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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. When I was growing up all the grownups would play Euchre and have Euchre tournaments set up when we got together for holidays. As an adult I get to play maybe once a year when we go visit family in Michigan. My daughter finally learned and then on our last few trips no one was really all that interested. With our relatives in Florida we have learned to play Spades and that's a lot of fun as well. I used to play a little on Yahoo games but people got rude. One time a guy kept sending me PM's telling me what to call and when I wouldn't do it (yeah like I'm going to call hearts when I
  2. How sad! I can't believe a 7 year old had to walk a mile to school. I know it's not far but still. Her poor sister is probably going to feel guilty. It sounds like it was in a pretty busy area. I'm surprised no one saw anything. I hope they catch those responsible.
  3. I'll say I always stop if I'm aware of what is going on. One time I was driving up 41 to Cartersville and there were cars sporatically parked on the side of the road. It was real eerie. It did turn out to be a funeral procession but it took several minutes and miles before that became obvious. We were the only ones driving and I called my husband to see if he could find out what was going on. Once I knew what was happening we stopped. I also want to add that this isn't just a Georgia or southern thing. I grew up in Michigan and we always stopped. Maybe I just knew about it because
  4. I've got two and no bullets that I am aware of. I didn't know that you could click them to see what they were for. I think I'll go check what that says.
  5. We usually carve our pumpkin or pumpkins a day or two before Halloween and it seems like they still are starting to get rotten and bug infested by the night the trick or treaters come. When I was a kid we carved them a few weeks out and I don't remember them going bad. Am I doing something wrong? We got a nice big one this year and I'm anxious to get that baby carved and lit up.
  6. No I am not aware of the rule. I'm thinking give it three good shakes? And I guess I should not have said wipe but maybe dab. I don't know I just hate that wet spot or the thought of that wet spot. Call me crazy:).
  7. I am a hand washer but like others sometimes I think it's safer to back out a public restroom with out letting my hands touch anything. but I do use the public restrooms with the automatic stuff. I love the feel of those hot blowers. I also flush with my foot. My husband doesn't wash his hands and then will wonder why I don't want them on me. Sorry but that is just gross . I have my boys trained. They even try to walk out of my bathroom (which for some reason is the one everyone uses) all I have to do is look at them or say "did you...." and they turn right around and do it. I
  8. Isn't she or he just sharing information? I hope it's not against the rules. I certainly want to know what everyone is saying.
  9. Too funny. I used to call information for help with my homework when I was in Jr. High. Of course back then we didn't get charged for those calls.
  10. Buehler?.......Buehler?..... seriously though did anyone go? I tried to find the minutes on line but didn't have any luck. I'm sure there somewhere on the PCSD website but I guess I'm just too tired to find them.
  11. We went to Movies 278 last year and had a blast I took my 6th grader and one of her friends. This year I'll be taking my 6th and 7th grader and a couple of friends. I was thinking of going to the new theater in Acworth though. We love it there. But it's also fun running into people we know so I don't know yet. We'll just wait and see. So excited. So so excited! This one is going to be even better I just know it. One of my little brothers good friends from High School (they are still great friends) is in a band (OKGo) whose has a song that got picked to be in the movie and appare
  12. Thanks, I think those results are for the football team since the 7th and 8th graders all play on one team for softball but your post did lead me to the athletic newsletter and I was able to find out the standings as of last Tuesday.
  13. Hi, I'm wondering how the middle schools have been doing as far as softball scores this season. More than half the season has been rained out so deciding who gets to be in the playoffs will be tricky since not everyone got to play everyone. I think that HJ record is 1 and 5 and Moses is 3 and 3 and I know McClure has done pretty well but I don't really know about the other schools. Thanks anyone that can chime in with how the season went for Scoggins, South Paulding, Dobbins, Austin, McCLure and EP. And even verification for Moses and HJ. Thanks!
  14. Mazda Miata, I loved that car. I never thought I would have a car like that. I lived on Hilton Head Island and Beaufort, SC at the time and it was just such a fun car to have when your young and living in great weather. Of course when I was about 9 months pregnant with my first child and could barely get in and out of the thing it was time to let her go:(.
  15. For the past 24 hours I have been getting several calls from 239. That's all the caller ID on my cell phone says. I've gotten a couple of "unavailable" calls as well. I don't answer the phone but it just keeps ringing. Well, not constantly but 3-4 times so far today and maybe 5-6 last night. Also, in the last two days I have been getting several calls on my home phone from people saying they are calling in response to my request for information (Free Money, furthering my education, etc...). I don't know if these two are related but it's driving me nuts. I don't have caller ID at home so
  16. I would stay in an unhappy marriage for the sake of my kids if I thought it would be better for them but I would not allow my kids to witness an abusive relationship and would not stay in that kind of a bad marriage. Not sure what your situation is but I hope it gets better. Can't say I know too many people in happy marriages but there are some out there. I do know a lot of people that are in unhappy marriages because it's easier and/or better than the alternative. Does that make sense? Edited to add: I wanted to clarify that I wouldn't want my kids being a part of a family with two
  17. This is a fun topic to read. After I read the original post I was reminded of an ad several years back with Smokey Bear and he was saying how "It's not Smokey the Bear, it's Smokey Bear. You wouldn't call Santa Claus, Santa the Claus or the Easter Bunny, Easter the Bunny so why do people keep calling me Smokey the Bear.". I still think of him as Smokey the Bear but apparently his proper name is Smokey Bear.
  18. I wasn't going to mention our church because I have a feeling it's one of the ones you visited and found so loud. But I found this comment funny because they do have ear plugs available as you walk in. Another funny thing this reminded me of is there is a newer lady to our church who tried it last December and found the music too old fashioned for her taste. She happened to come one week when we were doing older songs. Luckily some friends including her former pastor from another state encouraged her to give us another try and she ended up discovering we were what she was looking for.
  19. One day? I thought is was supposed to be out for 2 weeks? Still haven't gotten the tickets but I'm not sure if we are going to Movies 278 or the new theatre in Acworth. They are both about the same distance so atleast i have options. Off to check it out. . .
  20. Oh gosh what don't I cry at. Lately though I'd have to say Armegeddon, Titanic, Lake House, the Harry Potter movies, Home Alone, Ghost, etc.... Heck I cry watching TV all the time and during commercials too. It's really quite sad. LOL
  21. I'm looking forward to going and taking the kiddos with me. They loved when I bought the Michael Jackson Thriller CD/DVD last year and are excited to go. Of course anytime they see a story about him on CNN they say "Are they STILL talking about it?!". lol I tear up every time I think about him being gone and was glad to hear the autopsy reports that said he was actually in pretty good health when he died. I haven't gotten tickets yet though. I guess I better get on that.
  22. How tragic. Thanks for explaining things to me.
  23. I didn't know her but am interested to hear more about what happened. The article doesn't say much. Thanks
  24. Here's another one for the 10th W.C.Abney Elementary Fall Festival 1-6pm.
  25. Where would you call to get info on the one in New Hope? Discovery Point or is it run as part of the Jazzersize place just at another location? Thanks!
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