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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. It was a smooth ride for mine today as everything was right on schedule! Thank you! While we are at it let's try to remember the bus drivers while we are on the roads. Be courtious as they have a lot on their minds. I hate to see any crazy driving near school buses with so many precious lives at stake!
  2. MaineGal

    open house

    I dont know how anyone does it. I'm 32, with 2 children--10 and 12. I love them to pieces, but, college cant come fast enough!!! LOL Just kidding. My hat goes off to you!
  3. MaineGal

    open house

    Yep, thats one thing, I didnt have to deal with extreme traffic. Parking was a little tough, but the schools I went to were NOT as bad as others I guess.
  4. MaineGal

    open house

    I think that they wouldnt have to extend the time, if parents went in with the intentions that open house was meant for. Finding out your classroom, bus, needed supplies, and filling out paperwork. Open house is not the time for parents to expect one on one time with the teachers, its just not going to happen. I received email addresses for each teacher, and will email them with any questions I may have later. Maybe it would have helped if the MS and HS times overlapped as well. Like 4-6, 5-7, and 6-8. We arrived at our first one at 4:20, and left at 5:10--(it was so long because we s
  5. MaineGal

    open house

    Ours went great!!! We went to Ragsdale first, and my sons teacher greeted us as soon as we walked through the door! And--its the teacher my son wanted!!! We also stopped by the library to purchase some new books in celebration of the new year. After that, we were off to Scoggins. It was a little confusing there, if you didnt ask for help. I didnt notice any signs that said that class lists were up in the cafeteria, so we asked. Then reading the lists--I couldnt find anywhere on it that said which room number the teacher was in. I should have gotten a map I guess! LOL. Anyway, A
  6. Last year my sons middle school bus got to the school REALLY late--due to a new school, new route for that driver, and the driver not having adequate time to learn it. It was all on track soon after.
  7. What did you say..I couldnt hear you? Oh, nevermind, it was just my coffee mug! I do get it though....buzzing in my ear would worry me too.
  8. That is SO funny!!!!! I have a rule that I dont go to the doctors for at least 3 days when symptoms occur--unless of course I'm dying. Good laugh...thanks!
  9. I think its great! Rail lines are always a good selling point for businesses!
  10. I really enjoy reading online news. I still read the sites from where I moved from--4 years ago. The ones that we can currently view, dont really focus on our area. 11Alive for instance. The worst thing about online news sites vs Pcom is there usually is no follow up. It irritates me that the Big Breaking News for today....is never followed up on tommorrow, or even next week when new info arises. You never get the rest of the story. Here on Pcom, we can bring the topic back when there are new details. ETA: I wouldnt purchase a paper....I get confused with the large pages falling a
  11. That's what I thought. Thanks for confirming!!!
  12. Where the heck did we get money for a fountain?
  13. I didn't notice any problems tonight as I was driving through hiram. I was too busy texting!! Lol j/k! I got out of work late so it was close to 8 before I went through. As far as wal mart goes I HATE IT! I don't think I would go if they were passing out cash. I'm very lucky that my boyfriend does the shopping on week days.
  14. I agree....it bothers me that there are so few upstanding sports figures anymore. Brett Favre for one, Tom Brady, etc. How many times have we seen their mug shot? They need to abolish the glam factor, and get back to FOOTBALL!!! Okay, back to your statement. You are right about all children/young adults in general. When I was in school, I was a heckraising, but I had conscience enough that I didnt want to let my teachers down. I still felt shame enough to divert me from being to the point of "unruly" in school. My teachers' opinions of me mattered. I see more and more kids that sim
  15. I think its time for waterboarding. I cannot imagine not knowing about my child for this long. Very sad, and I truly hope they find him soon.
  16. Mine too! Maybe we need to do a Pcom search for "warm watermelon"!!
  17. 99.99999 percent of the people on PCOM have a great amount of respect for Law Enforcement, EMT's, Teachers, Bus Drivers, Firefighters, etc. If you dont, keep it to your self! Or at least, if you are going to tell a story, have your facts and do not EVER group these people as all being the same as what is in your story.
  18. DO NOT do something crazy while driving, then post it here. Ahem....LPPT....right? Dont complain about driving to work in the snow...you're lucky to have a job. And NEVER EVER park in front of a store in the fire lane, or in the handicapped spots--your picture will end up on here!
  19. Accounting error, funny!!! I dont find it hard to believe at all that there is tons of oil money missing from a country we are fighting in.
  20. RIP Mr. Keith. I had never heard of him, but, do like the music of the artists you listed.
  21. Pubby didnt start this thread did he?? Someone else did, and Pubby got us all up to speed. If it was his personal "vendetta", he would have put the clip on here when it first happened. Is it new that journalism isnt biased? I must have missed that changing of the tides--ie CNN, Fox news....!! Really, if a journalist has information regarding a candidate...be it his work ethic, or, personal ethics....I EXPECT that journalist to write about it. That is their JOB!!!!
  22. I refuse to vote for anyone that spent years in college, and still doesnt have a better vocabulary than a 1st grader. Plain and simple. Call me crazy, but in order to be a professional...um...you have to be professional. Thats the first step. Hugging the babies, and shaking hands comes later.
  23. I totally agree. This is inspiring me to go vote....just to vote against him!! My CHILDREN dont even say the things that he said!!! Very sad.
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