that 62 is still too cold for me to wear a t-shirt and flip flops, but seeing as how it has been so cold the last, well, forever, it might feel like a heat wave. I am most comfy in mid 80s to mid 90s. Ahhhh, that is so nice.
  2. I love this bakery. Everything is so good. What kind of cake flavor did you use? Growing up there was a local bakery where I am from, and all cakes came from there. They white cakes have kind of an almond flavor. I can't really explain it, other than I still make my mom get me a b-day cake from there every year. It's to die for, and I have never been able to find anything like it. So, that is why I was wondering, in case you got the almond kind.
  3. Haha.. I don't have the problem. He doesn't even come near me, let alone speak to me other than to say "goodbye, love you" in the mornings. I am the devil before I have my coffee. LOL
  4. Why did I dream that my friends Jessie and Sarah got married and became wife and wife? How strange... Yes, I too have some strange dreams.
  5. Jack Reacher you crack me up! I know what you mean about getting excited about 55. It was just a couple of weeks ago when I told a guy in Phoenix that first time in my life I was excited for the temps to be in the 30s. It was when we were in the single digits and teens. At least I went and got some apples today to munch on instead of junk. Or maybe it's 'cause I ate the leftover pizza for breakfast. UGH! COME ON SUMMER!
  6. I am so over this weather. I am going to be fat by the time summer gets here. All I want to do is eat junk food... it's just too cold to do anything else. I need to walk my dog, but it's too cold, so he's gotten a little chunky. The vet will not be happy about that I am sure. Oh, and not to mention that my back yard has been soggy and muddy for months. I can't even remember the last time it was dry, and you could walk out there without slipping or getting mud all over your shoes. But the thought of this makes me happy. My favorite beach: Lover's Beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I be
  7. I know mine took awhile, but that was back in 2007. We sent off for it in early spring and it took months. But, at that point in time for some reason they were taking longer than normal.
  8. That is awesome! When you get your pressure washer fixed let us see a video &/or pics!
  9. Hey TOW. I just saw this in the other thread. I am so, so sorry. It is so hard to lose a pet, especially one that has been your bud for such a long time. I seriously hope you find out who did this. I would be furious... there is no telling what I would do. If you do know who did this, then WHY did they? He is a piece of trash. Again I am sorry
  10. GeeTee - good for you! I wish you much success! I also wanted to say that KSU is a GREAT school! I transferred there from UTC several years ago but not into nursing. I went for middle grades education. The class sizes are small, they are non-traditional student friendly, and offer many classes at night that are not one night a week for 4 hours. The administration is great as is the ease of enrollment! It may be overwhelming at first, but there are many people there willing to help. Their education college is great and a lot of people go there for it, just like nursing. I know that their nu
  11. I had this problem at first... click under the number where it says for a "lighter version". It may bring up another window or take you from this site to the video (it did for me) but it was much quicker. It did count down, but it didn't take longer than 90 seconds. THere is something there to watch
  12. That really did make me laugh out loud! Good job
  13. Sorry.. I cannot give you a caption on this because when I look at that pic I am speechless. I wouldn't even know where to start...
  14. OMG... this one hates her whole family also, and hasn't spoken to them in years, either! She has kept in touch with her daughter (who only sees her a couple of times a year) and one sister, although she hates her sister's husband so there isn't a lot of contact there, either. I hope that we are talking about the same person, b/c I would hate to think that there are two mean women like this! lol
  15. Good for you! This woman's daughter won't even hardly talk to her. Isn't that sad?
  16. I am a very happy person. I love to laugh, and really don't let stuff get to me. I did have to work with a lady that hated the world, and that's ALL she talked about. She hated men. She hated kids. She hated people that didn't speak English. She even called Publix once to complain that they never left carts in the parking lot (outside of the corral) near the handicap spots so she wouldn't have to get a cart. It drove me nuts. It did depress me - I never wanted to come to the office. She was terrible. Just a mean, mean, mad woman. It is hard to stay up beat when THAT is what you li
  17. It may still have some value... I showed this to my husband last night before I read the whole thread. His hobby is, well, I don't know what you call it, but it has to do with metals and jewlrey. He tests his own metal and stuff. Anyway, he knew what it was right away as far as the type of metal b/c of the inscription on it in the pic. But another poster got to it first. Anyway, it was driving both of us crazy trying to find it on google . He's never seen anything like it and wanted to try to find out what it might be out of curiosity. Nothing. I found the pic at the link I posted but th
  18. I went to the Cartersville office. I think it was b/c that was the one for Paulding County residents. I wet a couple of times, and they were all just as equally busy to me. Just be prepared to wait. For what seems like forever and ever.
  19. MrsB

    day trips

    They also have the Creative Discovery Museum, Imax, and the Aquarium all right downtown next to each other. You could also take a day trip to Savannah. I don't know what all there is to do with kids, though. ETA: THere is also Coolidge Park across the river from down town. It has a carosel (sp?) and during the summer there is a large fountain that kids can play in. OTherwise, it's a nice place to eat lunch. There are also all the shops and little rest. along Frazier Street. There is the Walnut St. bridge (aka the "walking Bridge") that is a pedstrian bridge that takes you to Frazier fr
  20. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dargate.com/cat/231_auction/231_images/2706.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dargate.com/cat/231_auction/231_images/231catalog.htm&usg=__DJCjsj3ngardEPhRYW_s4MLEuk0=&h=337&w=450&sz=53&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=aGWIBWdsTM3KwM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmen%2527s%2Bcameo%2Bring%2B%252B%2Bsoldier%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1 I found this... scroll to 2706. If you click 2706 it brings up the pic of a similar ring.
  21. They aren't like either. Actually they are hard to describe.. it's like a cake with a honey flavor and a honey glaze. But you can really taste the honey, and it isn't over powering. I was suprised by it when I took a bite. Yum. PS - I also got a cheesecake cupcake, and my hubbs and I split that last night. I hate cheesecake, but these are so good! I will be getting those again.
  22. Mine had a good time in it. He was crackin us up; he was running and jumpming up then down to slide in it. It was so cute!
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