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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. LMBO!!! I was thinking her purple boots!
  2. Thanks AGG!!! She is spoiled rotten with love and her brother will be also.
  3. Yes she does! My daughter and her husband lives with me except for a few months I have been with her since she was born.
  4. Thanks Rhonda!! Looking back I cant believe looking back I was worried about being a Grandmother! She is always brightens my day!!
  5. Thank you and I agree....lol She has filled up the spaces in my heart I didnt know were empty!
  6. I wanted to show you all a picture of my grandbaby!! She is a bright spot in all the sadness I am going through!! I am so excited for the new baby coming in March. My daughter and her husband weren't planning another so soon but God had other plans.
  7. So Sweet! An animals love is a joy to watch!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Thank You LPPT!!! You are a wonderful giving person! HUGS [/size]
  9. Thanks!!! I have had a headache from congestion for two days. Made my teeth hurt it was so bad. I decided to try putting some Vicks on my feet and then socks. I gotta tell you I went to sleep and woke up felling much better. I gotta try the nausea cure!!! HUGS
  10. I had someone tell me that there is an old wives tales to help congestion. He said put Vicks on the bottum of you feet and put warm socks on. Said should help clear it right up. True or Not?
  11. Postman you never fail to amuse me and I thank you for that. We may not always agree but you still manage to make me grin. I do have to say I am not understanding the video. The girl is not saying a word. HUGS!!!
  12. Thats what I am doing right now. Rest of the family is at the Christmas tree lighting and I am catching up on The Mentalist. Love that show! LMBO!!! Glad I am at the Merry Christmas end of that!
  13. Ditto!! You have changed that little girl's life for the better and that is something to be proud of!!
  14. LMBO!!! You have no idea how many days a nap would make my whole day!!! Lucky coming from you that is a compliment!! You always tell it like it is and I love that about you!! Back at cha Lady!!
  15. This is the Christmas season where most everyone is cheerful and looking forward to the holidays and I have been a downer in my replies. I want to apologize. The Christmas season is a special time to show our love to those around us and want to wish that everyone has a reason to smile and enjoy everyday! HUGS
  16. This is too Funny!! I have to remember this if I get pulle over! :rofl:
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