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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. My link Two youth football teams are serving suspensions after parents tried to fight the young players on the field, according to a police report.
  2. My link Paulding County authorities are searching for a woman they say passed fake money.
  3. That brought this to mind for me: My link "The student had already used the girls' bathroom once, and school staff recognized that this would be a problem. They also knew it could be a problem for his safety to use the boys' bathroom. So they allowed him to use the administrators' restroom and the guidance restroom. He was the only one of 2,600 students who had that privilege," Dillon said.
  4. My link The 7 year-old second grader is physically a girl but living as a boy, and the family said school officials had ordered the child to use the girls restroom. I'm not sure a 7 year old really is mature enough to understand????? Maybe just emulating her/his birth mom who is now her/his dad??? I'm old.....this stuff is getting very very confusing to me.
  5. My link Two Colorado men stand accused of multiple offenses after driving their dead friend's corpse to a pair of Denver nightspots and using his ATM card to buy themselves drinks, the Denver Post reported Thursday. & this is all I could think of!!! My link
  6. If you have bird feeders - he will "hunt" and kill smaller birds. We've had a young hawk here all summer - he gets cardinals & house finch.
  7. My link Seriously - so, she wrote Dr. Phil, Oprah, etc? This is so sad!
  8. My link Investigators shut down a local prescription program they said used fake documents to file for free medications, then pocketed a handling fee. On behalf of its customers, some of whom were not financially challenged, the business would send away for free medication through programs officers by pharmaceutical companies aimed at low or fixed income consumers, police said. According to officials, the business would then charge customers a handling fee, as well as a yearly membership fee. Customers said they were happy because they still paid significantly less than full price
  9. Thanks, everyone.....Weird when you feel that the only people who you can talk to this morning is online - people you may never meet. This is weighing on me more than I want to admit. And, stopping all my volunteering is making me feel like a quitter. Honestly, I'm becoming too cynical and I don't want that to affect the person who is coming in for help who has never had to before and who is already on edge. I try so hard to put myself into their situation when I'm taking the info and getting everything done. If I were in that situation - which who knows if I ever will be - I'd want to be
  10. What I don't get is that the job she left, she'd been there for YEARS!!! Like 18 years or so......that's what I don't understand....why this sudden 180 turn in her whole attitude. She quit over office politics. I can understand finding another job and leaving, but, it's like suddenly, she's wanting everyone else to find her a job & take care of things.
  11. *UPDATE* Received a call this morning. Them: "Hey, are you still mad at me?" Me: "Wasn't ever mad at you, just trying to understand. It is your business what job you take or don't take, not mine." Them: "Well, I have another interview this week and was wondering if you could drive me or if you could loan me gas money or something." Me: "Is this a job that if it is offered to you, it's something you want to do and the salary/benefits will be within your range?" Them: "So that's it - you're going to be a B**** about this? After what just left your mouth?" Me:
  12. I'd started to post my neighbors experience, but, realized it wasn't my story to tell, so I had to edit....hence, the shouldn't have posted comment.
  13. Many of them are open every day, see regular patients, file insurance, etc. What to look for - who owns the place? What are the doctors credentials? Do they have license plates from other states sitting around on a regular basis? Do they fill the prescriptions in house? There are a lot of different things to look for. I guess for me, I'd not choose my physician by all the signs on the corner. Those scream pill mill to me.
  14. My link Investigators said the clinic was open one day a week and for $350, Dr. Mike Tan would write prescriptions for narcotics like Xanax and Oxycodone.
  15. As I've stated before (and sometimes get flamed for) - see this all the time in the places I was volunteering. Then, I'm told people who are truly disabled can't get it. I think my cynical side is winning out - I've stopped volunteering - and, I believe this is one of the problems. People who become truly disabled have pride/self reliance/work ethic in their history so they don't hire the slick lawyers, go to the doctors the lawyers send them to and don't work the system.
  16. Yep...you got it....the reasons are 1) too much of a pay cut 2) not the job they were doing 3) not the right area of town (one was near Fulton Ind) 4) one of the jobs didn't offer 401K and the insurance wasn't as good - I could go on and on. The reason they left the other job of many years - fed up with office politics. My stomach is torn up over this because now this person is acting as if since I won't help with more cover letters, etc., that I'm trying to run their life and tell them what to do and that I'm being judgmental on what I think they should do. It is upsetting me because I've
  17. Thanks guys for seeing things my way. I love this person dearly. I've recently gone back to work part time (after 14 years) and thankfully, have worked a few extra hours so I'm relearning how to juggle house, family, job again. I've given them grocery gift cards & paid two water bills. Just can't give any more financially - or, I'm working for their bills not ours. Just shocking. As for unemployment - I have no idea how they got it. I know they were turned down in the beginning. I know they do have the UE coming in now - I took them to lunch and we looked at the stub type thing
  18. I have a friend who has been out of work since February. Left job voluntarily. This person asked for and graciously received help financially not only from myself but several others during this time. I've also updated the resume, sent leads, faxed/emailed resumes when their computer wasn't working properly, etc, - anything else I could help with. Well, this week, this friend was offered two jobs. Neither making what they were making, but, good benefits, good company, decent wages, close to home, looks like growth potential. The person turned both down today stating that now that they hav
  19. Oh yes.....you'll get brochures/catalogs....they do some pretty darn cool things!
  20. My neighbor and I share great pics of our kids. I emailed over a new pic of my almost 14 year old. She said her youngest was on her lap when she opened it and she said - Hmmm.....I'm trying to decide if he looks like his mommy or his daddy and her four year old said - Mommy, can't you see the picture, he looks like (his name).
  21. We've participated since 4th grade.....some totally awesome camps/opportunities that we've taken advantage of. Congrats to your son! I know you're proud!
  22. I can see that since universities are suggesting that students apply - and they are.
  23. My link The father left a note of instruction for his son, telling him to take his PlayStation and go to a neighbor's house when he woke up.
  24. onekidmom


    My friends daughter began classes at college last week and several people on faculty were telling the students how to get food stamps. My friend was outraged/embarrassed when her daughter asked if she should apply because so many of the freshmen were. My friend researched and found that this is going on across the country. (one article she forwarded to me) My link
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