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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. empty milk carton in the fridge or eating the last of something and not telling me until after I go to the store.
  2. Honestly I love all you guys. As I have said many time there is no better group of people than right here.
  3. LMBO!! I agree!! even now that voice sets my teeth on edge.
  4. What made me sit back and go....huh....was he had just purchased 6000 rounds of ammo. That would seem like a red flag to me. There isnt just one trigger that points what is the cause of this kind of violence. Conspirathy theroists have blamed the book "Catcher in the Rye" at one point for the John Lennon and Ronald Reagan shootings. There were days when the kids where little I wanted to put a hit out on Barney the Dinosaur...lol
  5. Until we as a nation stop looking for quick fix from the government when something like this happens and take some personal responsibility its not going to get any better.
  6. This is not something you think about when you go to the movies. Really Sad! Like with school shootings Colorado seems be state that changes where you dont worry about the safety of kids. I am sure there are many prayers going out today!
  7. I cant help but laugh. His tongue in cheek humor I understand. My whole family is like that! If I had my way they would stay forever! But I know that I have too let them go so they can grow up. I know God will take care of them. Its just hard. HUGS
  8. Sounds good to me Postman!! Never can have enough friends!! Now that would be interesting!!
  9. It was the whip that caught your eye wasnt it....lol You never fail to crack me up!!
  10. First choice my grandmother. I miss her. Second choice Ryan Reynolds. That is one fine man!! Postman your a mess!! LOL
  11. I agree 100% GG!! I watched the first video and her Mother said it MY dream not HER dream to win pageants in all 50 states! That really bugged me. I see those little girls and it reminds me of JonBenet Ramsey.
  12. I am so sad. My daughter, her husband and my grandbaby are moving to an apt. It breaks my heart I wont be able to see Riley Grace everyday anymore. I have been with her since she was born. I will miss my daughter and her husband too. For now my son and I are staying here. The landlord lowered to rent some and that is a blessing. I hope we can stay here for a while. Even though we will still be struggling. Why is it so hard to let go of your kids? With my health being so bad I have counted everyday as a blessing. Keep me in your prayers please. HUGS
  13. Thank God you said it first!!! :rofl:
  14. I knew storms scared the sh*t out of her! Last night it literally did!!
  15. Heard a big BOOM. Transformer blew and the dog pooped on the floor. So its been interesting so far.
  16. Love that show!! I am upset that its coming to an end but as they have with the ending of every season I hope the finale will end with a smile and a hoho...lol
  17. well Darn.....lol You guys are just too cute. Its nice to see...err..I mean read. They are both beautiful and its good to hear you know you are a lucky man!! Wish there were more like that these days.
  18. Well I guess I said the wrong thing....lol Now I am hearing crickets! Have a wonderful Monday my friends!!
  19. You are a lucky Lady!! He have a brother around 47 yrs old? Nighty Night all!
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