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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. I just accepted a part time (20 hours a week with potential for more) job. Entry level, but, hey - after 14 years - I'm excited! It's in a business office. May turn to full time in the future.
  2. Edited I quit volunteering June 1 because of this. I can't do it anymore. You have no idea of all the extra luxuries many of these people enjoy while the rest of us struggle to pay for ourselves.
  3. Welcome BACK!!! I feel so sorry for the little dog in your avatar.
  4. Found this for Cobb - it's "gang suppression" for probationers but they may be able to give you more info??? My link
  5. My link Two Ohio men honored as heroes for their actions after a 2009 car crash are now suing the woman they rescued from a burning vehicle.
  6. Hubs takes a maintenance drug that is $57 if we run it on insurance (until deductible is met), but, it's 11.37 if we pay cash. My new meds were to be $84 with insurance and $4.70 if I paid cash. I've check with my insurance and with corporate at CVS. There are no rules about this. It's the negotiated rate with my insurance provider and, per my insurance company, if I claim it, they have to charge me the negotiated rate or they will not be reimbursed. I've learned an awful lot since putting us on a health savings account. Doctors visits, injections, meds - all of it - the charges are acco
  7. My link But the three quoted were younger. I'm not being mean - really. Just weird that they didn't quote a real senior. "I have no one else to depend on but that check," said Rowe, 54, who lives in Bunker Hill, W.Va. "I live month-to-month. It's a lifeline." "It bothers me terribly," said Carson, 63, of Watkinsville, Ga., whose neck is hurting from all the additional stress. "I'm very proud to have always paid on time." "They said if the government defaults on me, I still have an obligation not to default on them," said Perry, 56, who gets by on a Social Security disability
  8. The quote from the sheriff: "All the vehicles that were entered in Paulding were parked in driveways at night and unlocked," noted Paulding County Sheriff Gary Gulledge. "Most of this stolen property could have been protected by either removing it from the vehicles or simply locking the car doors." Sounds like it's blaming people for not removing their property from their vehicle or locking their vehicle in on their own property when the blame is on the boys for being on someone elses property and taking things that aren't theirs.
  9. I love ya, sheriff (I truly do like him) - but - it could have been protected if these boys weren't thiefs! Put the blame where it belongs. Good gracious, Publix was hiring baggers, DQ was hiring - get a job boys - stay outta what doesn't belong to ya!
  10. Got it...thanks....just didn't scream at he computer by having the caps on....
  11. tried it....it barfed....i'll try again just ON or ON top of spaghetti, all covered in sauce??
  12. I was posting a response to LPPT and then poof, in the middle of posting the thread disappeared. I think it may have gone all religious forum on me - but, I don't remember the password with all the menopause crap happening.
  13. My link Phoenix police said Thursday they believe a 10-year-old girl suffocated after being locked inside a box as punishment for stealing a Popsicle, as they announced the arrest of four people in connection with her death. Other children living in the home were allegedly told to go along with the story that Ame had died while playing hide and seek.
  14. They gave me a shot of lidocaine when I'd broken my toes - my little one was a a 90 degree angle to my foot and they had to pop it back in place. Edited to add that the shot was on the top of my foot.
  15. My only complaint is the waste I personally see. And, I know it's not just Cobb. It's government in general. Society expects too much back because "I pay my taxes". 2 -3 months ago, Cobb was all up in arms about closing all but 4 libraries. None were closed. Now, they are getting new computers in the libraries. Senior centers were closed, but, one is being built (with federal funds, but will have to be manned and maintained with our funds). I know - they money was "earmarked" for these projects. Just like with the pork/earmarks in the federal government and just like I tell my son - d
  16. Southern Hope Humane can always use them..... Southern Hope Humane Society PO Box 768 Powder Springs, GA 30127 770-641-1211 Email: info@southernhope.org
  17. I slammed my door one too many times as a teen and my stepdad removed said door and put it in the rafters of the garage! When my son slammed the door at around 10 or 11 yrs of age, I told him about it and let him call and ask if it were true. I've never had the slamming door issue.
  18. Can I have your neighbors phone number in case I ever need it?
  19. LOL Found mine eating a bowl of cereal at 3:30 in the morning - said he woke up hungry and couldn't wait! He has begun to sit the empty carton of milk ON TOP of the trashcan so I will see it. And, I embarrass him by breathing on the same planet!
  20. I think I like this guy! LoL
  21. ????? OK....knowing I'm gonna sound stupid - who is Capt. Keith?
  22. Glad I can entertain you - lol. He's a good kid - really gives me no trouble - but, lately - O. M. G.! He can't find things, he forgets worse than I do...he doesn't "see the point" in most everything - told him I'd let his butt see the point (of my pointed toe boots) if I hear that one more time! He's not wanting to read the required reading of a "classic" that he says is crap - I know it's crap - so, son - DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, so you can do what you want to do! And, until that book is read, he has no games, no computer & no phone!!!!! Wow.....I feel much better......
  23. I have an almost 14 year old up for grabs, too. I asked him why he was talking to me with his eyes closed and he said it was because he was afraid he'd roll his eyes at me......he knows my plans for making his eyes continue to roll for the rest of his short life if he tries it. I KNOW God has a sense of humor.....I'm hormonal - completely menopausal - and he's way into puberty! My husband may actually be the one I should find a new home for.
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