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Everything posted by tbird

  1. You can call the MRI place and see if they will adjust the bill. I have insurance, but I have a pretty big deductable. I have had a thyroid scan, thyroid biopsy and several sets of bloodwork this year. Wellstar charged me less because I would have to pay the scan out of pocket and my Dr. adjusts all of my other biils--bloodwork labs included. It is worth a try.
  2. Good luck!!! I have had DirecTV for many years. We got it hooked up in our office and I went thru the whole thing of getting the credit when I ordered. Was told that we both would get the credit, blah, blah, blah. After several months, I called and was told that it did not qualify because of the business. I was NEVER told that when I placed the order. Other than that--I have not had any problems at all.
  3. If they live in Roswell-- I would tell them that I wanted to meet them at their bank and SEE them getting a real cashiers check. Even if you get a check and deposit it--it will take several days for the bank to get it back--if it is bad. If they are for real--they should not mind at all. They are living in the screwed up world too!!!
  4. Don't you have a pool in your back yard?? Wish we still had one.
  5. I saw that same post and was very confused by it.
  6. I got the key chain and I have NOT applied for any benefits. It was just a mass advertisement mailing. Most of the folks in my office got one also.
  7. I have gotten those before, but now I am getting text messages on my cell. I have never had an account with Chase and I have had the same cell phone number for at least 7 yrs. Just hit DELETE!!!
  8. Makes a little bit of sense. Lord knows that deputy sitting in the corner reading a magazine couldn't move fast enough to stop anything.
  9. I will have to agree that the lay out of that place is really weird!!!
  10. One of my very best friend's husband was a City if Marietta fireman and when he died of cancer, his funeral was one of the most emotional funeral I had ever attended. Just the showing from the Fire Department was awesome. At the end of his funeral, they had an engine out back and turned that siren on one last time for him and the whole place broke down. They of course had a fireman standing guard at his casket (in full dress uniform) the whole time. It still gives me chill bumps just thinking about it.
  11. Had to go get my tag this morning. While in the elevator going to the tag office, I notice that the elevator inspection was only good thru 7-2010. Is there some sort of grace period with that??? I have no clue. And the funny thing is that in the way back down--there were 2 guys from the maintenance (or engineers) department on the elevator with us. Guess they didn't notice it???? Is this something that the fire dept. could write the county up for??? Yeah--like that's gonna happen???
  12. Yep--most of the time it depends on WHO YOU KNOW and WHO YOU HIRE. Is it right--NO. Does it happen--YES.
  13. Just depends on the attorney. There are attorneys out there that have the very same or more qualifications as the officers when it comes to alcohol and drugs. We have an alkasensor(sp) in our office that is used to see if the test was given correctly and we have attorneys that have the certifications to administer the test. Does this mean that I condone driving under these conditions--NO. But everybody has a job to do and a criminal defense attorney needs to do the job he was hired to do.
  14. Not if he has a good attorney. And I am not in any way saying what he did was OK--just speaking from what I have seen in other cases. A good attorney can get that thrown out just on the time that MJ stays in your blood. It can also be used as a bargaining tool---drop the DUI MJ and we will plead to the homicide. Seen it happen many times.
  15. I was certainly not going to be the one to post it. I got the inforamtion second hand, but it come from a family member and also another person that is very close to the family. It was not my place to post something like this so soon after the accident. Yes, it has hit the news media and everyone will know about it now. It is truly a horrible thing--for both families involved. And for further information--I have a son that was in an accident several years ago that killed a person. It was not my son's fault and he was not charged in the accident. When you have a drunk man walking in the
  16. It wasn't alcohol--it was pot. They can buy it anywhere--probably at school.
  17. BOTH. And it is hard to prove DUI MJ--because of the fact that it stays in your system so long. I know of MANY cases that have been dropped. Even if if is in the blood system (which they should have taken him for a blood test when he was arrested), just the fact that it can stay in your system for 30 days is enough for a good attorney to get that charge dropped. Now the other charge would not have any problem.
  18. I wondered how long it would take for that to make it on here. I have known this since Sunday morning, but was not going to post on here.
  19. I have seen way too many kids get braces at a very young age and then have to turn around and have them again in their teen years. In most cases, you are better off to wait until they are a little older and get them. That is unless you just want to pay for 2 sets of braces????
  20. In all honesty--he is probably doing all of this out of pure embarrassment. He has put himself up on the highest pedestal for so many years and now he has managed to knock himself down all by himself.
  21. For the record--I did not request this to be split, but I am glad that they did. I am not backing down on my first thought at all. I think it is most tacky and uncaring to come on a public board and post all of this. Just the fact that the minute a wreck happens--there are 20 folks on here wanting to know what kind of cars and such, is pitiful. Believe me--if it was somone in my family--I would not want to read it on P.com. THis is not meant as any type of bashing thread at all--just my opinion. If anybody else has any more smart a$$ remarks--I suggest they keep them to themselves.
  22. Maybe so, but it still should not be plastered all over this board. I sincerely hope that none of you are ever put in this situation and find out that your child who has just passed has been the main conversation for a Saturday night.
  23. WHY IS EVERYBODY POSTING NAMES?????? If it were your family--would you want the names up here so soon???? Unbelievable. Even if the family knows--have some respect for them at this horrible time.
  24. My boss is like that. We (the paralegals) have Mini Macs at work (which I hate), he has a Mac Air laptop, IPhone, I Pad, and the huge all in one monitor in his office. He also has at least 1 of each kind of IPod. Every time they come out with something new--he has it within a week. He was in San Francisco for a seminar when the IPad come out and he left the seminar and went and stood in line for 4 hrs to get his????? My mini mac is so much slower that my other computer was---I really, really, really HATE it.
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