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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. That's what I thought at first too. Then I thought about all the people who have risked their lives to save his. Then I started wondering if once you have this strain of Ebola and IF you are able to live through it, are you immune to getting the same strain again unless it has mutated? If he has immunity and is exposed to the same strain again can he CAUSE it to mutate?
  2. Oh she wants her chickens and her peacock hen, but she got a letter from the county saying she has to get rid of them. Something about not having enough acreage? She is waiting to hear back from the county about the situation was the last I heard. I did tell her to come on here to this topic and chat with you guys about it.
  3. I know someone that is having to get rid of her adult laying chickens here in Paulding. I told her to come on here and see if you might want to give them a home.
  4. Possibly assault or if a weapon was involved then assault with a deadly weapon. If the clown actually touches the person then it could be assault and battery.
  5. Those bills are not sent by email addresses. They are mailed via snail mail to the address for the tag on the vehicle. If you are driving a rental car at the time, then the rental agency sends the bill to you. Hertz frequently sends them to my husband.
  6. I've already said that if I see one coming towards me in a threatening manner, especially with a weapon (machete, etc.), then he/she/it will be shot. That pretty much applies to clown or not clown. When this happens to a couple of them then maybe this clown attack fad, or attacking people while in costume fad, will go away.
  7. Yes. I read this in a CDC report the other day. It said that you can get it if you are within 3 feet of an infected person that coughs or sneezes because of the microdroplets of saliva or mucous that the cough or sneeze expels. If that droplet is inhaled, swallowed, lands in the eyes or in a cut then you can be infected. Which is pretty much what I have been saying all along. I expect that very soon those working within all public services will start wearing at least surgical masks. ETA: This was in a CDC report that directs the commercial flight industry how to handle the scenario of a po
  8. My husband has to drive to Hartsfield in the early a.m. hours on Tuesday. It's not the rain that is scarey. It's the fact that this rain is expected to come down so hard and fast that it will causes flooding on some streets and possible flash flooding. We are expecting 1-2 inches in a period of a few hours which can be dangerous. My car is a sports car and it becomes dangerous in that kind of standing water. Thankfully he drives his truck. We are also expected to have lightening, possible hail and possible tornadoes. There are at least 2 squall lines expected to blow through late Monday night
  9. Yes, I would sign the petition and choose to have a special election. I am just not sure we can legally do that.
  10. Mojo, we currently have some very light rain in New Hope so you might want to get things covered. There is a big storm in Birmingham moving towards Georgia, but I am not sure it will hold together. It may fall apart before it gets here. Thank you for what you are doing.
  11. That's what I want to know! It makes no sense. Was there some kind of lien against the home that wasn't being paid? I don't think it is just them because didn't their daughter, son in law and grandchild recently move back to the states to live with them?
  12. Here is a link to the post by Paulding County Uncensored on FBook stating that it is in Hiram, along with other good information in their post. Their post also includes a link to the CDC page about the virus. https://www.facebook.com/PauldingCountyUncensored/photos/a.634262606623491.1073741828.632768026772949/724331017616649/?type=1&theater
  13. The American doctor and nurse who contracted Ebola in Africa are the two that I know definitely were transported by Phoenix but they weren't brought TO Cartersville Airport. Phoenix Air left from Cartersville Airport to pick them up in Africa, then they returned to land at Dobbins AFB, where upon landing each patient was transferred by ambulance to Emory hospital. They took each patient one at a time. I am wondering if the camera crew is being transferred the same way and held in isolation at Emory by the CDC?
  14. She has been under so much stress lately, mainly worried about her dad. I will send up prayers for healing and peace. Get well soon crazy lady! We love you!
  15. We've been happy with Cool Ray and they do take emergency calls 24/7. You are probably going to need your heat by Saturday night. The National Weather Service is forecasting a low temp of 38'.
  16. Sorry but I don't remember. I was a teen during the 80s and probably not concerned with reports like this.
  17. Nope. I never have. Many people don't stop to realize that the CDC is a U.S. GOVERNMENT agency and that both the CDC and the U.S. government report to WHO (World Health Organization). The government and WHO are more concerned about power, control and money. If an outbreak of anything occurs then they are mostly concerned about how the outbreak will effect the bottom line of those three things worldwide. ETA: By the way, I have a friend I have known since high school who has been employed at the CDC for over 20 years. I do not think even this person has COMPLETE faith in the CDC!
  18. Blondie, I had come in here to post the new information but I now see that you already have. Like minds.
  19. You can be infected for up to 21 DAYS without showing any symptoms! So of course it will spread and others around him are being testing. MAYBE NOW flights from infected countries will be stopped before flying to the United States. Britain had the right idea on this.
  20. Cats are color blind to all shades of red. They see them as varying shades of gray!
  21. I am very particular about my colors. My shirts in my closet are organized by color. The inside of my closet looks like a rainbow! However, I have a little bit of color blindness when it comes to telling the difference between very dark navy and black. I have to look with a bright light on or I have to ask my husband for help. BTW, the car is definitely orange! Not orange-red or red-orange. What's the difference in the two? The amount of red mixed with the orange of course! Crane, MAYBE a Competition Orange?
  22. Are you saying that the immunization from the vaccine only lasts for 6 years? We have been considering it and paying out of pocket. My husband and I both had bad cases of the chicken pox as kids. I have been told by quite a few people that steroids and gabapentin (for the pain) work well on the shingles. You can also get some over the counter treatments for poison ivy that may helps with the blisters.
  23. So which phones use Cortana? I also have memory issues due to my health. It might help get rid of some of my note stick reminders I have all over the house! LOL
  24. DallasNebo, I am thinking of switching from the Iphone to a Galaxy. I know that one of the models can save items on it to a micro SD card. My husband says that a coworker has a Galaxy that has a plug for a thumb drive. What model would take a thumb drive? I told him I bet that is the Galaxy Note. Another thing I would like to know about the Galaxy is do they have a program like Siri? I would appreciate any help on this decision. Thank you.
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