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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I'm so very sorry. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts. From the stories you told about your dad, he sounded like a really good guy.
  2. A heel? What is this? Leave it to Beaver?
  3. I agree. A mom knows when something isn't right with her kid. Tell mom to go with her gut and not to listen to people who will jump to conclusions that she wants to turn her child into a zombie. A mother looking for help for her child should be commended. So often parents look the other way hoping little Johnny will "grow out if it." "Maybe he needs more spankings". And what if he doesn't? What if it's more than that? Society is stuck with this kid who never got the help he needed because mom and dad looked the other way? No thanks. I wish more parents would open their eyes and be proacti
  4. I'm so sorry to hear. You will be in my thoughts.
  5. I heard from a very reliable source today that it is indeed closing.
  6. I saw the same thing, when I first drove by, I saw the bike and I saw a car pulled over on the side of the road. I thought maybe somebody had lost their bike that was tied to their car or something. By the time I reached the old dragstrip, a cop car went flying by me and then I thought to myself, oh crap, maybe somebody was on that bike and they got hit! I'm now thinking that's not the case. On my way back home, I saw the cop cars scattered everywhere. It looks like they're looking for someone.
  7. While I was at Kroger today, They kept making announcements over the loudspeaker that the EBT system was down. When I got the cash register, the girl asked me first and foremost how I plan to pay. I can only imagine the hell some of these cashiers have caught over this. Ya know, shoot the messenger. She seemed tired. We discussed whether or not it had something to do with the government shutdown. All I have to say is, damn. I have a very hard time believing this doesn't have to do with the government shutdown. And I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all. However, I possess a huge amount of c
  8. I'm willing to bet you gave them the best life ever. I'm sorry, I can only imagine.
  9. I'd say a week suspension and after school janitorial duties for a month. I mean , we are born naked. What the kid did was dumb but the naked body is not something to be horrified about. It's all about the intent. I doubt this kid streaked for arousal purposes.
  10. Dude, thanks for pulling this thread back up! I'm going to make Papi's chili recipe this weekend. Mmmmmm.
  11. Seriously, how did I miss this? I find myself saying this a lot lately. Now that it's a trend, I'm betting my daughter starts wearing matching socks again. That's a plus.
  12. I'm so out of the loop! I had no idea. ^^I've done that a few times. Just a few.
  13. I'm confused. Do you mean the socks don't match each other? Or the outfit?
  14. I know a family of 4 on Medicaid that just bought a new 4 wheeler. Yee haw! The husband has to have major dental work done and was complaining that Medicaid is making him pay $250 out of pocket!! Oh the humanity! Meanwhile, we pay A LOT for our health insurance every month, no dental. No coverage for therapy for my kid who needs it. Yes, I get quite angry when I see people taking advantage of the system. Buying luxurious items while depending on the government to pay their way. Must be nice. And yes, ::gasp:: I had a kid out if wedlock and I received Medicaid while pregnant. I worked up
  15. Correct. It doesn't provide medical benefits. It provides money for the private therapies insurance won't cover. For honest people anyway .
  16. I think some parents file because it's the only way they can get help for their child. Insurance companies aren't very friendly when it comes to disabilities that can't be seen.
  17. Fork. All of my favorite foods are more easily eaten with a fork. Such as steak.
  18. About 5 hours on low. Any longer than that, you risk drying it out.
  19. Pretty much. I have found some amazing recipes on Pinterest.
  20. When I was a kid, I could hear the train in downtown Powder Springs every night while I laid in bed. I miss it.
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