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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I had a good friend that worked in that building seceral years after that accident. He worked 3rd shift and said that all kinds of weird things happened in that building, lights on and off, stuff flying off tables and cabinets, etc.
  2. I would keep up with the Court date and appear to give my side of the story. Try to convince the Judge to order the dog put down. Take any and all witnesses you can find.
  3. Raidermom and I used to go there, but haven't been in a couple of years.
  4. tbird

    Break in

    Is this not the same thing where somebody else had caught the guy running in their back yard and they had a gun on him waiting for the deputies to arrive. I remember hearing the call, but I got busy and did not hear all of it.
  5. Whatever. At least I know what I am talking about and nothing is ever done without an attorney. Some folks can dish it out, but they can't take it.
  6. Just a little. Nahhhh. Nothing that she would not have done to somebody else.
  7. I am just bored this season. And yea--Bob "Seger" would be good. Anything with a little bit of a beat to it. All these slow songs are just boring.
  8. Headlights in rain and fog are one of my biggest pet peeves!!! I can't believe that people are so stupid and don't think about it. That's the first thing I do when I get in my car and it is is raining!!
  9. Sorry---that's pretty much why all of us get the Sunday AJC!!!!
  10. Murphy's Oil Soap works good on red clay. I used it many years ago when my son was a catcher and had white pants. I would use a tooth brush and rub it in the spots and then wash them in the washer. It also works good on oily mechanics clothes!!!
  11. I heard them calling for a helicopter and saying that 278 was shut down. It must have happened just a few minutes behind me--I had not been home 5 minutes and I heard it on the scanner. I am just on Hiram Sudie--so it couldn't have happened not too long after I went thru there--scary.
  12. tbird

    10,000 houses

    Considering the rise in foreclosures, I can believe it. Several years ago, my firm began advertising to the Paulding foreclosures. Back then--it was just barely over 100. Now we are looking at over 400 per month!!!!
  13. About 15 yrs ago I was very active at Ridge Road park and we were vandalized and broken into many times. Nobody was ever caught. I spent many hours with steel brushes trying to scrub writing off of concrete bleachers. The consession(sp) was broken into several times. We would come to prepare the field for a game and some idiot would have been out there cutting donuts in the infield. All of this was before they had the fence put up. It is just some kids that their parents have no idea where they are and what they are doing and they probably live really close by. I think in alot of those cas
  14. I pretty much did nothing. Getting over some stomach thing and still feeling a little "green". As far as leaves go--there is a reason God give me boys and he invented leaf blowers!!! And it really helps when they both have their own landscaping equipment!!!!
  15. If I was going to move near a beach---it would have to be on the Gulf. Tybee Island beaches do not come close to the beaches on the Gulf, although it is a nice place. I am not fond of the Atlantic side of FL--just not near as pretty.
  16. West end of Panama City Beach--I know exactly which neighborhood I would live in too!!!
  17. Most folks don't spend the night in jail when they are arrested. Especially if she was turning herself in--her bail and everything was already set up. Just depends on how quick the folks at the sheriffs department want to shuffle the paperwork. She will probably be there anywhere from 2 to 6 hours for the paperwork to be done. Bondsmen work 24 hours for that reason.
  18. She is only a municipal court judge--no big deal. That is like the City of Hiram's judge. Still pretty dumb for an attorney and she knows that she is in trouble if she has hired Jimmy Berry!!! One of my attorneys sits on the bench in Juvenile court when the other judge is on leave--but he is not a "true" judge--just a fill in.
  19. Back in 2004 they paid for my paralegal schooling. 100% of tuition and books were paid for.
  20. There are jobs out there. One of the girls in my office just got another job at a bigger law firm and got a hefty raise plus full benefits. She lives in Smyrna and will be driving to Lenox area, not for me, but she doesn't mind. We also just hired her replacement.
  21. Drew Lane is the District Attorney. Don't know who the assistants are right now. That job is pretty much a stopping ground for attorneys to gain some experience and go out on their own or to a firm and practice. Most counties have a pretty good turnover with their ADA's. Unless it's Eleanor Dixon in Cobb County--love me some Nancy Grace and Eleanor!!
  22. You would be surprised at how many folks walk in my office with their kids (older kids, 10 and up) and discuss all their money (or lack thereof) and debt and discuss Bankruptcy. Just blows my mind.
  23. If you look on weather.com--there is a break in the storm but then another small round of heavy snow and then a mix--heading straight for Paulding.
  24. YUK YUK YUK. I think he majorly screwed up not letting Allie come back and letting Via go home.
  25. I don't like either one of them. Tinley needs to get over her ex. I am so tired of every other sentence being something about her ex!!!
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