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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. I thought I was the only one that did that! I have gotten a craving for a roasted marshmellow and done this a couple of times... and giggled at myself for doing it. I had a Healthy Choice frozen dinner.
  2. Do you mean inside or outside? Base + commission, or just commission? I have been all of the above in two different industries. I liked outside sales - a lot. But after a while it gets old. Even when the money is good, you get tired of hotels, dinners with clients, and start to miss home. I did. I missed my husband a lot when I was in a hotel alone three to four nights a week. When the money is not so good it is even worse. My advice on it is this: know your product and know it well no matter what industry. If you don't know the answer to a client's question, then say I don't know. I
  3. Yep! Same here: cheese Krystals, fries, and a chili cheese pup.
  4. When I grow up I am going to be a mom like you LOL
  5. AHHHHAHAHAHA - this is cracking me up! Poor Fryn' is going to be looking over his shoulder for approaching cougers now! haha. This is too funny! FBBC - did your daughter kill you? lol
  6. I was just thinking about that. I wasn't right... the day I picked was Tuesday.
  7. awww... I can't see it either...
  8. I read this quickly, and read it as, "be careful getting a hoe in the house..." I LOL at myself, so I had to share.. If we are going to get it, I want it as early as possible tomorrow. Ugh. I really wish it'd do this on a weekday so I would get a snow day.
  9. LOL No kidding. I was just thinking that I need to stock up on beer and swing my the liquor store... my in-laws are coming for the weekend. teeheeheee That's funny.
  10. lol these are so funny! I think Guard dad is my fav....
  11. MrsB

    Gym question

    I think that is why I wasn't happy there. There really wasn't any interaction. It has been a while since I went though, maybe a year and a half to two years. I also enjoy classes, and they didn't offer any.
  12. Jack Reacher must be in front of your house. He posted this right when you did. Prayers for those involved.
  13. MrsB

    Gym question

    Where is AMW in Hiram? I used to have a membership at Workout Anytime, and well, I am just not a fan. I have been afraid to sign on anywhere else after having a contract with that one. I went, but didn't renew - I just didn't like it. Anyway, I too, need to join a gym. I am so out of shape it's not even funny. My best friend is a personal trainer. I gotta do something soon or she's gonna kill me. She lives too far away to train me herself.
  14. Did you know that there is a corner in Key West with your name on it? There is a Caroline St & an Elizabeth St that intersect. At the corner there is a huge concrete post with Caroline stenciled on one side and Elizabeth on the other. I saw it when we went in September and thought of you. lol
  15. I have only been down that road a handfull of times, but each time it scares me. People go way to fast for the area and those steep ditches. I hate that road.
  16. Nice avatar. Mine is b/c I am married and my last name starts with a B. I know. Super original. On FB I still go by my maiden name, however.
  17. Naw, I don't think so. Not face to face. I try very hard not to be snarky anyway. I am sure I have, but not on purpose. Like everyone else, I have had some bad days. That doesn't sound like a bad idea....
  18. Subby, you are right. It has been kind of dead lately. For a couple of weeks, actually. I don't know where everyone went.
  19. MrsB

    Vitamin D

    I need a tan. My vit. D is def. down. I always feel so good after being int he sun.
  20. I will never, EVER be able to understand why this happens. It is so hard to believe that other people could be so cruel. I know it's true, but I will never understand why. It breaks my heart.
  21. Don't. I did the same thing when I was new. I thought they were telling me to turn it on. I was like with what??
  22. lol When you click the link, type the passsword "ON" into the password box. Make sure it's in capital letters.
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