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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I think they can. Doesn't hurt to try. Heck, if she can get it--I would think everybody can. I do know several people that had ligitament claims and got more than her--hers is the smallest that I know of.
  2. I know of a girl in PCB that quit her 40 hr a week job back in the spring because she had a bright idea to go to work at a bar and try to make it to bartender to make some big bucks. She has never done bartending work--so go figure. Several of the younger girls in the neighborhood are bartenders and make good money. They are in their early 30's, got the good looks going for them 100%. This other person is 48 and looks like she is in her late 50's--rode hard and put up wet. She just wants to be like the younger girls--not gonna happen!!! Well, she goes to work at the bar, they make her a ho
  3. What kind of vehicle was she in??? I know a Becka that travels 120 all the time.
  4. I remember the Hardy's---went to school with them and then run into the oldest when we worked together at the big bomber plant. Are you on the Hiram end or the dallas end??
  5. Which house is it??? You live behind me--I am on Sudie. Used to know everybody back there on that road--but not anymore!!! THings like that happen when you live here for about 45 yrs!!!
  6. I know of somebody that got a virus from clicking on a banner add on Pcom. I won't be doing that!!!
  7. Arbor Place had gotten pretty bad. We were there this weekend and I could see a big change. It did not look like you were in the "hood"--if you know what I mean. I normally just go to Town Center from work, but since I couldn't find anything at Macy's Friday night, I decided to give Arbor a try and I was very satisfied.
  8. They have an off duty Cobb County officer in the chase. From the bits and pieces I have picked up--it might have started with him.
  9. Problem is---if he shuts the business down--there is nothing to go after. If the business owns assets--a judgement could attach to those, but collection is still unlikely. If a lawsuit is filed--all names of business owners can be named since most business debt is personally guaranteed. However, all they have to do is shut the business down and file a personal bankruptcy and nothing is collectible. Seen it too many times.
  10. Wasn't surprised at all--since it was in "Crackworth"!!!
  11. There is actually a child support worksheet that is used--per GA law--to figure child support now. It takes both parents income into consideration.
  12. If you are made to pay any of her debt in the final divorce decree---you CANNOT file Bankruptcy and get rid of it. It is considered non-dischargable with the new Bankruptcy laws. Your debt only--yes.
  13. Then it had to be really close to my house. Will have to ask my Mom about it tomorrow, since I was at work. All that noise and traffic probably drove my little dog crazy!!! He can hear traffic when it backs up in front of the house in the afternoons and goes crazy. Hope everybody is OK. We have had some really bad accidents right around us over the years--including several cars that wound up upside down in our yard.
  14. My neighbor is "disabled", but he gets his tractor (not a small garden type) and his dunebuggy (which is really loud) and starts playing at bedtime. Roaring that dunebuggy up and down the road wide open. Heaven knows what he is doing with that tractor. Thankfully there is a little patch of woods between us---and I do not live in a subdivision.
  15. I agree with you, although I have had no problem adjusting to my netbook. I mainly just use it for surfing, so it's not a big deal. It could NEVER be my only computer--hence the Dell desktop--which I only use if I am working from home. As far as somebody hating the netbook and the Kindle---either you are a Mac person or you aren't--I AM NOT!!! I have to use Mac at work and I hate it more and more everyday. Mac is not for a law office, but since the bosses don't work on it the way we do--they don't see that. We were supposed to be problem free once we got the Mac's, but we still have proble
  16. I can totally understand if this includes pawn shops and such--but childrens clothes??? Even adult clothing---It's just crazy!!! I would not be going there anymore--too much trouble. And then the shops will probably start charging more and bring your percentage down.
  17. I have not heard that on the scanner, but then again it has been crazy and I have been in and out of the room--hard to keep up with it tonight. At this point--nothing would surprise me!!!
  18. You are more than likey correct on that. Sad, but true.
  19. Maybe click on the My Conversations--to the left of the screen???
  20. tbird


    That whole thread was about a news clip that was reported incorrectly--period. Whether it be the reporter or the mother--it was wrong. Leaving out very key issues and being very "bland" about the situation is not being honest. The whole story was made PC out to look like some podunk place--again. From the descriptions that we got on here---the actual accident occured a good bit aaway from the high school---not directly in front of it. Kids walk that all the time--going to the store. They did it when I was in school, when my kids were in school and I am sure that they still do. Cee
  21. Sears on Roswell Street JC Penney in Town & Country Shopping Center K Mart on Roswell--when they had the grocery store on one side. Marietta Square. I remember shopping all of those as a child. My mother used to buy just about all of her clothes at a shop on the Marietta Square--back when you could afford it!!! And I pretty much clothed my kids from the Rich's at Cobb Center. Would go there on my lunch and rack up!!! Especially when they had the kids shoe department. That was the only way I was able to keep all 3 of my kids in name brand clothes!!!
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