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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. Kids/Teens/People/Humans make mistakes all the time. I know I have, and its a learning experience....and life WILL go on!!! Just come home to your families, PLEASE!!!!
  2. Aww, I'm sorry you are feeling this way today. I'm hoping for a better day for you tomorrow! Just try to think that the rollercoaster will go up, too.
  3. Yes, please. Rabbit Eye for me! Thank you!
  4. I agree with it as well. I did some stupid things in my life, and didnt have anyone to blame except myself. Maybe he hasnt brought her home because she is unwilling. Girls can also be very convincing, that "everything will be fine"..no matter what age they are. There are so many possibilities, and I just pray that they are safe, and they come home soon.
  5. Loose Change is one of them. It is really good. I think I've already passed my copy on, or I would get it to you. You may be able to find it online.
  6. I have a friend who lives in the Virgin Islands. She said it was a wild ride, but they are safe, and waiting for power to be restored. I really hope this doesnt turn bad.
  7. Do you think its just new for them, and they may settle down? My neighbors dog barks at me one time, every time I go out, then he is done, and just wants to see what I'm doing. Maybe try meeting the dogs.
  8. I think I'll get the nails, and stop doing housework! Really though, I have had fakes twice, both french. The first ones lasted quite a while, the second ones were messed up the first day when I had to scrub a pan. Oh, yah, and I ripped a real nail, when my fake ones messed up. It was coming loose. Ouch!!
  9. Thank you everyone. You ALL have been very helpful, and have pretty much solidified my thoughts. Its much better getting advice from outside sources. I havnt talked to ANYONE except my boyfriend about it. My family doesnt know, and I'm sure she prefers it that way. I feel a little better now, and have direction.
  10. I had something happen to me this morning that REALLY ticked me off. Okay, I will set the scene..... When I pull out of my driveway, I drive about 4 houses to the stop sign. There are about 10 elementary aged children all gathered there for the bus. So, I approach the stop sign, partially in the wrong lane. It is in a subdivision, and the roads arent large enough for 2 cars, and a bunch of kids. I'm turning left, and a car comes from my right. She was on the phone, and didnt turn her blinker on until she was right there, so I waited, even though I probably would have had time to go..I
  11. I dont know!!! Normally, I would say my sister...but she has been acting so strange. She will say things like that to me, then erase things off her phone, and lie to him about what she does online, and become distant from him in a matter of minutes. I have not taken a side, and if she (or he) chooses to leave, I will support them both. I just really dont feel in my heart that is what she wants, and I know that is not what he wants. It seems she has just became another person. I always thought that hormones could make your emotions run wild, but I didnt know if it could be this wild. A
  12. I do get your point, and they ARE talking. She told me 2 weeks ago "Of course we are going to work it out, we are both too stubborn not to", then she continues on with her sheeze. Thats what has me worried, is her mixed emotions. I guess a doctor may help. I am actually the younger one, by 12 years. She is VERY naive about life, due to her different upbringing. She is a pretty fragile person. She leaned on me when he cheated on her, and respected me because I was "mutual". As for my mother, 22 years later, she still doesnt care for him. I dont know, I would rather it not be happening a
  13. The first 2 were somewhat planned, the last one..she was on the 99.9% affective IUD. I know its not ALL his fault, but she wanted more after the 1st one, and he didnt until the 2nd one. Still, its too late to worry about that, and I've told her that. They are talking to each other too, and somedays are good, he says he has his wife back. Then SNAP five minutes later she is all crazy. I'm more concerned with her mental well being than I am her marriage or anything else, and I have told them both that too. ETA: Her husband has been in my family since I was 10 years old. He is lik
  14. Well...I'm not talking behind her back. I have talked to both of them, and they both know it. I probably know more about them than most people do, and they have both used me for an ear in the past few months. I have made reccomendations to him as well. He has always worked about 18 hours a day trying to provide. She feels he is not home when he needs to be...she is probably right. His affair was 22 years ago, and she defended him for years, as if she was over it. She cant just come back with it 22 years later and use it to her advantage. They have both been busy people, and never made t
  15. You are right on with this. This is exactly how he feels. Every time he tries to pay her a compliment, or say something to try to help, she spins it to be negative. I'm trying to help them save their marriage, but it has gotten to the point where her husband and I talk on the phone and neither of us know what to say or do. Thanks for your thoughts!
  16. Long story short: I think my sister is about at "the change", and its hitting her pretty hard. She is 44, has a 21 year old, 7 year old, and 4 year old. She has animosity against her husband for things in the past, such as him being unfaithful (20 years ago), and him waiting such a long time in between children. She is basically blaming him for her being such an old mother to young kids. She has been having an "emotional affair" with a guy at work, that is totally taking her mind off of her own family. She is lying and denying. To my knowledge, it hasnt gotten physical. She told me
  17. Yah, its more important than anything, really. My biggest fear is them getting in the wrong crowd.
  18. I agree. At least hunting, he is not sitting in front of the tv, or game system. I have never paid my kids with cash either. I havnt had to start yet, but I never thought of the concept as they get older. Thanks! PS--dont tell my kids that I might change my mind!!!
  19. Stay interested as a parent and make it interesting for him. I struggled last year (6th grade)with my son's reading. He would say "Mom, I already know how to read, what is the point?" I explained to him that he needs to read and comprehend better, and faster so when he gets in high school and college the assignments will come easier for him. He ended up with a C because he didnt read enough. Anything below a B isnt exceptable, because I know it was just pure laziness. Now he is seeing this year that he wasnt placed in certain classes because of the lower grades. So, this is a lesson tha
  20. Hopefully she has a lot. I have one I'm willing to donate to the cause.
  21. Mines pretty similar. I think our highest one was $300, but our A/C needed to be cleaned and is now running much more efficiently. It is worth every penny to be cool and comfortable. If I want to be hot, I will go outside.
  22. I agree. With health issues you need to have it. It will save you in the long run and there's no way you would find an individual plan that is cheaper and covers the pre existing conditions. My boss bought one and its expensive and doesn't cover much.
  23. I lost mine 1 1/2 years ago. Thank the good Lord, we have not needed it. I wasnt eligible for Cobra, because I didnt lose my job. However, my co-worker is eligible because his wife lost her job around the same time. So, they are on Cobra. He says, with the stimuls thing, that he pays LESS for Cobra than he was paying each month for our company insurance. Are you getting the discounted Cobra, or whatever its called? I know, with a pay cut..even the discounted can be too much. Good luck. I hate the feeling, and without insurance...I always feel like I'm dying of something.
  24. Maine--dont worry, I like to forget about it too!! Wow, I never had my car freeze!! At my job up there, the truck drivers had to plug their trucks in at night to keep the engines warm, but not my car.
  25. Its good for them!!! They helped me shovel sod, loosen the dirt, and plant the plants this year. The oldest asked me if I was crazy, and why I didnt remove the sod when it was cooler outside. I didnt have a tiller but the garden really isnt that large either.
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