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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Ya'll are funny! I tend to get passionate about politics too. Which is why I keep them to myself most of the time. Get entertaining at times how crazy folks get. Just in case it wasnt you wanted to say as many times as you could if you were gonna get in trouble for it?
  2. so pretty! I would do it for fun if I had a talent for this!
  3. Thank You! My kept waiting too see and after 2 hours I figured I had ask then get out of the way.
  4. I am still curious about the shoplifters at Walmart. They catch them?
  5. Growing up all I wanted was a family and that dream came true. I live with my daughter, her husband, my son and my precious grandbaby. I wanted to be a travel agent and be able to live my travel dreams. Ride a train across the U.S. Take a cruise to Australia then onto Alaska.
  6. GG your Mom is right! As much love as you have in your heart for your children you will find out that there are places in your heart that you never knew were empty until you have a grandchild to fill those places up! Hey if painting makes her happy on her birthday then I am just fine with that. There have been many times over the last few years when my health starting going bad that she has been MY rock when I needed it most! Warm Hugs to you and yours GG!!
  7. My daughters birthday is today! My grandbaby babbled what I am sure was Happy Birthday and of all the things she wanted to do today she is happily painting her bathroom. Well I will just have to take a nap for her....LOL Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!! No matter how old you get you will always be my baby!
  8. if you cant figure it out and I will let you talk to my son. He set ours up. HUGS
  9. aaawwweee...I hate that. He was a hoot to watch on Family Feud. He would flirt through the whole show!!
  10. I truely hope and pray things get better for you. I really do and you will be in my prayers!
  11. I am keeping my mouth shut......keeping my mouth shut.
  12. I have still the shirt that you gave me!! You understand what from working within the school system and on the school board what needs to be addressed. You know my vote has always been yours.
  13. GG Your Mother sounds like a smart woman! I always told my son you are not bad you just did a a bad thing so he would understand it was his behavior not him as a person that did the wrong thing. I also told him (also his sister) and still do to this day that all I the reason I ever needed to be proud of him is that he was my son and that will always make me proud.
  14. when my kids were little I always asked them about where they were going and if I needed to send money if it wasnt on the invitation I call and ask to be sure. If they were going some place like Six Flags I would always send money. My son has a childhood friend who has always used a friend pass so my son got in free and his mother always had a picnic lunch that they ate in the parking lot when they got hungry. Even then I still sent money just in case. I dont know if they still have them but my son would buy those cups you could get refills for a dollar or something. He would share it it his f
  15. I am sorry. I shouldnt have started this topic. My devastation got the better of me and I thought sharing would help. Please if a mod would close this.
  16. I have been searching for a while. Before I took 4 years off to be with my kids and then starting driving a bus to make ends meet I managed a business. You name it I did it. The company I ran was an underground testing company. All tanks gas stations in particular have to be tested every year for steel tanks and its every three years for fiberglass in accordance of the EPA. The company also tested the hoses and pumps every year. I dealt with big companies such as Amoco,Bp,Exon you name it. My job started with the order was placed by the clients. I worked with all the clients. Next I gave the o
  17. Just when I thought the person in charge could go no lower. She was able to sure I was torn apart to the point I have a 44.00 check for the month. Right now I dont feel so lucky my heart attack amd heath issues had not taken me home. I am sorry but how can a person look at themselves and be proud of themselves in the mirror and be proud of themselves and what they have done. You have broken me. I hope that makes your day.
  18. Hmmm....mine is the first week in sept.
  19. Same here. Behind my knee and now.....shudder......gives me the willies just thinking about it!!
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