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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Why is nobody running against Donovan for the District Attorney's office?? I don't think he has done hardly anything that he promised in his last election. From what I hear--the case back up is just as bad as it was before he took office and that was one of his main promises.
  2. I mix honey and lemon juice--just keep basting the chicken while it cooks. I also season it with salt and lemon pepper before I brush on the honey and lemon. You just have to be careful grilling--the honey tends to burn if you don't turn often.
  3. I saw a comment on another page that said one of the girls worked at the Douglas County Jail?? Maybe she met the guys there??? LOL
  4. I did and all it did was confuse me even more.
  5. OMG--that is one of my biggest pet peaves!! All the way down 61N into Cartersville this morning and yesterday, I could not tell you how many stupid folks are driving without their lights on. How hard is it to realize that if you have your windshield wipers on--your headlights need to be on also???
  6. Most kids don't write very well these days. I have 4 grands in school (from 1st grade to 8th grade) and none of them have what I would call good hand writing. Even my kids never had really good hand writing. I guess it is just like spelling and such--they say that they will have computers with spellcheck--so it isn't a big deal?? Whatever!!
  7. My boss was telling me about that this morning. He cannot understand, as an attorney, why in the world you would think this would fly in court??? What some folks will do!!
  8. Don't mean to make you mad, but if you can't afford the gluten free stuff--what does she eat?? And why should the school have to provide it if you can't afford it? Maybe I read it wrong, if so, then I am sorry.
  9. Most of the time, the parents just send in the food for the kids. My granddaughter is allergic to a few things and she takes her lunch everyday and eats breakfast at home. Me personally--I think it is pushing it a little too far to expect the lunchroom to have special food in that case. In all reality--they could be fixing 500 different meals every day??
  10. Nope--it is 2 seperate things. Lines 64 & 65 on the 1040. I think the EIC is figured sort of on your income and the number of people in your family and the child credit, you get $1000 per child. I have never been able to claim any of these. They started the child credit the year that I could no longer claim my kids. And even raising 3 kids by myself, I always made just over the limti for any of the EIC--go figure. The IRS thought we had money!!
  11. But then they get that extra child credit, which is usually several thousand. Two separate things. I just saw one that paid NO taxes at all and they are getting a $8800 refund--just from the federal.
  12. I have seen about 6 different income tax returns where the folks claim to have only made around $20K for a family of 4, 5 and 6. The kicker is that once they claim the earned income credit and all of their kids--they are getting a refund of 9 to 10 thousand dollars!!! And mist didn't even pay in 1K in taxes?? And I know that a couple of these folks have side jobs that they do not even claim. Does anybody else see a problem with this?? I work, pay my taxes and I am lucky to break even most years. Even back when I could claim my kids--I never got back anywhere near that much. And no, I d
  13. I have not shopped that store in years. My mother bought a camera there not long after they opened. She bought it the first part of December and never got around to using it until the first of the year. My Dad died right around Christmas that year and everything was in a tizzy. The camera did not work and I went to swap it and they would not allow me to do so--said it had been over 30 days. Even though most stores allow you 30 days after Christmas on a purchase like that. We were stuck with a non-working, over $100 camera. Luckily, I contacted the manufacturer and was able to return it to them
  14. You might look at Target. They don't carry the real expensive brands, but in the past they have had some good prices. Also, years ago, we bought bats at Play it Again Sports. They would have new, blemished bats for almost half the price. Not sure if they still do that or not.
  15. This lady used to work in the same building with me. Her sister, Melodie, was some big shot with the Super Bowl Gospel and every year they would rent office space and have about 5 or 6 folks in there on the phone all day. I only knew her in passing--but I remember that they were REALLY LOUD!!!
  16. I agree with you 100%!!! I get so angry when you see these kids dying at the hands of a parent and then you have the other jumping up and wanting to sue DFACS (or such). Where the hell have you been--you haven't seen your child in years and now all of a sudden they are THAT important to you???
  17. I just find it very hard to believe that somebody that was born and raised here in this county would want to expand the airport like that. They have to know what it would bring with it--and I am not just talking about business either. The only thing I can figure out is that they must be getting pockets lined and they like that much better than they do our rural county (or rural the way it used to be).
  18. Nothing here on Hiram Sudie!!
  19. MY DIL worked the ambulance all day yesterday and last night. She said that all of the main roads were pretty good--just the side roads and inside the subdivisions were bad.
  20. Well, all I can say is that I sure hope DIL's partner can cook or brought something with him!! She cannot cook at all. Grandson had her bring him back to my house last Saturday (after being at her house for about 4 days) saying that he needed REAL FOOD!!! He walked in the door pretty much wanting homeade biscuits!! LOL
  21. Maybe you should have called the Hiram Police? Oh wait--they don't do anything when the weather is bad--right?? At least everybody (including you) is not stranded like last time. Lighten up already.
  22. And yes--she works for Metro Ambulance. Don't think they have had anything major yet. Most days like this are filled with folks calling in with headaches and such--you know, "real" emergencies--NOT. And yes, people really do call 911 for headaches, toothaches, etc.
  23. Oldest son just went from Dallas Hwy, to New Hope and back to Hiram Sudie. Only reason was to take DIL to work--she works for Metro. He has old 4x4 and said that he didn't have any problem except for Hiram Sudie was slick. I know that he has no business on the roads, but she was expected to be at work and it was better for him to take her than her try and drive her little car. At least his old truck is much heavier and he normally doesn't have any problems. And it always seems that DIL is on duty when these weather conditions happen.
  24. Cars (and I mean CARS) are going down Hiram Sudie. Did see a Jeep and a truck, but also a couple of cars. What part of KEEP OFF THE ROADS do they not understand??
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