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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Whether we agree or disagree its still a great place. Most times I am cracking up while all the furs flying. Also have been known to wade into it on occasion. I like to hear what people have to say about heck everything. I have never been out outside the southeast but I like to try food from everywhere, have studies about so many different religions, have gone to everything from an Indian Pow Wow to a show at the Fox and so many things in between. Also will share more than I should at times but all of that is what makes me who I am. The people that make P.com is like that. This and that and e
  2. Thats even funnier!!! Most couples get on the computer to get AWAY from each other. You two kind use it as dating!!!
  3. Zing...... :rofl: :rofl:
  4. Now thats sweet! I crack up at the two of you talking to each other on here in your house! Postman you are one of a kind and I luv u back! If the board didnt exist then the individuals wouldnt have been on here to make it great!! How that for meeting in the middle....lol
  5. Its the truth!! I would love to meet for lunch one day!! HUGS!!!
  6. I just wanted to say how much I love P.com. I have laughed, Cried, Prayed, Shared our grief and so much more. I always look forward to the time I spend on here. Who would have thought when we were growing up that you could make so many friends that for the most part never meet! HUGS and
  7. This is kinda cool! I could see how it would help like a diary but use it to vent and throw it away. I like this idea!
  8. Hmmmmm....Lucky you think may have learned a few things from her Momma?? Sounds like she shut him up quick!!
  9. I wish I could meet more P.com members!! I love the ones I have!! I guess Lowrider got Lucky....hehehehe
  10. Thank You so much!!! HUGS
  11. Hey Guys!! Nothing has gotten better so far so I guess I have another treatment to look forward too. Lost 4 more pounds last week alone. So please continue to keep me in your prayers. Still snagging my sons computers. He is still trying to fix mine. It may be the screen or fan. Cant afford to take it to someone to check it. HUGS!!!
  12. I wanted to pop out and wave to everyone! My laptop died so I am using my sons when I can. Please continue to keep me in your prayers! HUGS
  13. I can tell you I called to Sheriff's dept once when my neighbor was shooting his machine gun in the back yard and I was asked if I felt threatened. So I guess if you feel threatened call 911.
  14. I agree!! Mrs G is a sweet person and does all she can for others. Its good too see some of that coming back to her!!
  15. No one ever told my ex that! I was married for over 20 years and it was all about him and that wasnt enough. If a person chooses something over your marriage it wont matter what it is because its not about you or your marriage. Its about them finding an excuse that will make them feel better about it.
  16. Thank You that was a nice thing to say and I needed it...lol I plan on calling my Dr as soon as I get up to make sure he knows the truth first and then he may just take care of it himself. He was not happy when he found out they had lied to me. So I am hoping he will open a can of whoopin' first.
  17. I am not upset about switching pharmacies but what upset me was that they lied to the Dr. I like my Dr and I care more about him knowing the truth. They told my Dr I was calling to get refills a week in advance every month. No way that didn't happen and it couldn't happen because a. insurance would not go for that. b. the pharmacy policy in itself wont let me refill a medicine any sooner than 5 days in advance. So I wont be able to go get the treatment I need tomorrow until this is settled. grrrrrrrrrrrrr....gonna have me cussin' like Lucky. I have never used anything but a chain. Wha
  18. Ever had one out and out lie to you and your Dr in one day? I am so upset right now. I have a hard time getting out what I need to say when I am upset. With pharmacies if you argue you seem like you are doing something wrong. I dont know if that even makes sense!! LOL...I would worry if I went to the pharmacy too much if they knew me by name!! I have heard alot of good things about Kroger. They have 4.00 meds too.
  19. I want to change my pharmacy. Having a lot of trouble out of the one I use. I liked having one that was 24hrs but its just gotten to be more of a hassle than its worth. So which one other than Walmart would you recommend?
  20. I cant think of how everyone involved is handling this. My prayers are with them all. Hurts my heart to think about it.
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