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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. Three homes in my old neighborhood that were going into foreclosure were ravaged by the owners who were losing the house. Neighbors saw it. Nothing could be done. At the time, they still "owned" the home. One family even rolled up the carpet from the floor. I talked to one of the owners - they were taking everything - cabinets, faucets, light fixtures, doors, knobs from the cabinets, tiles from the drop ceiling in the basement, etc. - and they sold it all to people who sold at flea markets. He said there was a good market of people who sell at flea markets/ebay/craigslist and other ways
  2. So there's more to the show than looking at David Boreanaz?
  3. This is the one I used......And, I've just scheduled a phone interview for Monday at 2 pm!!! Edited to add that I've been out of the workforce for almost 14 years so I needed something that would help me make nothing look like something.
  4. Kohls had asics onsale and I had a 30% off coupon....my son wears a mens 11 and loves asics. don't know if the sale is still happening.
  5. Parents, in many, many instances, do not take any responsibility for their kids success in school - unless it is to go in and complain (read rant/threaten). I've heard parents say in front of their kids - "She (the teacher) is getting paid to make sure Billy/Susie "gets it" - it's not my job!" And, say the teachers are bad because their kids aren't "getting it" and then saying the teachers are playing favorites because other kids are.
  6. My link Starbucks union workers on strike in Chile Besides a salary increase, Starbucks says the union in Chile has a list of 25 different demands including a wedding bonus and a birth of a child bonus. The company considers those demands to be above and beyond industry standards. Starbucks spokesman Jim Olson says entry level pay for baristas in Chile is $3.30, depending on various employee elective deductions like healthcare and retirement contributions the average net is $2.50. On average he says baristas salaries are 30% above the industry average in Chile.
  7. Sent from a friend - because we have a beach trip planned and she doesn't - lol. Interesting - at least to me. My link Looking out the window of her rented Florida vacation condo, Denise Fordham was perplexed to see a Montgomery County Juvenile Detention van pull up June 4.
  8. Don't worry - everything is "fixed" now - we're throwing more money at the problem. My link Channel 2’s Lori Geary talked to the governor’s office of student achievement and found out that, from here on out, the state of Georgia will call on a private testing company for the CRCTs to analyze every student's test for signs of cheating. The cost to Georgia taxpayers will be about $27,000 a year. Yeah, that'll help. Especially since the parents seemed to be in on it: My link The report went on to state that some parents knew about the cheating in Ivey's classroom and, as a
  9. Worked a second job as a cashier at Winn Dixie in the mid/late 90's. Really opened my eyes. I was working two jobs to get ahead & buy a home while checking out people buying steaks and talking about their upcoming cookout handing me - at the time - actual paper "stamps".
  10. My link Excerpts: In Georgia, six times more people died from prescription drug overdoses in 2009 than from all other illegal drugs, accounting for 87 percent of drug-related deaths. When one of them, Investigator Nate Luca, began introducing himself to local pharmacies, he was startled at how much prescription forgery was going unreported. Pharmacists handed over folders of information on suspicious customers they had been collecting for months. “Every pharmacy had a folder that was 2 inches thick,” he said. Grant said pain clinics with Florida owners started moving into h
  11. Our church does NOT have a device for you to use. We did however begin to offer an electronic way to give online due to member requests. People were saying they never write checks they pay everything online and were actually sending checks from their banks instead of writing on to put in the plate. Others wanted to set up on their credit cards for tracking purposes. The church decided to try this as a service due to the requests. Also, we've recently began emailing the newsletter to those who ask for it. People said they read it online, but didn't read the one that came through the mail.
  12. When the Lockheed Credit Union opened in Hiram, it was already this way. Now, Lockheed is changing all branches as they remodel. I have two close friends who work at two different branches. One likes it a lot because Lockheed now lets them "dress down" a little more. The other hates it because she feels trapped in a room with extremely small windows (they kept part of the drive thru window up at the very top). Both say the work load didn't change - but the service is slower as they have more "wait" as the money goes back and forth instead of hand to hand. And, both say they were "encoura
  13. Good point - I'm not angry.....I am so sick of hearing about the "race card", though. I've been in a "book club" where when the discussion turned political and all I said was that I leaned Libertarian - had not uttered another word - a woman almost jumped out of her chair to tell me I was racist. I'm hoping a day will come in my lifetime when everything is not about race, but about character.
  14. My link The U.S. Census Bureau, which has been releasing data about the makeup of the nation following its 2010 count, estimates America's young people will become "minority white" in 2023.
  15. I followed the Lynn Turner trial extensively. They knew the manner of death in both men, but, everything else was purely circumstantial - never put antifreeze in her hands. Wonder what does make the difference to a jury?
  16. Only if they find evidence - which obviously there is none - to prosecute another individual. The sad thing - she could walk out, stand in front of the courthouse and say she did it. Double Jeopardy would prevent her from being prosecuted. I'm thinking that if they'd been asking for life without parole, the jury would have come back differently. Most people believe that receiving the death penalty means the person will be put to death. The reality of appeals and YEARS and YEARS before that would be administered is not in someones mind.
  17. Rumor probably coming from this report about Baez warned to not touch her: My link
  18. I just can't figure how they couldn't have at least - the very least - manslaughter. They had - on the forms - 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree murder and manslaughter & they came back not guilty? I am seriously concerned for our country. To me, this is just another brick in the wall of where we are heading.
  19. During this whole thing - I found this site to be the best coverage - they had split screens thru the whole thing where one camera remained on Casey and the other would have a split screen showing the person on the stand and the attorneys. Also, their commentators are normal people - haven't over sensationalized. They have links to all types of info - Jury instructions/evidence/videos/pictures. My link And here are the jury verdict forms and a ton of other info My link I've liked these - HLN and the others on TV made me nuts in the beginning, so I found ones online
  20. My link I like this link - you can see a split of Ashton/Anthony or just her. It's what I've watched the entire time. I'm reading that Baez won't be allowed to talk about sexual abuse from Dad/Lee in closing? Did anyone see the motions? Was it this morning?
  21. We have laws. Problem is - break a law & you can literally not go to trial for years. I truly think that the majority - yes, the majority - look at laws as Pirates of the Caribbean looked at the Pirates Code - they're more like guidelines. Every time a law is passed - the ACLU or someone files to block all or a portion. Florida passed the "drug test for welfare" this week - Democratic leaders issued a statement about the constitutionality (joke since the only time law makers care about the Constitution is when they can twist it to meet their needs), the ACLU file suit, there are pro
  22. Our tear down/reset/balance & recheck a couple of weeks later from Dallas to Kennesaw was $300 3 years ago. Oh, room here wasn't ready....they tore it down, delivered it to one area of the home, came back later to set up, came back later to recheck.
  23. So, our tax dollars better start building more prisons. Our jails/prisons are overcrowded/understaffed/underfunded. Could be like California = turn violent criminals back out due to not meeting the laws vs overcrowding...... Lots of states have abolished the death penalty. I think it'd be cheaper to increase the labs testing DNA and stop the years & years of appeals.
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