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Everything posted by onekidmom

  1. My link About 20,000 people sign up for food stamps every day, and college students across the country are the newest demographic being encouraged to enlist
  2. My link A 22-month-old Paulding County boy was unresponsive after being pulled from an above-ground swimming pool Tuesday afternoon.
  3. Proud one here, too! I don't think "sports" parents realize the what is required of the band kids.
  4. Hopefully she'll have the right offer for her asap!!!
  5. I think this may be part of your answer: The biggest draw for the complex was the possibility that Perfect Game USA, a scouting service for amateur baseball that runs tournaments and showcases throughout the nation, would move its headquarters from its current location in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to the Cobb complex along with most, if not all, of its tournaments. Perfect Game has since committed to that same deal at LakePoint, Ehrhart said, along with the North Atlanta Soccer Association, LB3 Lacrosse and The Miracle League.
  6. New job is going great!!!! I love it....about to leave this morning. I did not take the one I'd been waiting forever to hear about. They did make a good offer, but I see more potential where I am. I have also had a third offer from an interview 3 weeks ago (i'd had 2 phone interviews and 2 in person) - also believe I've made the right decision to stay with the part time for now as I've been guaranteed full time in January. just see more potential as I've said. AND!!! My girlfriend called this morning - she had a call to get her fax number and was faxed an offer this morning at
  7. If this is the problem, then why is Michelle Obama's platform "childhood obesity" and I'm reading almost daily about the "epidemic" among our children?
  8. My link The Marietta Central Library will host a job search training session at 4 p.m. Tuesday. Topics for the session include career research, resume writing, interviewing skills and salary negotiations. A ReferenceUSA representative will be on-hand to show attendees how to use a database provided by the library system in their job search. The event is free and open to public. Registration is not required. The central library is located at 266 Roswell St., Marietta. For more information, call (770) 528-2377
  9. My link Ehrhart said the complex will be much bigger in size and scope than the proposed Cobb complex, as it will include 17 different sports and 10 hotel companies and more than 80 restaurants and other retail outlets are “very, very interested in the site.”
  10. born & raised in cobb - moved into North Paulding for almost 9 years - came back to Cobb. Just been luckier with overall neighbors in Cobb.
  11. Friend owns a rental in Southern Trace because they can't sell it....They've tried multiple times in the last 6 years. She says there's two registered sex offenders and that when they lived there they had so much stolen & vandalized. Now, they can't keep it rented for long due to the same problems.
  12. I do understand your feelings....I do it simply because I'd rather do that than go through what my brother did when someone had charged several thousand dollars on his card. He found out when he was denied while trying to put gas in his truck. Took him MONTHS to get it straightened out and during that time, he couldn't use that card and had problems getting another card. His card was in his possession.
  13. A friend of mine posted on facebook earlier that she was stopped at Kroger yesterday while using her card - turns out someone has "skimmed" her info and was using her card at the same time in Florida. The guy from the bank asked her if she was driving really fast to make it from Orlando Fl to Woodstock in like 15 minutes. They'd already used her card information 3 times. She authorized them to close the card and overnight her another one with another number.
  14. Yes, and I put my cell phone number on my account to call. Began this 3 or 4 years ago when we were out of town and the hotel was rejected; however, it was rejected with some type of notification that told the hotel to call the 800 number & when they did, they asked to speak to me and had me answer all my "security" questions. They told me to notify them from now on if I was going out of town. I've had them call around Christmas and beginning of school when I'm doing a lot of online shopping to verify that I'm using my card also.
  15. They had a help wanted flier at their office. I filled out the app & left a resume the beginning of June. Spoke to them via phone to follow up, interviewed, spoke to them again via phone & was told I was in the final pick of possible people. Then was told hiring manager on vacation & they'd get back with me. Had continued to touch base over the summer knowing the position had not been filled. Had other offers & needed to commit to something since I couldn't hold out indefinitely. Now, they're ready to fill the spot. It's, to me, Marietta but their address is Kenn
  16. Something I'm really more interested in doing. I just don't want to "walk out" on this position - I feel as if they've invested in me with training, etc. It would be more money.
  17. So - on the second day of my new job - which I am enjoying - what happens? I get a call offering me the job I really, really, really wanted and had been trying to find out what was happening with since the last week of JUNE!! I am honored to be offered the work, but po'd because I don't want to have a bad rep for leaving a job I just took!!!!
  18. Oh, I agree. And, I spent several weeks this summer submitting jobs online trying to find something to reenter the workforce after 14 years out of it. Submitted probably 200 or more apps/resumes - didn't hear back from any unless it was an automated email that the position was filled. Ended up being offered 3 positions - 2 full time, 1 part time - I start on Wednesday. NONE of the 3 were from any of the apps I submitted online. 1 was from where I'd faxed the company, 1 I'd walked in dressed appropriately with my resume and fill out an app onsite & the other was word of mouth that I ca
  19. I'm just saying that the library told me that was why they were updating their computers! Some branches allow for 2 hours if you're job hunting. They are open til 8 at some branches. I'm saying that if it came down to food/mortgage, I'd bum/hitch a ride if I had to. I do, however, live in Cobb & have two branches within 3 miles. I have been there. Lost my job in 1991 3 weeks after buying a new home - on my own - not married. I waited tables at night and looked for jobs during the day - without internet. Actually printed out a ton of resumes at Kinkos and walked thru business office
  20. It's been a few weeks - Toys R Us at Kennesaw had men's schwinn's on clearance. I bought my son a 26 inch retail for $315 for $147. Maybe they have some left??
  21. You could have a free email account - gmail, hotmail, yahoo,, etc - and use the library computers. Cobb says that's one of the reasons they're updating computers in all branches. Where there is a will there is a way.
  22. Thanks, guys..... Will let you know....went shopping today to supplement my wardrobe - you know, the "mom" wardrobe & the "church" wardrobe - trying to make it "business casual". I came home with clothes for my kid!
  23. I had forwarded the judge judy video earlier today....now this link doesn't work...says it's been pulled by CBS for copyright infringement.
  24. Thanks y'all....I start next week. Gonna be weird but fun.
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