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Everything posted by gaheart

  1. I loved both the Starsky & Hutch guys but Paul was the best. I loved his dark hair. I also loved Davey Jones. I couldn't wait to get home from school and watch The Monkees! I also loved Greg Evigan. I had a poster of him hanging in my room. He was a hunk!
  2. I agree with Rick Springfield!!!! Also, Val Kilmer in those tight leather pants in the Batman movie. Kevin Costner....especially in the Robin Hood movie when he went for a swim.
  3. I have a friend's daughter that is turning 9 this week. There was a little bit of a gap that I had not seen her until recently. I was shocked that the little girl is already starting to develop a chest. This child is a third grader! It can't get be good that all this is happening to our kids this early. God only knows what medical problems can come from this in the furture.
  4. I had a co-worker that would place the water bottle for her super soaker in the refrigerator to get good and cold. The next morning if she couldn't get her son up, she would spray him with the cold water until he was out of bed. She didn't have to do it but a couple of times before he was good at getting up on his own.
  5. I made a really good cake one time that cracked right down the middle. So instead of taking to a dinner I left it at home to be eaten. My oldest called it a b*tt crack cake. So now they always tell me they want one of my b*tt crack cakes. Kids are always a mess!
  6. If I understand this right, they let a parent watch the kids? How stupid can they be? You don't let someone that is not employed with your business fill in! I am so glad the little fellow is alright. It makes me think of my grandmother's saying, "God watches over small children and fools." Glad God was watching over him!
  7. I've had them for years. It is either a lack of potassium or a cirulation problem. The best thing to do is either pull (or have someone hold) your toes in a upward position (towards your knees) until the muscle unlocks or walk off the cramp. My doctor said that the diuretic (part of my blood pressure pill) drains the potassium out of my body. I cannot eat enough bananas to help my problem so I use potassium pills.
  8. I am so happy for you! Congrats to your son. I don't know if he is the one I met the night I was over, but the one I met was super nice. It seems to run in the family!
  9. Gabriels is a wonderful place!!!! I have been going there for about 8 or 9 years now. I have seen Johnnie's business grow and grow and it still doesn't seem to be a big enough place at times. I love almost everything she makes. Like anyone else, we all have certain dishes we make better than others and we all have our off days. I know she cannot personally cook every single dish and has to depend on her staff to help cook. I personally can say that I have never been disappointed and have ate at her resturant many times. My favortie dessert is her chocolate pound cake with cooked fudge icing. S
  10. I think I would call someone higher up at the company. I would make sure they know how rude their employees are acting and how overbearing they are. It's one thing if they calmly tell you what is going on and give you a chance to try to understand it before pushing to procede further. They just basically broadsided you and took over. I would think the owner would not be happy to know that they also threatened you with their tools. Sometimes owners or managers do not know what is really going on until someone tells them. I would call someone higher up and if they didn't try to make amends, tnen
  11. I just read in the paper that this poor man is in critical shape. He has lost his ability to talk because of bleeding in his brain. They also broke his shoulder and I believe it said leg or maybe hip. I was shocked to read that the assailants were 11 and 15 years old. The 11 year old was arrested at his elementary school. It's sad to see kids acting like this!
  12. R.I.P. Tony Curtis.......I loved watching his movies when I was growing up. He was such a good looking man when he was younger.
  13. I really hope he gets the truck back. We had one stolen a couple years back from our office parking lot in bright daylight and there were windows on that side of the building. The guy's truck looked very much like yours. Luckily he got his truck back. The crooks left the truck behind an abandoned building to let it cool off. A neighbor in the area called the police. If it wasn't for that neighbor, they never would have found it. So I hope and pray for you that you have luck too and he gets it back. People have just gotten worst with this economy. My parents live in Powder Springs and their
  14. I loved Kiddle dolls too! I had a bunch of them because my older brother would always buy them for me. He was 12 years older than me and spoiled me. I do believe those are collectible. I wish mine were in good shape but I played with them alot. My favorite ones were Romeo and Juliet. I also had one that was dressed in a outfit that looked like grapes and she came in a grape soda bottle. There were also ones that came in lockets and were on a chain. I also had a bonic woman doll. Her skin would roll up on one arm so you could see her electronics. She also had flaps that raised up on her leg
  15. You don't have to be in the country to see coyotes. I saw one crossing Al Bishop Road in Cobb county on two separate ocassions. Then a friend that lives on Villa Rica Rd in Cobb also had to kittens killed ay coyotes. He saw a coyote take one of the kittens. They are not as timid as they use to be.
  16. I've been in your store. My family got some really great deals! I hope you do great and will be around for a long time. I plan on coming back on a regular basis!
  17. I wouldn't take chances either. I would go to the doctor. My son did have a severe case of pink a few years back where the infection did actually get into the eyeball itself. We had to cart him back and forth for three months to Marietta Eye Clinic until he was better. It did effect his vision for a while but luckily didn't do any damage.
  18. It sounds like it could be pink eye. Is the white areas of your eyes pink? If so, then I would go see the doctor. Also be very careful to wash your hands after touching around the area and try not to spread the germs. Make sure to clean any sufaces or washcloths etc. that touch that area good. My family passed pink eye around last year and we had a hard time getting rid of it. I aksed my doctor how long the germs live.....he said 2 to 4 weeks on any surface.
  19. There were women prisoners picking up trash on Austin Bridge Rd this past weekend.
  20. You are way too young to be having memory problems like that. You should talk to your doctor. The doctor will be able to help you determine if you have something more serious. There are some medical problems if caught early, they can put you on certain medicines to help prolong memory loss. I was having problems remembering but my doctor said mine was normal for my age but I'm older than you.
  21. The only thing I can say is that I have never heard of someone being accused of molestation for a simple hug or kiss. Also for the authorities to arrest him there must have been really good evidence. In general, people are not arrested on hear say. I hope and pray this child is able to get over this and move forward with a positive life.
  22. I wouldn't worry about it. Most kids are so busy playing alot of times they do not eat. I would not go out of my way to cater to one kid. It's your child's birthday not Janey's. I would nicely tell the other parent "sorry it's a pizza party and that is what is being served......hope she can join us for cake and fun."
  23. Where do you ususally make appearances at as Santa? You look great as Santa. It's really hard to find a nice looking Santa for photos with the kids.
  24. My grandmother dearly loved this show and was about all she would watch. When they started showing only the reruns at various times on TV my mom and I would call her to let her know it was on. Since my grandmother has been dead for quite some time, the thought of Hee Haw brings back alot of memories for me. It was a great show! BTW, Grandpa Jones was my favorite too!
  25. 1. I agree with everyone else........Mike (A Friendly Geek). 2. I'm not sure because I'm going to be checking into it also. But I have heard positives about Metro PCS.
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