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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I think it is called Maui Tan. They have 3 salons down Dallas Highway. Both Kroger shopping centers in Marietta and they also have one in that strip beside Walmart. I usually go to the one down on Whitlock--not too crowded when I leave work. I have used the one beside Walmart and they were expanding last year. They have AWESOME beds!!
  2. Went once years ago with the kids. Way too over priced and touristy for me. Give me some Dusty's or Boondocks any day!!! Or go down back beach where you turn to go to the "Y" and get some steamed shrimp--can't remember the name of the place--but it is a little whole in the wall.
  3. Mine is $35 a month and I can you ANY bed in the salon. Hot, Super, Bronze, Standup or Turbo--unlimited. They have 3 locations so I can go on my way home from work and there is one here in PC to use on the weekends. Their beds are the best I have found in the last few years. I just don't buy my lotions from any of the salons--I get mine wholesale. Not going to pay their prices. Got a bottle last week that retails for $125 (stupid) and only paid $25 for it--they got a double shipment and wanted to get rid of it.
  4. Out of the three running--Donovan will have my support. We all know that lane needs to go---he still has over 4000 cases sitting up there waiting to be tried. As far as Foster's son-in-law goes---he is riding on coat tails. How in the heck can you be a DA if you don't even practice criminal law???? Makes no sense to me at all. Madea---stop by the office next Tuesday afternoon---fundraiser going on!!!
  5. I am sure that the business is hurting. Probably not long until the landlord kicks her out or locks the doors. As far as filing BK---attorneys will work with you on the fees. At that point--you aren't paying any bills anyway (except the mortgage and car payments--if you want to keep them), so you have extra money to go towards attorney fees. Sleep at night---it doesn't bother some folks at all. I have people come in and cry during a complets intake--and then others will sit and tell you that they got everybody for what they could??? I am not in any way trying to put a damper on what
  6. NO--Bankruptcy doesn't cover criminal or any type of fraud--but it will cost you a fortune to have it declared non-dischargable. In order to do that--you have to file an AP with the Bankruptcy Court and I don't know an attorney around the metro area that doesn't charge 4000 to 5000 to do that. It is very complicated and time consuming to file an AP. If you get somebody cheaper than that--you are wasting your money. They don't know what they are doing and are just trying to make a quick buck in the BK court. We usually advise people that if the debt isn't at least 3 or 4 times the amount of att
  7. After you get a Judgement, you can garnish any bank accounts (you have to do the leg work to find the account). With a FIFA, it does place a lien on personal belongings, but if the person files personal bankruptcy, the liens an be avoided. All they have to do is shut that bbusiness down and reopen under another name. Is that fair--no--but that's the way that big businesses do all the time. I do hope that you filed the lawsuit in both names--business name and personal name of the owner??? That is the ONLY way to do it--then you can try to go after both. But in this day and time---it is usually
  8. I just iron as I wear. I found that if I ironed and then put in the closet--I had to touch it up when I got it out to wear. AND I IRON EVERYTHING. When my kids were little--I had a teacher tell me that it really wasn't necessary to put creases in their sweatpants!!! Only 1 of my kids kept up with it--and it is my oldest son. His wife does not know how to operate and iron--so he irons his and his sons clothes. She uses the dryer---LAZY.
  9. I had water when I got home---did a load of clothes. The break was closer to 61, so I don't think we were bothered.
  10. I like the first one better. Both are nice---I can see where you are having a hard time.
  11. I use apple cider vinegar with just about all my meats on the grill. It makes steaks really tender.
  12. AT&T is not the only one to offer home phone--I have TMobile home phone and it is only $10 a month. Dropped AT&T phone, but had to keep their internet. Still saves me at least $50 a month.
  13. It is very hard to prove that the time limit has expired on a debt. We have tried it several times at work and only had one company go away. I think if they can show that they sent 1 letter in that time period--they win. If I am not mistaken---there has to be absolutely no activity on the account for that period of time, whether it be the original creditor or a collection agency. A decent company will turn the account over to an attorney's office for collection and not use a collection agency. With doing that---that attorney's office is going to make sure that the debt does not go stale. W
  14. BE VERY LEARY OF DEBT SETTLEMENTS. They do not tell you this, but at the end of the year, they will turn the forgiven part of the debt over to the IRS and it will eat you alive. Example--if your debt is 10K and they settle for 4K--you get hit with 6K in unearned income--which is taxed at a higher than normal rate. They do the same thing for charged off debts. The only way to get around it is to pay in full or file bankruptcy. They cannot do the IRS thing with a debt that is included in bankruptcy.
  15. I have lived hera all my life, was in elementary school when Hiram was 12 grades (it split up when I was in the second grade). I think that sign has been there for many, many years--or at least as long as I can remember.
  16. That is my worst pet peeve!!! I can't stand it when folks do that. And if you ever notice--the majority of them go right across Hiram Sudie on to Nebo--so they absolutely know that the lane is ending. It is the same way on Dallas Highway where the 4 lane ends. Just burns me up when folks do that.
  17. If you read the fine print on the contract (with any debt), the loan is considered delinquent after the due date. Most places give you a grace period, but that it just a common courtesy.
  18. Loans are sold all the time. If they are 2 payments behind---I am sure they are looking to repo. By law--they can actually repo the day after the due date--but nobody does. It is up to the lender as to whether they are allowed to get the car back, but they would probably want payoff plus any repo charges. All perfectly normal---especially from a buy here pay here. They are usually the worst to deal with.
  19. He needs that money to pay for his 3 million dollar house in Florida--and the condos and houses his wife is buying in Panama City Beach!!!! Yes--I know them--not friends, but aquaitance(sp). All I can say is BRAGGERS. And the funny thing is---his wife hates the sun, beach and sand---go figure?????
  20. It does that to me with a friend of mine that died last year. FB has no way to know that these folks die and until some family member or friend that might know the login goes in and shuts it down---it will continue. But I will say that on my friends birthday--everybody was posting to her page and it was fun reading the post. She was originally from Panama and everybody was posting some little something about her.
  21. Pimento cheese sandwich and chips. Just mad because I picked up the plain pimento cheese and meant to get the one with the jalapenos in it!!!
  22. My son called to see if I had heard anything on the scanner--I had just walked in the door. He said that they were all in a subdivision and had the dog out. I haven't paid attention to the scanner--been busy.
  23. It is a gorgeous place, but looks really out of place.
  24. I vote English Only--of course. I just wonder what they would do if a bunch of us "white folk" gathered to protest the racist tanning bed tax law??? We are pretty much the only ones that use tanning beds, but yet they are going to benefit from the tax--while I pay $568 amonth for my private insurance. All the while---my tax dollars are paying for them and their half dozen kids to get FREE medical care.
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