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Everything posted by tbird

  1. The only thing in PCB is June Grass--slimey bright green seaweed stuff. It was totally clear until Sunday. We went out to Crooked Island--right before you get to Mexico Beach--on Sunday and everything was clear there also.
  2. Very simple salmon casserole, english peas and garlic bread.
  3. I very rarely disagree with you, but this time I certainly do. Just the fact that the SWAT team was called out---I am amazed that it took that long to get on here. On the other hand, our officers are supposed to set examples. How can they enforce the law when they don't abide by it??? We try to teach our kids that a police officer is someone that can help them and they should trust them. Yes, if not for the alcohol--this might not have happened, but he only has himself to blame. I am sure that there was not somebody at his house holding him down and making him drink until he got to t
  4. WSBTV.com has a more in depth story posted.
  5. Do they still have the double red flags up???? Hope they go away soon!!
  6. If they are really big--they might be tough. We always picked ours pretty small so they would be really tender.
  7. We are heading down Wednesday. Staying way down on the west end of Front Beach. My friend that lives down there says the water is clear but very rough--double red flags--because of the storm. Hope it passes by Wednesday!!! Of course the grandkids will be happy at the pool--but I don't like the idea of driving 6 hours to go to the pool!!!
  8. I am heading that way for fireworks shortly. Will park in my office parking lot adn just sit there. We are right past the Courthouse and can see perfectly from there. Just hope that everybody hasn't taken up our parking lot--you know--too cheap to pay for parking. Our boot guy is usually out there during the day--just because folks trash the parking lot (too lazy to take a few steps and throw their trash in the dumpster).
  9. I went years without a diswahser and finally broke down several months ago and bought a new one. I use it a couple times a week. I never really minded wahsing dishes before--it was putting them up that I hated (and I still do). I iron EVERYTHING that I wear, and I iron it as I wear it. I also use spray starch. Very few of my clothes actually go in the dryer--I just hang them on the shower rod. I pretty much just put towels in the dryer. I do not have an ice maker and never have. Have just not bothered to have the line put in. Doesn't bother me to do the ice trays. Ice cream maker--
  10. Go to different PCB websites. They are offering discounts everywhere. I have a condo for $100 a night on my own.
  11. How do they run the tag numbers and such if they aren't hooked up to some sort of internet??? I am not a computer genius--but seems like they would have to have some sort of connection.
  12. Maybe they are waiting on the SPLOST money???? JK Sorry, just couldn't help myself. Sometimes it is what is under the road and how they prepare it that makes these bumps. Maybe not enough people have complained about it--heck the county might not even know about it at all.
  13. 9 MORE DAYS!!!! Can't wait!!!!
  14. Like I said in another post--all you folks that are voting "NO"--I sure hope that your house doesn't catch on fire and they need to use one those nice fire trucks purchased with that SPLOST money. Then you would have to eat your words.......
  15. Tax money does not pay for the children to play--they provide a place for them to play. If parents can't afford for them to play, each park usually has a few scholarships for folks that can truly not afford it. I know we did when I was involved in Ridge Road many years ago. Lots of the fields would let the parents do some extra concession stand work or something like that in place of paying. If the parent really wants their child to play and cannot afford it---they should be more than happy to do some extra work. I was a single parent and never got help from their dad--all 3 of my kids played
  16. Obviously you did not read my post. In a Ch 7--you do not pay the unsecured creditors. And you CANNOT keep "your best credit card". You will have to testify under oath that you no longer have credit cards. If you still have any in your possession--the Trustees make you turn them over to your attorney so they can be destroyed. If you know folks that have had to pay back their debt---either they were in a CH 13 (maybe to stop a foreclosure) or they had recently ran up their credit cards and the creditor filed an AP against them (pretty much a fraud type thing). as far as attorneys go---
  17. We had enough aminities before everybody started moving out here. Then they bitched and belly ached because we did not have what they left in Cobb and Douglas. Now we are getting it and they don't want to help pay for it????? Most folks can afford a few extra cents on a purchase than they can several hundred dollars in one pop at tax time. Makes a whole lot more sense to me. You aren't going to miss a few cents. And I hope that your house never catches on fire or you never need the Sheriff's department for anything. You say you aren't using the aminities--right??? Same difference.
  18. Not even going to waste my time reading all of this. From the little bit that I did read---I just hope that all you folks that want to vote against it either move out of the county or at least do not use any of the services that this SPLOST will fund. Get real folks----property taxes cannot pay for everything. I would much rather pay an extra penny sales tax because I know that the person behind me in line, that rents and does not pay property taxes, is paying just like me. Yeah--the owner of the property pays some taxes, but it is sortof like a bonus for the otehr person to pay. Don't
  19. Since the laws changed in 2005, it is very difficult to file a pro se case. If the Judges or Trustees see that there are any problems with the case at all--they will tell you to go hire an attorney. At that point--it will cost you even more money for an attorney to take over a case. Very few pro se cases actually make it to the closing and Discharge of the debts, which is the ultimate goal. As far as paying back when you file BK--in a Chapter 7, you only pay for what you want to keep (mortgages, cars, furniture, etc.) Unsecured debt is Discharged. If you are surrendering your house, cars,
  20. have them check out our websites. www.cobbcountylaw.com www.bankruptcyrob.com Each attorney there has a specialty. All Mr. Rickman and Ms. Hong practice in is Bankruptcy. We also have criminal defense and personal injury attorneys.
  21. I got GA Bulldog ones at the Halmark store at the AVENUES. My grandaughter says that Borders at the mall has the best selection?????
  22. I have a goiter on my thyroid and take the .3 Synthroid, the highest dose available. I never feel any different when I take my meds or when I don't. Occassionally I will feel a tightness in my throat--but that is all. Earlier this year, I went through the whole scan and biopsy thing--but everything is fine. I use Dr. Siddiq and he sees me every 3 months to keep tabs on it.
  23. tbird


    Marietta Diner. I had their Fancy Chicken Salad for lunch today. Wonderful. It is about $8 and has a HUGE amount of chicken, mozzarella cheese, artichokes, and grilled peppers with a spring mix. I eat mine plain--doesn't need any dressing at all.
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