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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I accidentally gave you a +1. I personally don't see any reason for you to be so condescending.
  2. Our Elephant Ears got huge this year! All that rain... I haven't looked at them yet this morning.
  3. I'm one of "those" people. I don't know why? I like colors. That's said, I recently watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane on PBS. It was creepy, but good. That Bette Davis was quite the actress. I'm sure I have seen other black and white movies in my time, but I can't remember them.
  4. Roasted brown sugar salmon, Brussel sprouts and caramelized mushrooms with sherry bacon cream sauce, jasmine fried rice and garlic bread. I'm fancy tonight.
  5. Back when my daughter was a baby, I had a job cleaning and setting up racks of safety glasses to be sold at hardware stores. I sat in a room by myself all day and listened to talk radio. I loved The Kimmer. I loathed Dr. Laura. I won't be listening, but I'm glad to hear he's back, I thought he was dead.
  6. It turned out better than I thought.
  7. Admittedly, I don't watch much news, but I'm really surprised how little people are talking about this story. I really feel like people are becoming desensitized to school shootings. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. Same here. And I actually enjoy driving.
  9. I don't have any advice, I just want to wish you and your daughter the very best. ::Hugs::
  10. I made it last weekend, we ate it for three days after. Frito pie, chili dogs, chili nachos, chili... Mmmmmmm...CHILI. I have made 1001 chili recipes in my time, and Papis recipe is hands-down the best one I've made.
  11. We got a letter from our current insurance provider telling us that after the new laws kick in our monthly payment will be $750 a month should we decide to stay with them. No way we can afford that. We have yet to explore our options with the government plans. Let's hope we can find something cheaper. We are self employed, I'm not really sure what to expect. I'm not feeling too optimistic.
  12. Just wanted to update- my little boy was accepted to the program. This was his first week and he absolutely LOVES it. I can already tell such a difference in him. I'm thankful our county has a program like this, not all do. Anyway, just wanted to share. I am one happy momma.
  13. My whole family is from upstate NY. None of us have ever pronounced the T in Atlanta. And we are also proud of our Mohawk Indian heritage. I'm 1/8th, ya know.
  14. I have a FB friend who refuses to add an ed to certain words such as bake(ed) beans or tire(ed) out. She used granite instead of granted more than once, and little to no punctuation. Ever. I can't understand why people's family and close friends don't correct them when they make such obvious mistakes.
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