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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. Here again, I'm not in the public system, but, I buy from every kid that knocks on my door. My hubby has put his foot down. He said to give them a donation because of the fact that the "fundraising company" gets a large portion.
  2. I was on the 8 year plan....paid as I went. Two of my girlfriends went the 2 & 4 year route and defaulted on their loans.
  3. Friend of ours kid just received a tennis scholarship and has never been on a tennis team in her highschool. Plays out of a county tennis center in Cobb & competes in tournaments. Know of another kid who received a baseball scholarship and has never played on a school team - he was actually homeschooled. If schools cut sports - the rec leagues would see a HUGE increase and the colleges would begin to pull from those areas. I think the percentage of kids playing on their school sport teams is something like 20 percent of the school population. And, truly, how many of those 20
  4. That doesn't jive to me....what happens to those who oversleep (it happens) - their kid rides the bus every other day, but this one time. Then, you'll need staff to police the drivers without the sticker or you'll need multiple sticker, etc., etc., etc. Paying if you use the service is the only "fair" way.
  5. OHHHH.....see, I agree with you that we don't need more money thrown at the problem - we need to audit the waste - starting at the top of the food chain - not in our teachers who are already ponying up more than their share. I thought you simply thought that the school was FREE. At this time, however, desperate times call for desperate measures and we should be looking at everything. All those acronyms would be a start!
  6. onekidmom


    I can't even find our topic any longer!!!
  7. maybe we should all take economics 101 and learn about how much tax is taken out of our paychecks - what it is used for, etc. I am truly and sincerely scared as to what is happening to public education as we all sit here discussing this. Not only here in Georgia, but nationally. My cousins system in Virginia was already at 4 1/2 days per week and, on Friday, she was notified that they will be going to 4 days next year. In every paper, there has been discussing of how our Georgia school systems are out of money - how there will be furlough days, teacher/program cuts, possible 4 day wee
  8. Not flaming you - but, could you please let me know where some of that free money is OR are the teachers/drivers/buildings/textbooks/etc just magically appearing???? - I want to go get me some of the free stuff. My old Mary Kay director had a saying "If it's free - then it's for me! LOL YOU are paying for the buses you don't use - just as I am......It's called TAXES.
  9. Just a question - how many would drive their kids to school rather than pay a small fee? No more than $1 per day? Would the gas/oil/time in your vehicle be less than $1 per day? What would you have to give up in order to "afford" this for your family? Just curious.
  10. Just for the record, I don't feel that way. I also recognize that nothing comes for free. The public education isn't free. It also CANNOT keep on the way it is going. There are only so many ways to tax the citizens. Do you have suggestions for cutting costs/running more efficiently?
  11. No, not at all.....I'm just saying that our systems are crashing and burning financially. When bus cuts were discussed in Cobb last year, parents screamed. When bus rides are long, parents scream. The cost of purchasing/maintaining/gas/insurance/driver (pay/benefits), etc. for the buses may be something that could be looked at. Running 1/2 empty buses is just not feasible. Maybe those that use the bus should start paying??? If the majority of parents are driving the kids???? Then, the green police will get us for the amount of cars on the road because parents will say if they have to pa
  12. I have to go by one school in particular every morning and I'm usually behind 3 buses. This is an elementary school. I'm not exagerating. Even my son has made the same observation - those 3 buses are around 1/2 full. Now, 3 years ago, in the neighborhood we moved from, parents complained as to the time spent on the bus so the county added a bus to 1/2 of the neighborhood. That bus WAS less than 1/2 filled for that year. I don't know what they do now, but, I'd be happy to check with old neighbors to see what the case is now. As I've stated in an earlier post, mine is in private
  13. This is what I believe also......the private & charter schools appear to do a better job with the money they have.
  14. NO WAY DO I WANT MOST OF THESE PROGRAMS IN THE PRIVATE SCHOOL I SEND MY CHILD TO. Sorry, but, the majority do not need the programs offered. I will not fight the continuation of our tax dollars going into the public school system. I do wish they were used more wisely. We will continue in the private sector as we have for eight years. I have volunteered at the open house at our school. Even in this economy, our last open house had over 100 people attend. Now, will they all apply/be able to work it out for their family - no. But, it speaks volumes to me that that many people are takin
  15. It is....I just don't have an answer. All I can find is that about 24% off kids in school participate in a school sport.....sorry
  16. Because I constantly get a couple backwards, my sis in law (who works in administration in a Cobb school, gave me this link a while back. My link
  17. I, too, believe that if the money were attached to the kids and the school systems had to compete - we'd have much better education. I know there are excellent, nurturing, loving people who are teachers; however, having several family members in the school systems - their concerns aren't for the kids any longer - I know I'll get blasted for that, but it's true. Everyone is forgetting the kids. And, the kids do NOT need all the stress that is brought about by the testing for NCLB. I mean, for real, everyone. Take a minute and have a cup of coffee and think about all that is now the school
  18. Being a private school mom - I'll jump in here for a sec with a few of my personal insights. 1. On average, each state spent $9,666 per pupil in 2007. http://www.georgiafrontpage.com/education/09/7-27-09_spending.html 2. We pay 13,000 for private. This includes basic school supplies (I bought only a backpack - everything else included), lunch (not your normal school food), etc. I've not sent in a thing this year. We pay for books - sell them back at the end of year for credit towards the next year. 3. It is estimated that in 2009, seventy percent (70 %) of your property tax
  19. I would have called her tag number into the police. I did that one day last fall over near Hardy Chevrolet.......the guy was obviously drunk (and still drinking from a paper bag), would speed up, slow down, change lanes at the drop of a hat. One car was almost ran off of the road. I dropped WAY back behind him and told them where he was until they pulled him over....
  20. Thanks! Her book "The Middle Place" was an awesome read at a very trying time in my life. I've followed her essays/readings ever since....
  21. Some info in response to question I was asked: $0.42 vs. $56 The cost of obtaining a mailed-back census form (42 cents), compared with the estimated cost of obtaining a household’s census responses in person if the household doesn’t mail back the form ($56). (Note: Costs may vary depending on the number of households enumerators will have to visit.) $85 million For each percentage point increase in the 2010 Census mail-back response rate, the estimated amount of taxpayer money the Census Bureau saves by not having to go door to door to count nonresponding households.
  22. DUH?? If'n I didn't need to start dinner and get off this here computer, I'd start googling. I'll look around later & see what I find!
  23. The first line of what I posted states that the 2000 Census was the first ever PAID CAMPAIGN....that's why I posted......It increased the results from 65% to 67% participation.
  24. But we used to do it without all the ads - I'm just saying, this is not the time to spend freely. Here's the info I found re: 2000 Census (sorta reversed order) The Results * For the first time in census history, the mail response rate increased over the previous census, from 65 to 67 percent. * The Census ad campaign was ranked the second most effective campaign according to AdTrack, a USA TODAY consumer poll. * The Census Bureau ranked 53rd in spending among all advertisers for the first half of 2000. * Results of an independent evaluation of the partnership and marke
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