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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Thank you very much! I needed some P.com prayers! A little corner with big hearts! HUGS!!
  2. Hi everyone! I just got out of the hospital again and am asking for prayer. This time was only a little over a day for observation. I just want the problem to be found and fixed so I can work. The fact they cant nail down what is causing continued my health issues is really hard. Thanks and God Bless!!
  3. How sweet GG!!! I am so happy for you that after all you went through was so worth it when you see this video!!
  4. Bless his heart! I know who that is!
  5. One of the reasons I dont sit near the window as Martins. Dont know how many cars have gone through it!
  6. Thank You!! I love good barbecue. When I was growing up in SC Piggy Park was the place to go!!!
  7. so glad to hear that!!! you have my prayers as well!
  8. I have no idea who found me but I hope I can figure it out so I can thank them. I do know I landed face first on in the yard. I had a mouth full of dirt. Walking pneumonia is very had to catch and even harder to diagnose.I even got a flu shot ....LOL Thank you all so much for caring. HUGS
  9. thank all so much. The kind I had was walking pneumonia. I hsd no idea I was so sick. I am home and happy to be here.
  10. Well, I just spent 5 days in ICU and one in a regular room with pneumonia. I am so very glad to be home. On bedrest but at home. It came on me very fast and it was in both lungs. One of my neighbors found me unconscious outside in the yard with no idea how long I had been there. The only thing that I can think is I was looking for my son who had gone to pickup his girl friend and go to church with her family. They had to put in a central line to get the IV fluids in very quickly and that was the last thing they took out. All my fur babies are sleeping at my feet. My son said one of my dogs fou
  11. I was shopping for groceries when my mother in law called and told me a plane had hit the WTC. I came home and turned on the TV just as the second plane hit. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't move. I sat there and watched in horror when the two building collapsed. I thought it was a horrible mistake not deliberately done and then the reports came in about the pentagon and then the other plane that the passengers attacked the terrorists. That the planes were hijacked. I was crying the whole time for the people who last their lives and their families. The police and firefighters
  12. I second that! My kids were able to get exactly the they wanted for about a 4th or the price.
  13. I tell my kids on the bus the same thing. They fly in one window and out the other!! How are you lady?
  14. Betty would light up a room when she was in it. Always had a smile on her face. She will be missed for a very long time by all who knew her.
  15. Guess what I found out!!! My daughter Britt is pregnant!! Now I can spoil two babies!!
  16. I almost choked to death on my coffee after reading the comment! Here is what keeps me smiling!!
  17. Do you have anymore info on MOMS? I think my daughter and granbaby would love to participate in something like this. HUGS still looking for an exesisices saucer for Riley Grace.
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