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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I am here off/on, but I never sign off of P.com. I go to sleep with it, FB, national weather service and my gaming website all still pulled up and signed in. SO I am frequently signed into P.com and not here. I think I am calling it an early night tonight. I haven't been feeling well. Good night and sweet dreams all.
  2. Ask the doctor that delivered you if there were 1 or 2 placentas and if there were 1 or 2 amniotic sacs. Sometimes that is a confirmation.
  3. Adorable! Congrats on the new additions. I am betting they are identical. You might want to change your "About Me" info on your P.com profile page. It says 5 children. You almost have enough for a softball team! Have fun with them.
  4. So does this give new meaning to the term "Simpsons did it!"? Well does it?
  5. Crystal pieces, loose gemstones and jewelry.
  6. You aren't alone Sadie. I thought the same thing. Neither hubby nor I could sit through it and that man can watch a few really stupid movies at times!
  7. Wow! I cannot even imagine. I keep trying but I think I would have died of panic and shock. It will be a HUGE miracle if they are all still alive and can all surface! I just found it LIVE on CNN.
  8. Did they all survive their stay down under? Seriously I am curious.
  9. You are supposed to be able to park in designated areas (like the schools) and then take a shuttle bus to the actual festival site. Did they not have the shuttle buses this year? It is continuing this weekend (16-17th) and I would like to go but cannot walk THAT far if they don't have the shuttle buses. My hip will give out before I get there if I try. Can someone that went tell me if the shuttle buses were running?
  10. I am absolutely ECSTATIC that it is getting paved! I have been hearing the machines working tonight.
  11. msgastorm


    A locking gas cap. They aren't that expensive and can be found in most auto part stores.
  12. I live almost within walking distance of the old drag strip and Mt. Tabor Park. Life flight does use the park as a landing location for this immediate area and they FREQUENTLY fly over my house going in or out when they use it. The helicopters from Dobbins also fly low over our house but they have different "sound levels" to me. After almost 13 years of living in this house it is easy for me to tell the difference just by listening. Sometimes when I hear life flight landing at the park I will go out on my deck and watch them as they are coming in or back out. It's pretty cool to watch because
  13. This just posted 10 minutes ago, as per a fellow church member of Destiny's "Derick and Destiny have been found. They are with their parents safe and sound. Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for all the prayers for them. Prayer works!".
  14. If it is really being completely paved then I will be so HAPPY! I have spent a chunk of money this year fixing problems from hitting a pot hole on E.Paulding and I wasn't even going the speed limit because I was about to turn into my subdivision. Oh BTW, I don't sleep at NIGHT! LOL I have been awake all night and should be asleep now.
  15. This festival will continue the weekend of the 16-17th.
  16. Yes, I drove tonight/morning from Publix to Walmart and back. The WHOLE road is several long patches. I guess it is better than just filling in the pot holes but it definitely needs repaving.
  17. Wait a little while and it will be 10-10-10 at 10:10!
  18. Yes that is the same photo my friend sent to me and he is currently searching with the group in the woods near the school. I do have the name of the girl but I do not want to post it without permission. I have asked the member from her church come onto Paulding.com and let everyone know a complete description, so that members from here may also keep an eye out for them. I am praying for a safe return soon.
  19. Ok, as per Facebook from the church member of the girl: " There will be an organized search for them Saturday (Oct 9th) at 8am at North Paulding High School, their last known whereabouts. If you can make it, please help us out. Thank you." They were last seen Wednesday walking away from school together.
  20. I received a message on Facebook from a friend. Apparently one of the teens is in Sunday school at a friend of a friends church (if that makes sense). My friend was helping by getting the word out. I sent a message to the church member who originally posted the picture and told them they should post a topic here on Paulding.com with the photo and any other info they could give. It is a boy and girl. In the photo he is in a tux and she is in a formal dress, so I am guessing they are a couple? I am not sure on that. I was given a name but I don't think I should post it on here without permission
  21. Hmmm...there are several on Ebay, but it looks like they are all white lights. Still nice. I should have looked there first! I like this topic because I am really into Christmas.
  22. I have been searching for quite some time online for you. It seems I can find every solar powered memorial BUT a Christmas tree! I found the most items by searching for "solar memorial". Try searching that and see if you find something you may like. I have seen crosses, angels, memorial markers that you can place photos in, flags, wreaths, even pumpkins! Another suggestion would be to ask someone in charge of caretaking for the cemetary. They may order from somewhere that is providing the trees. By the way, you have given me an idea for my grandparents gravesites. Thank you and good luck!
  23. Take the kids to Berry College in Rome. They have always had some deer in a fence that kids are allowed to feed by hand. I am sure the college grounds are gorgeous right now with the leaves changing. Nice photo opportunity.
  24. Hubby and I both thought the first one was stupid and we were wondering why it was supposed to be so "scary". Maybe this one will be better. You guys can let me know what you think about the 2nd one first, so I will know whether or not to see it!
  25. Thank you! I clicked it and found a friend who has already joined, but this friend had not told me about the group. So I joined.
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