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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. WHY? What are parents thinking? So cool to know parents are supporting/teaching rules/authority.
  2. Me too......I have orange flags at my doctors offices saying not to give me codeine and I always say I can't take it. Maybe they just gave me BIG tylenol pill - LOL. I just know that toe hurt like forever! The hospital nor the podiatrist I had to see gave me anything for pain. I did also have something for swelling - but, I don't remember what it was.
  3. That is so nice!! Will you add me to your contact list?? I have God on my contact list. If I'm really down, sometimes I scroll down and press it and just talk to air. No one knows I'm not on the cell phone so they leave me alone and I have a mental picture that i'm talking to God.
  4. I had a broken toe, too. Hurt soooooo bad - worse than labor pains!! They thought they were going to have to do surgery because the little toe was sticking straight off the side of my foot (I ran around a corner barefoot and caught it on a box that was full and didn't move). They deadened the toe to set it, taped it up, gave me a boot, gave me 3 Tylenol 3 without codeine (can't take codeine) and sent me home. Man, that toe hurt for weeks!!!
  5. I started this thread and didn't want it to turn into bashing, but, now, reading thru a few hours later, it seems as if many of us know people like the above. In talking with my sister in law, I find that her mother, sister & niece (who is only 24) are all under the care of pain management doctors and her niece & sister (mother & daughter) are both on disability.
  6. The statement that "got" me was the nearby pharmacist that ran out of pain pills????? WOW!
  7. Any updates?? I need to head that way shortly.....If it's still going on, must find a way around..
  8. You should have a plat of your property from the purchase of your home - buried somewhere in your papers (LOL) Or, you can go to the county and pull the plat of the subdivision and get an idea of what you're dealing with. P & Z has those. Edited to add: YEARS ago - we lived in Cherokee County in the Towne Lake area. The guy who backed up to us decided that the reason his dish wasn't receiving properly was blockage by a LARGE tree. He cut it down. (Well, he and some buddies with a keg of beer and a pickup truck) Anyway, turned out that tree was on our property line. Due to th
  9. You were a nice person and you did a nice thing. I'm sorry he did that. Don't feel foolish. You obviously have a good heart.
  10. Thought this was interesting story
  11. Found this interesting - we'll see it in Georgia in the next couple of years I'll bet. story
  12. I was watching the local news at noon and there were 5 yes FIVE lawyer ads in one commercial break!! Good heavens. Why didn't I become a lawyer? My hubby says because I'm too honest - LOL!
  13. I think this shouldn't have been during school hours - maybe on a Saturday?? http://www.wsbtv.com/news/22880719/detail.html
  14. Our old church was involved in Angel Food Ministries. We volunteered on the saturday morning and took the leftover/extra/not picked up boxes to a trailer park that was near the church and handed them out. We paid for 1 box a month as a donation. A few times, we couldn't give all the boxes away and some of us would pay for a box and use what we could for our own family. I didn't care for the meat, but everything else was great. I now pick up a box every couple of months and take it to the elderly widow lady down the street from my mom. There is a lot of food in those boxes!! Angel Food i
  15. I do understand and I DO believe it. As a migraine sufferer, I have several triggers. Now, spraying perfume on your son is completely inappropriate and hopefully was dealt with. Although, I hope it wasn't a zero tolerance and treated as an assault (unless she sprayed it in his eyes on purpose). My son came in last year smelling horrible and said the boys were now using deodorant/body spray - that Axe stuff - and that one of the boys was spraying all of the others in the locker room. He reaked. Rode home with all the windows down and he immediately took a shower!
  16. I do feel your pain. I worked with a guy who wanted a window cube. He was moved next to me. Well, he wanted the blind shut. Why - the sun bothered him! Go figure. At first, I argued the point - even suggested he position his workspace to where the sun didn't shine on him, but I (and the cubicle across the aisle) could have sunshine. He'd have none of that. Took 5 months to get him moved BACK to a cubie without windows - and, then he took it to personnel for discrimination (didn't go anywhere and he ended up leaving the company). I know that's not like being allergic, but, no office
  17. You know.....we cannot please everyone all of the time. I've read the story on a couple of news sources. I think that if the perfume was a problem, then move desks or departments - but, then, who gets moved? The complainer or the one being complained about? I do believe in majority rules. If the majority were not bothered, then the one being bothered should be relocated. My MIL cannot tolerate the smell of perfume (makes her sneeze- sometimes gives headache)& I don't wear perfume around her; however, she smokes and doesn't have the same consideration for others she demands for herse
  18. If you live a few years past retirement, you will very quickly receive more than you paid into the SSI/Medicare system. Think about the seniors now. They made less, paid in less, but were funding the seniors of their time. The money taken out of our checks isn't stored away for us - it's funding the seniors now. Personally, I have only two words to say - FAIR TAX I'll add another one NOW!!!!
  19. Find some free/inexpensive things to do with the kids (we stay at home moms can give you tons of ideas) & use the money to pay down your debt.
  20. About 9 years ago, my then 3 year old son and my DOG - yes, my DOG - received preapproved Visa applications. I never found out where the information came from, but did get it taken care of. Every year, when I pull our "free credit report" - I try to pull one for his SS# also - just in case.
  21. Just a question.....when did the After School Program begin? I was talking about this to a friend of mine (actually, my BFF from high school) who had her child when we were 19. She has always been a single mom. She said there wasn't ASP when her daughter was in school. So, when did it begin?
  22. We don't sell anything. We have a fall festival and an auction/golf tournament in the spring. Band boosters sell chick fil a biscuits. the athletic booster club runs the concessions/ticket booth & sells spirit wear. Oh, elementary has a book fair. That's the extent of our fundraising.
  23. Got the "long" form today. Hubby says he's filling out only what is required - period.
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