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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird


    I am 2 blocks off the Square. Sounds like the roof is coming in any minute!! Hope it slows down before time to leave. Between the folks that don't realize that you are supposed to turn your headlights on (pet peeve) and the idiots that just plain can't drive in the rain--it will be a miserable ride home.
  2. Hehe---I was talking about being in Paulding County in general. But you are correct also. Anybody that knows Sam--knows that he is a lifetime resident, graduated from the old Hiram High School (he was a senior when I was in the first grade and I have the annual with his basketball pictures!!). He then, if I am not mistaken, donated his old basketball uniform to the new Hiram High School--just like my mother donated her high school ring. And he also ran an ambulance service along with the funeral home when he was partners with Jeff. I actually lived next door to Sam during that time.
  3. OH MY GOD. Guess you haven't been around here long. Sam was a paramedic/emt for many years back when he was partners with Jeff Eberhart(back in the 70's and 80's) and he worked on his own business, if I am not mistaken, after he went on his own. I am sure that he was certified at that time--and probably still is. I have seen many police cars clear intersections for another emergency vehicle. They do what is needed. So I guess you are saying that your "new company" that you are probably involved with would not go to those lengths to save a life???
  4. Marietta Fish Market is the best around. I have a friend that now lives in PCB. Before she sold her house up here and stayed the winters here--that was the only place she would eat seafood. Most like FLA seafood than anywhere else around.
  5. My thoughts are with you and Phillip. You know where to find me--if you need anything.
  6. I have not began my shopping yet. Although we have really trimmed down our Christmas budget in the slast few years. We only buy for the little kids (grandkids and for my mother great grandkids). At first I had a hard time with not buying for my grown kids, but I at least get them some small something. They all understand since 2 out of 3 now have kids to buy for. Last year, I bought the sons a pair of jeans and a shirt and give the DIL and daughter stuff for their house (which they had mentioned that they wanted). Very minimal--but at least something.
  7. You are so right!!! Just about every time I visit the Walmart on 41 in Marietta--I walk out just shaking my head. Never fails that I get behind a family of Mexican decent that is paying for their groceries with food stamps and WIC. Then you go to the parking lot and they are loading the groceries into a Suburban or Denali that is probably worth 30K to 40K with 3K or 4K worth of tires and wheels on it. Makes me think that I might could afford one of those big expensive SUV's if I didn't have to pay for their groceries!!(with my tax money).
  8. So far--all of Clark's stations have been manned. No need for other services. They could be coming in the county for non-emergency transport from Paulding Hospital to another one. I do applaud all of Sam's employees for sticking with him. Like my DIl said--she trusts Sam and she is in that business to help people. She cannot just jump ship and leave the people of Paulding County stranded with no help.
  9. I agree 100%. They can even file liens on personal injury cases, that way, when the person settles--they will get something. Most attorneys will offer a percentage--but that is better than nothing. Sad thing is they might have to wait several years to even get that--but again--better than nothing.
  10. Freebird--I usually agree with you on just about everything--so this is gonna hurt. I understand that the County should see that the books are legit. You have been invited more than once to look go to their office and see for yourself. Have you done that yet??? If I had extra money, I would bet that all the books are on the up and up. Yes, maybe there needs to be some strong arm collecting implemented, but then again--you can't get blood from a turnip. As stated in a previous post---insurance information is not taken from the patient at the time of transport. It is that patient o
  11. OK--I have had enough of this. I have not watched the news, don't get home in time to watch it. My DIL works for Sam as an EMT. She still works there and plans on staying there. She has even gone to the office on her own time (not paid) and tried to help out with some billing and collecting. As she stated today--she trusts Sam. She knows that he is having hard times--as most businesses are today. She will continue to do her job and serve the people of Paulding County because that is what her job is. In no way will any of this have any bearings on how she renders care to the people
  12. Most mortgage companies are foreclosing before a year. I see them anywhere from 4 months to 18 months, but mostly 6-7 months and the foreclosure proceedings are started.
  13. I just love folks that are passionate about ironing!!! And magic sizing too!!! To me--you can wear the cheapest clothes you can buy and if they are pressed really well--you look like a million dollars!!!
  14. Well, I am sure that a business like Sam's expects not to get paid for ambulance rides--but funerals???? That's many thousands of dollars. Why would ANYBODY expect somebody to bury their family for free???? If you can't afford it is one thing and you go with a very economical service. No days folks are going more with creamation because it is much cheaper and it makes sense to me.
  15. I never was the type of person to wait and do all my washing on the weekends. With 3 kids, I washed at least a load of towels and a load of colored clothes every night. I might not have got much more done during the week, but at least the washing was kept up. Weekends were for washing beds!! Now that it is just me, I do towels about every 3 days and I wash my clothes from work just about every night. Just about everything I wear is washed on a gentle cycle and hung to dry. My dryer is only used for towels and bedding. I do not dry my jeans--being tall I find that they just shrink too much.
  16. I know for a fact that if people would pay the money that is owed to Sam--things would have to be better. I was told by the horse's mouth about several very well known folks that never paid the burial expenses for their family. I am talking folks that I know the family had to have the money. When you sell major land for commercial use---I think you cn afford a funeral. And the sad thing is--these folks have known Sam all their life and then they stick him like that. And I am sure that there are folks out there that can pay something on their ambulance bills--they just choose not to do
  17. Ditto on the hot water. I buy only white towels and washcloths--so I put them on a hot water with bleach, soak cycle every time I wash them. I know for sure that all of my towels and washcloths are clean--along with socks and stuff.
  18. America's Best has a deal for around $100 that gives you 3 yrs worth of exams. The one on Barrett Parkway is my favorite--the Dr. there is great.
  19. YEP---you are right with that!!! I actually go to Big Lots and buy the generic for a lottle over a dollar a box. That symptom is not near as bad as it was in the beginning. I had mine out in 2001 and for many years I could not go anywhere without taking 3 or 4 tablets. I originally thought I was just having really bad heartburn, but mine would start about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and keep me up for hours. Then it would move to a piercing pain right under my breat--at the bra line. Amazingly, it never bothered me during the day. I was told I was full of gall stones and had it removed
  20. :wub: I once had one of my kids' teachers tell me that I really did not have to put creases in sweat pants!!! Funny thing is, my oldest son is the only one that irons now. He irons my grandson's clothes every morning before school.
  21. I don't think they make 75K per show. I know during the Theresa BK thing on the New Jersey show--they stated that she made $3500 per show.
  22. I wash everything after I wear it. And I also wash new clothing before I wear it. Any new curtains, bedding towels, etc. are washed before using. Curtains must be ironed before hung. I iron EVERYTHING as I wear it. My ironing board is like a piece of furniture in my house--it stays up all the time!!
  23. Salmon casserole, english peas and garlic bread. Thinking about some gingerbread muffins with my Nanny's special sauce--since it is her salmon casserole I am cooking.
  24. Family Savings Credit Union charged $5 a month and the checks were free. Never been charged a fee for checks, but I don't write many.
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