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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I try to do something like this once a week. Soak in a long bubble bath with epsom salts. Take a loofa to any area that needs exfoliating. Use my ped egg & shave my legs. I also try to fit in time during this for a peel off facial. I like one with alpha hydroxy acids (fruit acid) to help get rid of dead skin cells. Some people can't use this type though. When I was younger I made a paste of ground oatmeal and water as a facial to help with oily skin. While the oats are still dry they can be pureed in a mixer or food processor to make finer. This time does help to destress and to help yours
  2. I LOVE IT! I was wearing shorts today but I did take along a hoodie to protect my ear that has been bothering me lately. It was windy out but I needed to go buy a new TV to replace mine in the bedroom that died the other night. I did come home tonight and turn the heat back on so the cats won't freeze! LOL
  3. Haha. Ok thank you. No rush, it's not like I am having them out in the next couple of days or anything. I just want to use your gutter set up at the front steps as an example to show them. I will PM you my email address if that will be easier for you to use. Again, thank you. Sorry for the high jack OP.
  4. Navy Eagle, if you wouldn't mind helping me, can you please take a picture or 2 of the gutter set up beside of the front steps on the light brown house with the burgundy door and post them here so I can print them. I need to show this in comparison to our gutters beside of our front steps to a roofer or gutter installer, so that we can get our gutters corrected. Our original builder didn't set those gutters up correctly and now we have dry rot in one of the side lights beside of our front door. We are going to have the gutters corrected and have an entire new set of side lights and a new front
  5. Yes I would test for radon in your home, but unless the levels are high I wouldn't worry about it. I have been thinking of getting some of those detectors or tests for our basement. It is a full size basement and more than 3/4 of it is sitting on solid rock. So solid that the builder had to dynamite to build it. I have those problems that you mentioned, but it could be a part of my fibromyalgia. Of course my fibromyalgia didn't get really bad to the point of having to seek diagnosis and leave work until I moved into this house 1.5 years after my husband bought it new. That was a little ov
  6. Our tenth anniversary is in November and I never did get a tattoo during my crisis in my 30s. Hubby cannot wear jewelry when he is at work due to the type of work and the customer's plant restrictions (from insurance coverage, FDA regulations, HAZMAT, etc. restrictions) involving food packaging and VERY large machines, the length of 3 bedroom houses or more, that he has to sometimes crawl his 6' body into. I have started having blistering problems up under my band if I wear it all the time, so I only wear my bands and rings when I leave home. I am thinking for our 10th anniversary we may get
  7. No, mine doesn't completely pop, but my microwave was a new high powered one for when I bought it, in 1995! Tomorrow I need to go shopping for a new bedroom TV. After many moves during my 20s, during which I would buckle in my "old reliable" tv in the car's front seat, it died yesterday (RIP). It was purchased new in 1996!. In all fairness the livingroom has a new flat screen and a new blue ray though.
  8. I have one but I haven't tried it yet. I am slowly trying to get rid of some things so that I can make room for it and a recumbant bike. They are both still new in their boxes! If you try it before I get around to it then please let me know how well it worked for you. The concept is that repetitive movement of the lower back muscles will help to strengthen them and thereby keep your lower spine better aligned, thereby reducing pain. Sorry I couldn't be of any help. Heat will definitely not help my inflammation or hot flashes either! Eeeeekkk!
  9. Poor baby. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Oh and the above little "gremlin" pic is the dog that won "World's Ugliest Dog" for (I believe) 2-3 years in a row. I seen her on Animal Planet once. She seemed very sweet but one of the ugliest things I have ever seen!
  10. Yeah it might have been expired. The brand I buy has an expiration date printed on the bag.
  11. LR, is any of the staff around in the late evenings or the middle of the night? I know it's probably a silly question to some but I am a night owl.
  12. Hey I had my mid-life crisis at age 35. For me it kind of felt like a restlessness (if that's a word) and like I needed a change immediately. Only that feeling lasted for a couple of years. Right after I started feeling that way I TOLD my hubby I was getting my convertible and that we were flying out within a week to pick it up in California! He wasn't happy about it at first until he seen it and I drove all the way home from CA to GA. It's 6 years later, I still have it and love it. I almost got a rose and ivy tattoo just above the ankle but never did. Instead, immediately after I told h
  13. I think the location in Hiram has tanning beds. I am not sure about the Dallas location. I was planning to try it but never did.
  14. I just sent mine. Thank you for your hard work on this Bizness.
  15. Did you try the phone book or whitepages.com?
  16. Yep. I am a southerner and my grandmother even made ground sausage from her own pigs, but I have to agree about northern brats. I once went with hubby and FIL to a brat cook, off main street in his home town in Minnesota and I will not forget it. Those sausages were totally different from what I had ever tasted. Johnsonville doesn't compare but without homemade brats it is probably the closest tasting you can buy in this area. Hubby cooks them in a skillet with beer, then pours off the remaining beer/juices and browns them.
  17. Something similar to this version. The one about "bending over" I have never heard but it is a good one. I happen to love this song but I like a huge variety of music. This song is actually talking about how he was blinded by stardom and fame.
  18. I think neosporin makes a spray now, which would be easier to apply on a burn than an ointment. I wouldn't leave it on thick or all the time though because it can keep the burn from drying up and producing a scab, which is pretty much nature's bandaid. Look for the neosporin with pain relief though. I know this because I have had some nasty burn's from cooking.
  19. LMAO! You wouldn't BELIEVE the made up lyrics I have heard to that song.
  20. Did the "Hoopster" show up with his guitar? Sorry I am going to miss another one Subby. Eating pizza and watching movies with the hubby. I will make it over one day.
  21. OMG that looks so yummy! My grandmother always made homemade coconut cakes.
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