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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. THANK GOD! It's about time they repave East Paulding Drive, if that is what they are actually doing. Like I have said before, it averages about 6 new pot holes a month. I have already had to spend to have my side exhaust fixed from pot hole damage in July.
  2. Bumping back to the first page. I hope and pray that he will be found unharmed soon.
  3. Here is the link to the other topic that gives the girl's name. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/255126-brandon-elsberry/
  4. Captain in the British army.
  5. If you look CAREFULLY you can see that the landing gear is still up on ONE side of the plane! Whoops!
  6. I found it! Here is the information for the Ga Apple Festival being held Oct 9-10th and 16-17th. http://www.georgiaapplefestival.org/information.htm At the bottom of the page is the information for shuttle bus pick up and drop off locations.
  7. I use to go and the crowds weren't that bad inside the festival. At that time parking was at a school and you were shuttled to the festival in school buses. I would like to know the dates and times for this year's festival.
  8. When is the actual Apple Festival with the arts & crafts, funnel cakes, shows, etc? That is what I like to go visit.
  9. I have also been looking into this. The Lowe's on Marietta Hwy (across from Target, behind LongHorns) has recently told me they have a "coordinator" who helps with all the home remodeling projects now. I believe they said he is also a manager in one of the departments. I picked up his card at the desk in the department where the cabinets and countertops are, but I have no idea where I put it. I am sure you can call and speak to someone in that department who can you tell his name and have him call you. I was looking at granite counter tops but I have recently found out that they need to be
  10. My car only clears the ground by 3 inches so it is very difficult for me to see something on the ground when I am sitting that low. Also, in my case both instances were at night, my vision is worse at night than in the day. The vomit, hey it happens. The poopy diaper, no excuse. All gas stations and car washes have trash cans if you can't keep it in your car until you return home.
  11. YES I DO CHECK! Yes I have almost stepped in vomit. As if that wasn't bad enough I have another that's even worse. Parked at Best Buy's in Hiram, opened the door and thank God I looked before getting out. There was a diaper full of poop "sunny side up" right where I would have stepped! Do people not realize you can spread hepatitis, other viruses, not to mention bacteria this way? I told the manager (in a nice way because it wasn't Best Buy's fault) so hopefully something was done about it. I always check now.
  12. Here is the other thread. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/254709-a-trick-or-treating-question/
  13. I use Internet Explorer and my ads are on the right. This is what I done: Go all the way down to the bottom of the page. There is a solid color bar (mine is blue) that is above the "recent topics" circle. All the way to the left is one downward arrow that says "English USA". Just to the left of it is another downward arrow button, click on this down arrow button and it will give you options of "board right", "board left", etc. I clicked on "board right" and my ads are on the right hand side now. I hope this helps.
  14. I plan to watch it too. Love horror movies.
  15. Nature's Miracle. You can find it at PetSmart. http://www.naturemakesitwork.com/home/index.php BTW, I have FOUR cats! LOL
  16. Contact LPPT. She can set you up. Here is the link to her profile which contains her contact information. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/user/15671-lppt/
  17. BroncoMel don't worry about using a smaller caliber. I prefer a .38 due to carpal tunnel and it is small enough to carry in a purse (leave the zipper open for quick access when walking through a parking lot or questionable area). Use the type and caliber of gun that YOU feel comfortable with. It does make a difference. To make up for a smaller caliber then just use a hollow point ammo. It can be found at any gun and ammo store in GA. Better yet get some PowRBall ammo. It is really expensive but hubby says it is the best for self defense (he is a serious gun collector and even makes some of his
  18. CakeLady, just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware but self defense sprays may differ in their "pepper strength" and/or types. They all should also have an expiration date. This one is my favorite because it is a 3-N-1 spray. It has a pepper spray, a military grade tear gas, and a UV dye so that the attacker can be identified with a UV light when in custody. This particular model is small enough to fit in my pants pocket and also has a "quick release" key loop so that it may be attached to a purse or key ring. Mine has an expiration sticker on the side. When it expires, then you c
  19. Did they catch who they were looking for near East Paulding tonight? This is way too close to home for me and I would like to know before trying to sleep. TYIA
  20. Oh how beautiful! I am betting that is one party the kids will NEVER forget!
  21. Zaxby's in front of Dallas Walmart has always let me substitute the Zaxby's sauce that comes with the meal for a mild sauce. Then I order ranch on the side and I do get charged for the ranch. That has never changed when I go there.
  22. Yes but not intentionally. I took out the trash and it was a very bright "spot" beside the moon. I am going to get hubby's binoculars out tomorrow. In S.Carolina my dad has a HUGE telescope, large enough that it has it's own outdoor building complete with an automatic "moon roof" LOL. It also has a digital camera built into it, so I am hoping he is taking photos this week.
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