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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. We bought my mom a laptop and wireless router last year for Christmas. She loves to sit at her kitchen table and look out her window, but anytime she was on the computer she would have to be in the office. Plus her computer was really slow, and used it to play card games. I set her up on Facebook because we live 1200 miles away, and she can see recent pictures of her granchildren as soon as they are taken. She did want to learn it, and now loves the facebook games instead of just playing solitaire. She asked for MY help with the email. Many of them do want to learn it.
  2. I see your point too, and while the majority is probably Christian, everyone else will want to add their flags too. And they will have their right to do so, if the Christians do. What is okay for one, should be okay for all. Thats all I'm trying to say. It would offend me, if at my memorial, people were allowed to place religious flags that I dont believe in. There would be a ton of boo hooing if some people wanted to place a Muslim flag at Arlington, even though there are Muslims who have been killed in action fighting for our country.
  3. He said that a previous attorney came up with that number. Suuuuuuure!
  4. Thats okay! Most of my drivers at work have a GPS, but one insists on using maps. He has tons of them because we go all over the southeast. Anyway, he will call me, all mad when he cant find a location. It makes me crazy!!! I can understand to a point because there can be 2 identical addresses or roads. Off Fulton Industrial Blvd there are at least 2 road names that have 2 roads each that dont connect. There is a loop with one name, then you drive down further and the same name comes up again on another loop. Thats when the maps dont do much good. Why dont they just change the road nam
  5. I dont have either one, but I have seen on Amazon that you can purchase books for Kindle. I'm not sure if you somehow download it, or if its a little disc. My BIL has an Acer and I'm not sure its the same as a netbook, but it still works the same way as a regular laptop, it just doesnt have as much storage space and is mainly for surfing, not downloads. I dont think I would like the small screens, after helping him get his set up.
  6. I guess he REALLY doesnt want to ask for directions!! You cant delete it, now my post looks dumb!
  7. With nothing better to do. Old signs irritate me, but I'm not the type to call and complain. My time is too important to me to waste it on a complaint call for minor things. Why would they want to ruin her sale? Traffic? Thats crazy.
  8. I dont need to look at pics to know that my house is a wreck!!! I'm always cleaning, I just cant keep up. I try to sleep, or go to work and POOF, theres the mess again!
  9. Can you wait until Sunday for this thread? My kiddos are camping for the weekend, and you have added one more thing for me to worry about! J/K, they are in good hands. On the upside, I found out that the clock in the living room does in fact make a ticking sound that I've never heard before! I dont care for it either. Why in heck would I want to be dirty for days on end?
  10. Maybe someone complained because they were chasing yard sale signs all day, and never found them! It would be nice if there are no dates, or outdated signs, to pull them. All the current ones should stay....but then the Marshall will know he has to return the next weekend to remove those. If you dont retrieve your own signs, you have littered.
  11. But, is she coming to help, or to laugh and point?!?!? Just kidding....I hate getting in over my head, and commend you for even trying!!! Heck, I dont even know how to turn on the house stereo system...
  12. Not to mention all the old signs are misleading. I dont follow the signs to a yard sale unless it has the date on it.
  13. Gilbert Godfrey. And I dont love to hate him, I just hate him. I cannot stand his voice, its like nails on a chalkboard.
  14. I dont think he is either. When this altercation first happened, it almost sounded like he was defending the lady that was with his entourage against this guy.
  15. My sister in law just recently got facebook. Her: "Check out this link on my facebook" Me: "You dont have a link on your wall" Her: "Yes its right there, my son posted it" Me: "Thats on HIS facebook, not yours. You just get to see it" I still dont think she understand.
  16. OMG, really?? Wow. I wonder what words we ruined for our parents? I told my son the other day about Boy Scouts being "right up his alley" and he says "Mom, dont say that, brother says thats bad". I had to explain what it meant and that it didnt mean right up your azz.
  17. Very good points! I love this, its so true. If there wasnt a struggle, it wouldnt be appreciated nearly as much. My mother wasnt the most involved in us. My siblings blame her for their lives, and I thank her because it made me strong, independent and responsible. But, I wouldnt have known it at the time.
  18. No because where one group has the right, all others do as well. How nice would it be to have the Christian flag flying right next to a devil worshipping flag? They consider that their religion. The first step in allowing the Muslim flag to fly, would be allowing all others to fly.
  19. You got it, I will! Yahoo had an article on "lucky" people that I read last night. Its all in how you think. I'm one that will be really positive some days, then others it just takes one thing to set my negative tone. I know my biggest problems are that I am impatient, and I know what I want in life. Thats a bad combination, because nothing seems to happen fast enough. I have to constantly remind myself how blessed I am, but cant seem to do it on the bad days! You have turned my day around already, and its only 8:30!! weatherboy and LPPT: I could use a morning call/pep talk everyday
  20. I had to explain to my Mom (numerous times) that her yahoo email is actually on the internet. Its not in her Outlook icon, its on the internet. Oh and also that she can access it from ANY computer!
  21. I would rather take down the Christian flag, than I would put up a Muslim flag on government properties. Lets keep religion away from the government.
  22. Thanks LPPT! You have a great day too! Thank you for the "lift up", I really needed it this morning.
  23. Evidently whatever is in the kitchen, isnt nearly as good as the good ol' days!
  24. Neither would I. I know when I'm behind the wheel, I can react much better at 35. Heck, I dont even like driving past kids at 25mph in our subdivision. The whole thing scares me, wether its near a school, or anywhere else.
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