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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I just saw this posted yesterday on my Black Friday Website. Well not mine but the one I check daily. It looks like now that it's posted here there will be a little more (friendly) competition.
  2. That's cool. I wonder what the presidential kids dressed up as. I'll have to go check out the video.
  3. Oh man All three of the kids are going to be gone this Saturday and I was just entertaining the idea of finally checking SK out. Oh well. I guess I am meant to stay home and clean. Or maybe I will finally get around to watching the 20 + episodes of 24 I TiVo's last season . Good Luck and please keep us posted!
  4. It seems like those who have been to both definitely prefer NCG. I just hope they are organized during the midnight movies. We were out of town when the new Harry Potter came out this past summer and the theater we went to was a nightmare. We still had fun but the lines were crazy and they were very disorganized. If I remember correctly last year at Movies 278 we walked in and they just kept opening up more theaters as more and more people came. I think they advertised having it show in 2 theaters but I think they had 6 or 7 open. It was so much fun. Anyway, thanks for your input.
  5. I didn't have anyone annoying. I also think as long as you dress up I don't care how old you are. I think some of the teenagers come up with some creative costumes. Not this year but I saw one guy dressed in black with barbies stuck all over him (he was a chick magnet) and another guy with flames on his pants and lies written all over his shirt (he was Liar, Liar pants on fire). I did make the kids who came to our house say the words "trick or treat" and then I let them choose whether they wanted candy or chips. When I asked the first bunch to say the magic words one kid said please? the
  6. I'm trying to decide which theater we should go to for the midnight showing for NEW MOON in a few weeks and wondered what theater everyone else goes to. Last year we went to see TWILIGHT at movies 278 in Hiram and had a blast. The atmosphere was awesome. They let people bring in cakes and homemade twilight cookies and it was just a lot of fun. Over the past year though I found myself and my family going to NCG more and more. Probably because there matinees are a tiny bit cheaper and they have that card that gives you a free ticket every time you buy 10, which for a family of 5 happens every
  7. I have a ton of candy left too. Well, it won't be a ton after I dig into it. But I did pass out some candy, I don't know maybe a dozen kids between 6:30 and 7:30, then took the kids to Johnston's Ridge for about 45 minutes. Usually I get some late trick or treaters but no one came by after we got home around 8:30. The past few year I have had to dig into my kids candy bags after we ran out. Oh well, I bet I missed a few kids while we were out. We have a small neighborhood but usually get some bigger groups that come in.
  8. We went and had a good time. I'm glad we got there early though. By the time we left there was a line to get to the trunks. Well done Pastor Brent and everyone at West Ridge.
  9. WE got one of these for the first time this week and I couldn't believe the annual fee. Heck I wouldn't get a card with a $19 fee much more one for $495. I thought the letter said something like only 1% of people get offered this. Yeah right, now I know better!
  10. My daughter got hers for softball at Walgreens at Mars Hill a few months back and it was $30. I would recommend going a few hours before closing because you sign in on a computer and once the computer decides they are full for the day they stop accepting people. Good Luck!
  11. My oldest is 12 almost 13 and both she and her brother thought they would stop once they got to middle school but that didn't happen. I agree with everyone who says as long as they dress up and say Trick or Treat I'll give them some candy. I wanted to add that although all three of mine went ToTing last year they were more into the fun of it and not the candy. Sure they liked it but after trading they each picked out about 10 pieces and then gave some away to their teachers and then they left it on the fire place for one of Santa's elves to come get so Santa could have some caffiene (sp
  12. Cool! We've never actually been but have experienced it through p.com. I'm hoping we can make it this year. If not I look forward to seeing lots of pictures.
  13. When I opened this after reading the title my first thought was Adam Lambert? He's in the news? I voted for him and so did one or two of my kids many times during last years American Idol. I haven't thought about him much since but I did like some of his music enough to buy it on I-tunes. I find I don't listen to it like I thought I would. That boy is definitely talented and I can't see getting sick of him too easily. If he has a new album out and I haven't heard about it but would be interested to hear it. Gosh this thread is making me miss some of my old college friends.
  14. I read the books that the series is based on and they were pretty good. Unfortunately we don't get HBO but maybe luck will come my way and this weekend will be one of those "free" weekends. I never seem to know when they are going to pop up. Thanks for letting us know.
  15. I'm guessing your daughter is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz? My duaghter was Dorothy one year and I just loved it. I voted. Then I checked out all the kids and there were so many cute ones. I loved the Garden Gnome costume, how original.
  16. We had a lot going on that day but still planned to squeeze it in. When things started running behind I remembered the long lines to get in and decided we just didn't have the time. I'm sorry we missed it. Especially hearing it wasn't as crowded. Oh well. Next year for sure!
  17. I believe there is a group that meets at West Ridge Church. I'm not positive of the day but I think its Tuesday nights. You don't have to be a member of the church to attend. I'm sorry for your loss or the loss of who you are asking for. I lost my first child in a miscarriage and well that was over 10 years ago. It's hard, so very, very hard.
  18. Thanks! We have gone every year for the past 6-7 years but it just kind of snuck up on us this year. We have lots going on today but it looks like we can make it.
  19. Sounds cool! I can't wait and will look for updates on book signings.
  20. I just went to look for information on it but can't seem to get connected to the paudling.gov website. Does anyone know for sure if its today and what time? Thanks!
  21. Me too! I hope that by now that guy is in handcuffs.
  22. I seem to remember some male friends of mine making grilled cheese with their iron in the dorms at college many many years ago. They tasted fine at the time but now that I am older these types of things do gross me out. I don't know though how I feel about the taters in the dishwasher . . . hmmm have to think about that.
  23. I love stuff like that and I'm pretty sure my children would enjoy it too. I probably won't make it out to Marietta but would have if we had one here in Paulding. Oh well, maybe next year. . . .
  24. I know you have probably already made up your mind but here is my 2 cents. I think you could still go with the one gift and cash. Just make the one gift from Santa (and fill his stocking with little stuff) and the cash can be from you. Good Luck with what ever you do. I hope he knows how blessed he is to have such a thoughtful Mom:).
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