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Everything posted by tbird

  1. We went there almost every weekend when I was a kid!!! Loved it.
  2. The verdict is really an embarrassment to the attorney that filed the lawsuit!!! Go in and ask for 2.8 million and come out with 40K????? Not gonna help his reputation at all.
  3. I have the Acer netbook and I love it!!! It is just for fun. I have my Dell desktop that it primarily used for work. I have all of my Bankruptcy programs and such on there and can do everything from home. I got my Acer on black friday last year--$199. Can't beat it. As far as the kindle--don't have one. Not sure if I would like it or not. I have noticed on most of the emils that I recieve from Borders that they have a lot of ebooks for $4.99 and up. You can do all of the above with the IPad--if you like Mac--which I hate.
  4. You could be right about Shawna. I think one of her neighbors complained last time. I can't imagine her having anything unorganized and harmful!!!! Just neighbors being A$$eS!!!
  5. As much as I would LOVE one--the more I think about it--just not possible. Just thinking about buying those 18 inch tires make me sick!!!!
  6. But if he is a nice guy--he will go ahead and pay the whole thing--since I am sure that he has more money than his guys that were also involved. I am sure that 40K won't bother him too much!!
  7. OK!!! It's just funny because my DIl just called to say that my grandson had broke a tooth and it had turned purple??? She was freaking out and I told her just to wait and call the dentist on Monday---unless he was in severe pain.
  8. And the funny thing is, after his attorney takes his 40% and the $6000 in medicals are paid (which is required--the attorney will pay them out of the settlement--or reimburse the insurance company[if he had any]), the guy will wind up with $18K. Oh well--it's $18K more than he had before he sued Kid Rock.
  9. It's not somebody with an 8 yr old boy, starts with B and has a broken tooth???
  10. My grandaughters clogging team will be performing several nights (not sure which ones). They dance on the stage around all the food buildings. Lots of Paulding County kids in the group.
  11. I LOVE my Mustang althoug I am looking to trade--just want something different. Anybody want to buy a 2005 Mustang, 6 cyl, GT wheels, 77K miles???? Would make a great car for a teenager with the 6 cyl.
  12. This story was led to make you believe that she was a student at PCHS--which is not true. That is my point. Had the accident not happened---she could have possibly gotten in trouble for just being on campus since she is not a student there--especially if it was during school hours (even if it was 5 minutes before school let out). I am sure that either before school or after school--the resource officer (or whoever is directing traffic now) stops traffic in order to let walking students cross the road. Even though I don't travel that way during school hours, I have lived not far from there
  13. I did not think that students from other schools were allowed on campus during school hours??? Unless they are with parents or such??? I am very sorry about what happened to your daughter and family---but the story has still been reported incorrectly. That is the whole point here. I know it is very easy to do--but don't take this stuff personally. It is all about the fact that the reporter did not do her job as she should have. A reporters job is to report the facts and we just don't feel that this was done.
  14. He was my Dad's Dr. for many years and my Dad also did work for him--at the office and home. My Dad thought the world of him and always praised him. My Dad died before he retired, but he was always very good to him with working with his other Dr.s and talked extensively with him about his Parkinson's Disease.
  15. Just saw this again on the 11:00 news and the guy reporting said that she was crossing the road "to go to school". They just refuse to get the story straight.
  16. I agree 100%. This whole story is soooo misleading. She at least needs to get on there and say that she was not a student at PCHS and the fact there there are no crosswalks had nothing whatsoever to do with this case.
  17. Yeah---what she said. I am in no way bashing anybody, but the story that was on TV is not the TRUE story. Yes, she got hit by a car and I am realy and truly glad that she is doing better, but to make it out like she is a student and was not at fault at all---is totally misleading. If she darted in front of a car--they need to state that--period. As far as fighting for crosswalks--yes they are needed, but don't use this situation, which would have happened whether there had been crosswalks or not.
  18. OK--just watched this and from what I have read on here--it was a little misleading. They made you think that she was a student at the high school--which she wasn't. From everything that has been said about this---the lack of crosswalk and guard had nothing to do with this accident. I do agree that if they are going to make kids (of any age) walk to schoool, that there should be crosswalks and guards. Just look at how different the roads look around Cobb County schools vs Paulding County. But I still don't get why this was portrayed as an accident with a child basically walking to
  19. I second that!!! Both of my bosses used Tim when they bought their houses in Brookestone and they loved him!!! And the fact that he is my cousin doesn't hurt!!!!
  20. 1. Enough money to quit work and move to Florida. Don't need millions--just enough to live a simple life--ON THE BEACH. 2. To keep my family around forever. 3. To have my Daddy back--I really miss him and his corny jokes!! And maybe a man like Trace Adkins!!!!
  21. Making Bill Carruth a butt load of money. If I am not mistaken--he owned pretty much all of that land and has probably sold it off and getting paid to clear it off. Can you say crooked???? Just like he owned the land to begin with when it was sold to the State--he bought it after it was planned while he was Commissioner/
  22. I would get the pink and white--since you are wanting the french manicure already. That way the white tips won't chip off like they do with just polish. Nothing looks worse than to see somebody with a ragged paint job!!! And if you do any sort of housework, dishes, etc--it's gonna happen!! I quit getting the french and went to the american--just because of the chipping on the ends. The american is not quite as bright of a white and looks more natural to me. And I I have my own nails--but I get manicures at least once a month.
  23. I guess in her own way--she got the death penalty after all. I heard a funny story about this back before all the trials began. She actually made a cake and took it to her attorney's office for all the work he was doing. Now go figure---if you are on trial for anti-freeze killings--do you honestly think they are going to eat anything that you make????? Let's just say that it landed in the trash the minute she walked out the door.
  24. I think there is more to this story than we are being told......
  25. It is still being used as an elementary school--I think???
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