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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I used them for many, many years beginning in the 80's. Back then--you got to know just about everybody that worked there. You could call in with a problem on your account and the person you talked to remembered you--and usually asked how your family was doing also. You knew most employees that worked there. You could walk thru the lobby at the main office and run into several--all knowing who you were. Now--you walk in and see these faceless people that half the time don't know what they are doing and they sure as heck can't remember your name. Yes--it is a different time and for the most
  2. LGE has way too much turnover in their employees. I hate going in a bank and seeing somebody new all the time. Plus--their new management is questionable. Don't trust them anymore.
  3. I know I have seen some of the probation guys in Crown Vics around town, but I don't know if they had county tags or not. If you see them out and about--they will have their little badge thing hanging around their neck.
  4. He couldn't be real smart at all!!! Who in the world would rob a shoe store??? Yes, shoes are expensive, but most folks use debit cards these days. Even when I worked part time at Casual Corner several years ago, with their clothing being priced pretty high--we rarely ever had over $200 cash in the register.
  5. Ummmmm, everyday is double coupon day at Publix!!!!
  6. I heard them looking for somebody on the scanner, but did not hear the beginning. They got the security video from Target and saw him get into a car and take off towards Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a black male with a green jacket and he got into a black Chevrolet. At one point, Douglas County pulled a car over on 92 right inside the county line, but they said it wasn't the car.
  7. There have been numerous calls on the scanner about the noise. You would think that they would know what is going on at Pickett's Mill???
  8. And lets not forget that she went from millionaire to her business going Bankrupt. I know of very few business people that file Bankruptcy for their business and still stand on their feet. They are usually in just as bad financial shape personally--but obviously she took enough funds out of the business to keep herself going strong. Just sounds fishy to me.
  9. NO--I think she won partly because she still uses the Rakestraw name--even though it is her ex-husband's name. Some folks just see that name and think they are good folks. Bad apple in every bunch---at least she is not a born and bred Rakestraw.
  10. I heard bits and pieces of a call on the scanner. All that I heard them say was Sudie--I was hoping it was my neighbor across the street. From what I am told--he frequents that house--which is right behind me. I might can find out---will let you know if I do.
  11. tbird

    May I Vent?

    Parents can be just as bad. I was at my grandson's game last Saturday and was very surprised. Of course, we got there early and the other team was still playing. So we just stood back and waited to see which dugout we would have before we set up our chairs. Two grandmothers of another player walked down and set their chairs up (on the wrong side) and left them there and began socializing. Well, when the game was over, we eased down and got our spot as the other team was leaving (not rushing them, of course). We are all set up along with a couple other mothers and here comes the grandmother
  12. My thoughts are with ALL families involved. As bad as it is to loose a loved one, the driver and passenger of the vehicle will live with this everyday. From what I heard last night--it seemed to have been a younger person driving. I hope they seek some counseling to cope with this in the future.
  13. Deputy coroner has arrived on the scene. Parents of female passenger are also on the scene. Thoughts and prayers are with all of these families tonight. I feel like I am re-living all of this.
  14. I think the accident was closer to Northside Church. They are talking about going to Westside Trail (or something similiar) regarding the juveniles. Father of the driver just got there. Sounds like it might have been a younger person driving. And speaking from someone that has had a family member go thru the same thing---it will haunt them for a very long time whether it was their fault or not.
  15. Sounds like there might be several things going on. Can't keep them straight. At one time they were looking for the pedestrian and talking about intoxicated juveniles.
  16. Good Luck--you will do fine. My surgery was late morning and they sent me to a room in the hospital afterwards and kept me overnight--but not a full 24 hrs. Just said to watch me--although I didn't have any problems at all. I was home by 9:30 the next morning. I think I had my surgery on a Tuesday or Wednesday and went back to work on Monday.
  17. I hate texting. Only do it if I absolutely have too. I refuse to pay the $30 or $40 extra per month for the Blackberry, etc. I do have unlimited minutes on my plan for $49. Now my son--when his phone was on my plan last year--averaged 6500 to 9000 text messages per month. Lets just say that TMobile lost money on that unlimited text plan!! He very rarely went over 300 minutes--go figure??
  18. tbird


    I am on Hiram Sudie--not far from there and I heard it just now and I also heard the same thing this morning. Used to be such a quiet area to live in--other than traffic. Now--not so much and I am not even in a subdivision.
  19. I think Folks probably has the best. It is sooooo easy to make. I would just make it tonight and be done with it!!
  20. After the first day or so--you really don't need them. I only took them at night so I slept more comfortably. But then again--I hate to take ny kind of medicine. I have a hrad time remebering to take my daily Synthroid pill.
  21. You will feel 100% better after the surgery. Yes--your stomach will be a little sore and some of the incisions might be around your waist where your clothes might bother them for a week or so--but other than that--piece of cake. My advice would be to go to Big Lots and buy several boxes of the generic Imodium--lot cheaper there. You will need it for quite a while. Just learn to take it before you go out. Heck--for the longest I was taking 3 or 4 at a time. But it is lots better than the alternative!!
  22. Wonder if his brother will be with him??? They play together sometimes.
  23. As stated before--Clark has provided the County with this service WITHOUT a contract. Yes. the County has provided the fuel, but that is a very minor expense to running an ambulance service. Wonder how many emergency transport calls they have run since June and have not received payment for??? My bet would be an average of 50 per month and they have maybe received payment for maybe 1/4 of them--of they are lucky.
  24. If $300K for the Silver Comet Trail is more important than emergency services--I sure hope that none of them need it anytime soon. Yes--Silver Comet Trail might be important to the community, but if they aren't going to patrol more with law enforcement--what's the use. More and more crime happening on the trail. Not a family place like it was several years ago. And I don't think Sam has a problem with anybody going thru his books at all. I sure hope they go to the books and find the truth about the money and exactly what is owed to him. Might be a huge eye opener for the county bigshot
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