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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Me too! Half our windows are 2 stories off the ground but I still can't stand the worry. Even when I am awake the front and back doors stay locked.
  2. Filter was fine. Hubby said it may have been frozen inside near the blower because where the line comes into the unit in the attic it was too cold, like it was frozen. The lines coming out of the outside AC unit were definitely frozen, you could see it. The fan in the outside AC unit and the blower in the attic were both coming on, just no air blowing out of vents at all. I have never seen it frozen like this though. It needs new insulation wrapped around the lines. If it doesn't start working today after thawing then I will call someone out. We have fans and I have a portable/rolling unit for
  3. That's weird because we had the same problem last night! We discovered it about midnight. We are hoping that it was just frozen up because the outside lines on the AC unit were frozen. It and the blower upstairs were coming ON but no air at all was coming out of the vents and yes I have had mine on for a few days or so now. We have been letting it "thaw out" overnight and using box fans in the windows but now my nose is stuffed and achey! I hope you get yours fixed soon hun.
  4. So what happens if you don't get it into the mail by tomorrow (April 1st)?
  5. Our central air is usually on from March - October. I also have a rolling, portable AC unit in my master bedroom.
  6. I have a light wood bedroom furniture set. My walls are painted a very light mauvish color but I have had one bedding/curtain set that had light pastel cabbage roses on a black background. Another was a quilt set of a white background, sage stripe and mauvish roses on it. I just bought a new bedding/curtain set that has a dark burgundy background with a mauvish rose design. It was time for something new. JcPenney has quite a few nice bedding sets in their store but even more so in the catalog or online. The newest one for me was purchased through their catalog. It isn't in their store at all.
  7. The ONLY state where it is legal for a motorcycle to lane split is in CA. In GA it is illegal. I thought this discussion was about motorcyclists in this state or county? GA State Motorcycle Laws Lane Splitting 40-6-312 The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
  8. The Hope GRANT and the Hope SCHOLARSHIP are 2 different things and have different requirements.
  9. Well, we wouldn't target practice in our backyard as we are in a subdivision, but it would be great if Paulding did have an outdoor range. A range in Paulding would probably pay for itself in a year and solve the nuisance problems for others. It seems like at one time there was an outdoor range in Paulding, but the only one I know of now is for the LEO's.
  10. There is no civilian firing range in Paulding Co. The closest one would probably be Temple.
  11. Awww that is great Lucky! I suspect you have one more thing crossed off your bucket list now?
  12. I am confused. I thought the rules say that new pics will be accepted up until Monday morning and posted Monday afternoon?
  13. Hubby made his BBQ & garlic steaks tonight. mmmmm...
  14. We were in the dark, but only because we were watching 2012 on the big screen. LOL
  15. Ummmm how about bologna? My husband will not go near a Snapple product because of the gnats and flies he has seen over the vats in the plants. Did you know that cans of CocaCola are xrayed? Not to check for anything else that could have made it into the can, but to make sure the can is all the way FULL! I suspect other canned sodas are inspected the same way. He has been working in a Campbell's Soup plant and a Gatorade plant off/on lately but he still eats/drinks their products and has even brought some items home from their discount stores, so I guess they are safe to enjoy! LOL
  16. Two of my favorites "Still Loving You" and "Send Me an Angel". Of course everyone loves "Rock You Like a Hurricane". If this tour comes to Atlanta or Birmingham I will be trying to get tickets. We will see if they add any additional US tour dates as so far they only have 3 cities.
  17. Maybe you could call the Sheriff Dept. and ask? I am sure it's a legitimate question as sooner or later it can happen to anyone.
  18. I seen a description of what he was wearing, but not one of what he actually looked like.
  19. If you are going to Cherokee, NC then go to the outdoor amplitheatre and see the play about the Trail of Tears. When we saw it I looked at my Dad at the end and we were both crying. It was awesome. They have cute little shops and a small museum too.
  20. Well, if LEGALLY he wasn't supposed to do it, then maybe he can pay to have a privacy fence installed along that line for you?
  21. Dallas Tire is beside of Wildcat Auto Parts IN Dallas...I think that is Legion Rd, I can't remember the name and I frequently take it. LOL Discount Tire is beside of Arby's in HIRAM and is not the location the OP was referring to. I have bought tires from Discount Tire for many years and they have great customer service. My tires are Zrated and run about $300 each, so I buy the road hazard warranty "just in case". They have had to pull nails out of my tires and plug them and once they even completely replaced a tire that blew out (it was even my fault...darn that curb). If you buy the warr
  22. Take it from someone who is now working on her 4th ponytail for LocksOfLove and has almost always had long hair. Go to the Walmart vitamin section and buy some GELATIN capsules. Yes it is the same thing as what is in jello. Take 1-2 gelatin capsules a day with a good multivitamin and maybe add some calcium in. Mine grows faster when I do this and it is blond which typically grows at 1/3 the rate of dark hair. All of my donations were 11-16 inches and after each one I still had hair halfway down my back. Good luck!
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