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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I'll be watching this year but will have to wait and see what next year holds before I decide about that. I wonder if Paula being gone made it easier for Simon to decide to leave. Was Paula the greatest? No but she sure was entertaining to watch and we loved making fun of her. And about Jack being back~~I can't wait! I still have last season TiVo's and really need to make a point to watch it soon.
  2. I live in the New Hope area and we were gone for the hail storm but every house except two on our street got new roofs last Spring/ Summer, including us. One house was denied (I wonder if the percentage of damage was too low due to an addition they had added a few years ago) and the other house never applied (the owner became terminally ill and the bank owns the house). It was such a blessing for us and I am so Thankful to our wonderful insurance rep from State Farm. Our rates did not go up (they aren't allowed to do that) and the roof looks beautiful. We were also able to get a few other
  3. Thanks for posting this. It sounds perfect for the next time my husband gets home (working out of state). Now to figure out where to send the kids .
  4. OMG I am LMAO. Funniest thing I have heard all night~~ and now it's up to the 76. Boy am I glad my kids go to school in Paulding. Just wanted to edit I know the teachers in Cobb are amazing I am just so dang proud of our Super for calling things early, erring on the side of caution and giving the parents enough notice to make arrangements for their kids and teachers the chance to sleep in.
  5. If there is school I will send them. I live about 1 mile from the elementary school and maybe 3 from the middle school. I would hate to do it but if I had to I would go get my kids as opposed to put them on the bus if the roads are icy. I think the 3rd grader would be fine. Our neighborhood is one of the first stops but my middle schoolers don't get home until 4 or a little after so I would definitely go get them. I am really hoping for some snow Thursday after school. I haven't gotten a Christmas card out in the last 3 years and am hoping to send a New Years one this year. I already
  6. After thinking about it and asking several of my kids teachers and other school employees (everyone I asked preferred I am going to vote for B. Yeah, it sucks going back August 2nd but it makes the teachers that matter to my kids this year happy. It puts us on the same schedule as Cobb which will be good for a lot of families who either work in Cobb for the schools and have kids that go to Paulding or vice versa. I LOVE that we have weeks off in September and November and February and then again in April. It seems balanced. Not only do the kids need these breaks but the teachers do as we
  7. I haven't decided which option I like best yet but I think it is going to be B or A. I will give my input because I think it is important and I do believe they take the votes into account. I wasn't wild about getting out in June this year but I wonder what changed their minds about that. I will say though it made things easier at the end of the year as far as spacing out field days, field trips, teacher appreciation week and all the end of the year stuff. It was the first year I remember not having to pull all nighters to get everything done. Of course I was only room mom to one clas
  8. Thanks for all the information and motivation. I don't necessarily need to loose too much weight, maybe 15 lbs or so but I am definitely out of shape. My biggest obstacle is that everytime I sign up for a class, be it pilates or tennis or even just something simple like the church choir or a bible study life gets in the way and I can't make it as often as I should or things will get crazy for weeks at a time. I have 3 kids and my hubby works out of state and doesn't get home very often so I am usually exhausted or behind on well, everything~~lol~~. Anyways, I plan to check this thread
  9. Thank you, you are always so sweet to everyone on here. Well I decided to head to Ace Hardware before they close at 6:00 to get a space heater, forgot my cell phone, ran back into get it and as I was walking out the water came on. YIPEE!!!!! Now I'm afraid to shut it off. I've started the dishwasher and am letting to faucet in the bathroom run a little. Better go do the same upstairs. Thanks everyone for the advise and kind thoughts!
  10. Thanks for asking~~Not yet! I can run to Publix or Wal-mart if I need to but right now I would just really like to be able to flush the toilet, start the dishwasher (which I loaded last night but of course didn't start) and I'm really hoping that the kids can get showers before school tomorrow . I'm just glad the heat is working. Now that would really not be fun.
  11. Hmmm.... did not think about that. I sure hope they didn't burst. Times like these I wish my husband wasn't working out of town. He probably knows where the shut off is. I guess I better give him a call and wake him up (he probably worked until 3am or so last night). Better safe than sorry.
  12. I grew up in the North and really should have know to let a faucet drip with the cold temperatures predicted over night but I didn't. Went to take a shower and the water ran out in seconds. The sink~~nothing. Kind of stinks.
  13. Where did you get it? Last year my sister got my nephew a PSP from a Gamestop in SC. It was a NEW bundle and when it started freezing up in early January she went to return it. They told her she had to go through SONY. Boy was she surprised to find out from SONY that it was no longer under warranty because it wasn't a NEW PSP but an older refurbished one. Back on the original topic. I think the bniggest hit with my Oldest son was the Rock Band that my brother sent the family. He also sent the Beatles game separate. My daughter is loving her Jacob Black pillow case and my youngest
  14. I haven't made them in a few years but I remember after a few years I started to buy that pre made sugar cookie dough and cut it in half then add the food coloring to one half. Before I started doing that I would always end up with too much of one color and not enough of the other. Well, darn it. Now I'm thinking I need to add these to my list of treats to make this year. Hmmmm....let me see if I can squeeze them in somewhere. I can almost smell them now.
  15. Oh, tarter sauce! I wish I had seen this yesterday. I could use a few hours out and I have been wanting to see C Mark in action and meet some of you all for a while now. I guess I can catch you next time. I hope someone takes pictures and posts them. Have fun and Merry Christmas!
  16. Dang y'all! Why did you have to be so descriptive. Now I'm gonna have to make a point to get some of those in the next few days! I haven't had biscuits and gravy in a long time. So when there isn't a line does that mean they don't have any biscuits?
  17. Thanks, I guess that answers my question. There was a place in Beaufort, SC (can't remember the name) where people would line up for biscuits as well. I will have to check them out sometime soon.
  18. I am talking about Martin's. I just didn't think I could put the name in the title. Do you know what the deal is?
  19. I am on a mailing list for a Toysrus reward card and the last two nights I have gotten e-mails alerting me that they would have them beginning at 6 am. Yesterdays e-mail said that each store would have atleast 100 and last nights e-mail said they would have the 4 packs today beginning at 6am. I also heard that some Target stores were getting them daily and have had some friends have good luck finding them this week. I think most people that needed them have gotten them by now so hopefully they will be easier to find. Good Luck!
  20. I've lived here about 9 years and see the lines although not every day or even the same days every week. I asked a friend once and she just said they have great food. In my mind for those lines to show up at only certain times and days something specific needs to be available at those times/days. I mean even the cops are directing traffic there at times. I'm not a seafood person but I would still like to know. THANKS!! Edited to add I thought it was called MARTIN'S Seafood but maybe it's just Martin's.
  21. Hi, I don't know if this is new today or if I just didn't notice it before but I love the new skin with the snow falling down at the top and the blue colors. It's so perfect for this time of year. THANKS So much to Pubby or whoever did this. I LOVE IT!!
  22. I know last year after Christmas FelixFamilyLights was accepting working or partial working lights. We were planning to move so I donated a bunch to them. You should contact them. They would definitely be going to a worthy cause.
  23. I do that too but not because of X-men or Pirates. The first time I saw an after the credits scene was in Ferris Buelers Day Off. Cracked me up. He was like "What are you still do here? Go on, etc....."
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