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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. I hope they also arrest and prosecute the idiot parents who felt it was appropriate to make death threats to the publisher.
  2. I'm the opposite...I wanna go home! For the past two months, I've been spending the week in FL and only home for the weekend. I miss my home, my creature comforts, my kitchen, my bed, my cats, my yard, my peace and quiet, my hot tub, etc etc etc. There's no place like home! I have run away many times for vacations. And after a few weeks away, all I want to do is come home.
  3. Talk with your doctor because St. John's Wort can interact with other medications. And make sure to let your doctor/pharmacist know you are taking it to prevent any possible drug interactions in the future.
  4. They shouldn't harm you, but they are less effective if expired. Which may or may not harm you in the long run.
  5. I drop it off when Cobb has their Medication disposal day. But you should be able to drop it off at your closest hospital or pharmacy. If not, I found this on Cobb's site... http://kcb.cobbcountyga.gov/meds-disposal.htm
  6. If you get a chance, check out this movie http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/ . You can get it off Netflix. It's such an amazing and inspiring film that might motivate him to lose some weight. The guy featured in the movie started out weighing 425 until he started juicing and it changed his life. I "juice" but not for weight loss. I can't get through a day without it now. If you ever decide to give it a try, I'd be more than happy to share some recipes, etc. Best of luck to you!
  7. What is wrong with learning ALL sides to everything? Not every Muslim woman longs to be like every WalMart shoppin', muffin top bearin', American woman. If they choose that lifestyle and religion, who am I to say they don't like it or choose it? I don't agree with a lot of Christian beliefs, but if someone wants to live that life and share those ideals, than so be it. By the way, not all Muslim women are "forced" to wear a burqka, abaya, abuyha, etc. I was SHOCKED at the hotness and beauty of some of the women in the Middle East. Their dress is unbelievably beautiful. But in a
  8. The area is beautiful but Wall Drug has to be the most annoying place in the country (South of the Border in SC is a close #2). Devils Tower is about a 90 mile drive way one way. Definitely check it out if you can, it's amazing, looks just like it did in the movie, Close Encounters of the Thrid Kind.
  9. I watched a Little House on the Prairie season with my nephew this week. I was shocked to see Johnny and June Carter Cash guest starring on one of the episodes. Didn't remember that one from my childhood.
  10. Red equals Delta. Blue equals everything else. It says that on the signs Maybe it's SOOOOO easy that it confuses people.
  11. I rate people as they make themselves known. I rate you as an odd little ol' fella. Take that for what you will.
  12. I've found Atl to be one of the easiest airports to navigate. If my Mom can do it...anyone can. Now O'Hare, that airport peeves me off and I lived in Chicago for 19 years.
  13. Dr. Oz is syndicated so Fox has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't trust a doctor who relies on ratings to make a living. That's as bad as trusting a Doctor who makes his money from drug companies.
  14. With a name like "Stanislav Nikolaev Kosev ", I'd be surprised if he was from South America. I thought I heard on the news, Bulgaria which is NOT in S. America.
  15. Here's the letter from the FDA regarding the Dr. Oz show and their "testing". http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm271746.htm There are a few more letters also listed on the site. Seems like more half truths to me.
  16. There is cyanide in apple seeds too. What are you going to do, live in a bubble? I'd be more concerned about the amounts of sugar added instead.
  17. I don't use the three bedrooms upstairs, so I guess this could happen to me. Maybe I should start going up there more often than once a month. I'd like to think my cats might notice though. EEK, I didn't think about the tool room either. I need to start checking these things LOL
  18. It's okay to not eat for a few days as long as your friend stays hydrated. They need to drink LOTS and LOTS of water! By the way, did they do any tests, i.e. a colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scan or MRI(e)?
  19. Be careful with sugar substitutes, they can mess with the digestive system. The appetite should come back soon. But if they gave Flagyl as an antibiotic, that stuff killed my appetite. Make sure to stay hydrated too. And Ginger Altoids or Ginger chews are the best for nausea.
  20. It's also "row to hoe". It's a joke. Geez people. Guess no one knows the definition of "malapropism". :rofl: If you are going to try to be a Grammar Nazi, please do so correctly.
  21. O.M.G...granite. For all intensive purposes, we are going to have a long road to hoe if people can't get their malapropisms correct around here.
  22. Basements are not cheap. I just learned this. My mom's basement was taking in water (in IL not here in GA). Her house is 80 years old and no drainage whatsoever. So I had a foundation company install an entire new drain system, vapor barrier, and add a sump pump. It cost me nearly $7k but it was for a full basement, much larger than 600 sq feet. If I remember, it was 200 feet of drain they had to install in the concrete floors. It was well worth it though because I couldn't stand the thought of leaving my 66 year old mother to worry about water in her basement.
  23. I'd be more concerned if there were no known threat. This was to be expected, right?
  24. I just keep on going, keep a smile on my face, and hope that outward appearance brightens someone's day a little. I know people are having hard times but I can't make excuses for those who can't pull themselves up and keep on moving. I'm caring for my 10 year old nephew who had a liver transplant two years ago, and is now battling Lymphoma. He could teach a lot of people about life and what's really important. He's such a blessing.
  25. I try to use local companies as much as possible. But I refuse to use one that litters my yard. There are more appropriate ways to advertise. That reminds me, I need to call a Maid service, think I'll use the one that advertises on PCom without throwing crap in my driveway.
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