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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Hadn't really thought about that---but you are right!!! How many other nationalities do you know that use tanning beds???? I have only seen us white folks in the tanning salons.
  2. If I made 150K per year---I would not be poor mouthing about my medical bill. If they billed you incorrectly---put it in writing and fight it. Send copies to both the hospital and insurance company. Once they see the "cc" on the bottom of the letter and they know you have made the insurance company aware--they will more than likely correct the error. I do not work anywhere in the medical field. I work for an attorney--but not a PI or litigation atty.
  3. I use Dawn dish detergent on everything now. When my son was in high school--he cooked at a restraurant (sp) and always got grease spots on his shirts. Dawn always took it out.
  4. I would let my insurance company know about it. As for suing the hospital---I am against suing anybody unless they have causes you major bodily damage that will effect your ability to take care of yourself and make a living to support yourself. I can't stand it when people go "sue" crazy--all they want it free money and it winds up costing pepole like me in the long run.
  5. There are a couple of goodwill type stores out on Canton Road--I have seen patio stuff at them on several occasions.
  6. Yeah--but when you work 50-60 hrs a week and make more money than they do, are single and you can't afford to take your grandkids to Disney for a week--it certainly does pi$$ you off. it is like I am penalized for working and paying my own way.
  7. Sorry--no yard work here. That's why God give me 2 sons that are landscapers!!!! Now the tax thing--heck we would probably just have to pay even more!!! Just our luck.
  8. Considering that I own my home (no mortgage) and I am single with no dependants---all these folks are getting my money!!! The last 2 years, I got about $500 back, but this year I am going to have to pay. Single and 0 all year and I have to pay!!!!! Yea--it pi$$es me off. Even when my kids were younger--I never got nore than about 1500-2000 back on my taxes. Guess because I was always honest???
  9. Thank god it is over!!! Painful. And I was really looking forward to them singing the Stones!!
  10. Ok--Honky Tonk Woman is so-so. She put too much of a country twist on it--should have been a little more SOUL in it.
  11. Wasn't impressed with him either. Sounded too country. Never heard Rolling Stones' songs sound so BORING before in my life!!!
  12. OMG---can you butcher a song any worse???? Gimme Shelter is one of my all time faves and this guy just totally ruined it. I would have rathered to see one of the girls sing it than him.
  13. Although I have not read the law, I have been told that a first mortgage cannot go after you after foreclosure.(Something Obama supposedly enacted) Most of the time--they never did anyway. A second mortgage is a totally different story. They know that they will never get any money from the sale of a house after the fisrt mortgage takes their foreclosure fees, real estate fees, etc. They will begin legal collections almost immediately after a foreclosure. At that point it is considered a secured debt. I see it on a weekly basis at work.
  14. I agree 100%. When my kids were teens, they all got tickets (window tint, speeding, loud music). They had to pay the fines and their attorneys (yes we got an attorney for one of the tickets). My nephew lost his license for speeding--got caught in Powder Springs. He was speeding--he deserved it. Hasn't got a speeding ticket since and he is now 28 yrs old. If the family hired an attorney and he still lost his license--there is probably more involved than known. I have a feeling that he might have gotten several violations and a few got dropped and this one stuck.
  15. Does animal contral have cages big enough to catch one in??? We used a cat cage and caught at least 15 wild cats and kittens and a couple of possums.
  16. I agree with you 100%. It never fails when I take my grandkids to the movies--some big huge guy comes in and sits right in front of one of the kids. Never mind that he could have put one of the kids in that seat. So then, we have to distract everybody becuase we are having to swap seats. And then you have the folks that wait until the movie starts and decides to go to the concession stand---and they are always the ones that are sitting in the middle of the row and have to crawl over everybody. My motto is once we are int hat chair--we aren't leaving until the movies is over!!!
  17. Ribeyes on the grill, baked potatoes and salad.
  18. Just heard this call on the scanner. Rescue, Clarks and deputies are headed there. As the mother of a 26 yr old---conerns me. Accidents can happen so easily.
  19. Back when I did collections, we used the credit report first. You cansometimes get new employment and bank accounts from it. You look at the inquiries and that can help you find bank accounts, etc. I know that there are many more websites to use now, but I don't know them.
  20. Yep--I am one of the few that has been on Hiram Sudie for 40+ years. I basically remember when we knew everybody that lived on this road--and most of the folks that lived on the sside roads!!!!!
  21. Yep--in 6:00 traffic on Barrett Parkway and Dallas Highway--not much of anywhere else to go. And besides that--any time I got a space to go around her--she creeped over and started crossing the line. My car has already been hit by a little old lady that had no business driving--don't want to go thru that again. Sorry that you folks don't get my point. For a young driver to be driving in that fashion, talking on the cell phone, smoking, reaching all over the car---you would think that most folks would have a problem. I bet if she had caused a wreck--you would all be saying that if she h
  22. You really need to be thankful that she made it home. I got behind this car on Barrett, just past the mall. It was raining really hard, white rain and you could barely see a foot in front of your car. She never turned her headlights on, was talking on the phone, smoking and constantly flinging her hand around. Of course--she was all over the road. I don't know what else she was doing, but she was constantly leaning down like she was messing with the radio or something. The road was standing in water at a lot of places and she almost lost control a couple of times. There were 2 other girls
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