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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. That comes from her wanting to be propped up in bed reading bedtime stories and he was wiggling about and wanted to get me or his dad. I heard him cry out - sent hubby in first & I followed - to find her trying to physically force him to lay beside her and read. He needed to potty. I could tell you other instances that have completed repulsed him - but, this is the one that started it when he was 3. He was scared of her for like forever after that. Edited to say that her time with my son is all about looks/perception than making real memories. Everything had to be picture book per
  2. My first mother in law was also a gem.....when we divorced, she was so kind to me - told me she knew he wasn't innocent in this fiasco, but he was her son. Told me she hoped I'd stay in touch and that she would always love me. She was a kind & gentle woman who I respect to this day. And, I was so young (married @ 18/divorced at 22), I'm not sure I was as attentive to her as I've been to my current mil. I think it says it all when my son has asked since he was very young to not be alone with her.
  3. I've just laughed because of the following: I married "up" - lol. My MIL was/is in "society" as they say - was a beauty queen, made tv commercials in years past, in the late 60's early 70's had a guest gardening spot on tv in Memphis, president of the junior league, president of gardening clubs, featured on several gardening programs on tv, recorded radio commercials til they retired and moved, gave lavish baby/bridal showers for anyone and everyone - basically hosted anything she could think of at her home -etc., etc. Her friends gave my "tea" for 402 people at the country club as an ex
  4. Although I do love my mother in law - I pity her - as she misses out on so much because of her inability to keep her mouth shut even to total strangers. This - now viral - email sorta takes the cake on mother in laws! My link “Mrs Bourne, who is married to Freddie’s 63-year-old father Edward, even said Miss Withers’ behavior had left their pet dog Bomber ‘profoundly upset, depressed and anxious’.
  5. Cobb was hit hard this time around - looks like Paulding may be open more hours than some of the Cobb locations. If my addition is correct - this is still 40 hours a week. I do know that in Cobb, there are programs that get books into "underserved" children's hands during the summer. After all the cuts in Cobb - the library I frequent received new computers. The ladies that work there said they wished they'd not furloughed & kept the old computers because the computers aren't used often at this location. I've actually never noticed anyone using them and we're there 1 X per wee
  6. The live blog on florida's channel 9 has a reporter saying she sat down for an hour with this woman....
  7. I remember - some interview or something - where Cindy helped Casey come up with the name and that it was a mixture of the two names.....
  8. My link Seubert told the judge, outside the presence of the jury, that both Lee and Casey's father, George Anthony, were given DNA paternity tests in relation to Caylee, and both were excluded as being the girl's father.
  9. My link The U.S. Attorney's office said Wednesday the five worked at Atlanta Medical Group, a Cartersville pain clinic accused of serving as a front for the illegal distribution of addictive pain killers.
  10. We stopped going to PCB a 4 years ago....Every time we went, we'd end up running into family/friends and once family drama was going on there just as it does here. And, there was the LONG waits and the traffic. Love Orange Beach/Perdido Key over in Bama. Have recently fallen in love with Navarre, Mexico Beach and those areas. We've been going the "other side" - Amelia Island/North Myrtle Beach/Kiawah - we've just found that we want to actually relax and have some quiet family time - just us - while at the beach. My sons comments about our last PCB trip - made on the way home - made us ta
  11. So Casey is laughing and smiling this morning.....hmmmm....this should be interesting.
  12. The sad thing is - we will more than likely never know. No one other than Casey & Caylee will ever know the absolute truth. If it were an accidental drowning would have had no reason to lead to molestation charges. Bereaved people calling 911 immediately with a wet drowned child in their arms and no history or signs of abuse - what reason would the authorities have had to go after sexual molestation? If the child had been held under water, there would be bruising that would have led to a more thorough exam. Let's just say a mistrial is called this very minute. All that means is
  13. Did y'all watch any of the Lynn Turner trial? All of the evidence in that case was circumstantial. The prosecution witnesses painted her as cold, non caring, stoic, etc. You could not find a single person who would testify to something "good" about her outside of family and a couple of close friends that were "excluded". The prosecution ended the case with a picture of her overlaid with a poem called The Poisoner Many, many, many things were disallowed as irrelevant that people felt would have helped the defense. The defense was doing today exactly what the defense is su
  14. Per the Anthony's lawyer - they do not believe Casey is innocent but do not want her to get the death penalty. My link
  15. You mean that's not where you park to use the ATM, Red Box or wait on your spouse/kids while they run in and grab just one thing?
  16. It is not unusual that a defendant spend time in their lawyers office "working" on their defense. Could they not find anyone closer than an expert from the Netherlands? Even if she receives the death penalty - which I doubt - she will never feel the needle. There is an article on that. My link
  17. The commentators are saying that the guy who testified that he was the co founder of the body farm actually is not - he was a student of one of the founders....has anyone heard more?
  18. Stupid is stupid - religion has no bearing on the degree of stupidity. Hypocrisy will be found in all organized religion. The following is a well respected Muslim woman touting purchasing POW's as sex slaves for Muslim men. My link Salwa al Mutairi, a social activist who once ran for parliament She explains "For example, in the Chechnyan war, surely there are female Russian captives. "So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait. Better than to have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations."
  19. Hang out at the neighborhood pool or the youth at church - you'll find most of them past the age of 7 have cell phones. All of my kids friends have much nicer phones than my husband or I have.....many iphones. And, parents text their kids while the kids are at school.
  20. Yes it is....It actually made me cry. Where are 11 year olds getting these ideas?
  21. My link Police began investigating in April after getting a call from a mother who was concerned about the images she found on her 11-year-old daughter's cell phone of her 5-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old boy engaged in sex acts.
  22. I think they'd been talking to Casey at this point...she was supposed to be in jacksonville with the rich boyfriend and his son and his mother who was in the hospital dying and Caylee was with the nanny.
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