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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I used to go to Evan Blake and my stylist also left. Her name is Brandy and she now works out of her home. She has an area there that is just like a salon. It's a bit of a drive but well worth it.
  2. That looks like fun. Unfortunately we won't be in Florida until the 16th. Nice offer, I hope someone is able to take you up on it.
  3. Yeah it's a lot of money but it is probably the only TV show all year where I actually pay attention to the ads and I am sure I am not the only person. With the exception of the Super Bowl I will fast forward through most ads or clean, get something to eat, switch out the laundry, etc... but not during the Super Bowl.
  4. I was just talking to a guy today who is going to replace our engine for us. He said that transmissions usually run $300-400. I'm pretty sure he was talking about used ones. I don't know how much labor is but maybe that will give you an idea when you go price shopping. I think he said labor was $500 but I'm not sure. I know when we had our transmission replaced in our other vehicle it was around $1,800-$2,000 (this was a few years ago with a different guy and on a different vehicle). Good Luck! I am going through a car nightmare right now and I feel for ya.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. While waiting to return a few things at Wal-mart I noticed they had a few movies that I wanted to see and decided to try the Blockbuster stand at Publix (had a free coupon). Anyway, they didn't have any of the movies I was looking for. This made me think maybe they aren't closing just yet. I thought the selection at redbox was much better. Of course I was just looking for The Hurt Locker and Inglorious Bastards and didn't really notice too much else.
  6. I'll have to let you know about The Hurt Locker tomorrow. I just got home from renting it from the $1 box at Wal-mart. I did see This Is It. I thought it was good but not as good as I was expecting it to be. I had had it on my amazon wish list but removed it after seeing the movie in the theater. I think it is still worth seeing but I wouldn't say it awesome or anything. Maybe they just hyped it too much for me. Anyways, I did like it, I just didn't LOVE it.
  7. If you don't mind I'd love the promotional code. I hadn't looked at our per therm price since we first signed up 8 years ago and couldn't believe how much more I was paying compared to y'all. THANKS!!
  8. I have no idea. And it doesn't seem to be "people" but men who are suddenly sick. I have never heard of a woman who cheated blaming it on a sex addiction.
  9. We have always gone to the one that is near Sara Babb and I have to say as much as I have loved the people that have worked their over the years the selection has always been weak. When I need a book I look it up online and then wait for it to be delivered to our local library. Sometimes it gets there in a week or so but there are other times where it would take months. Even my oldest kids middle school library sometimes has a better selection of adult books (the librarian keeps adult and staff books handy, mostly her own and donations but it's great!). Book are expensive though so I don't b
  10. I kind of know how you feel. I have been married for 17 + years and a month or two ago we started falling in love again. Unfortunately he is about 10 hours away and I am lucky to see him once a month for a day or two. At first it was physically as well as emotionally painful. We send each other texts and e-mails and are able to talk several times a day but it is not always the same. Some days are easier than other and some days are harder. I bet it is nice for your wife to read this though and I am sure you made her day!!
  11. I'm confused is it the shelter or the humane society that is closing? The only place I know of is the place off Industrial Blvd, is that the place that is being talked about? Either way it is so sad. I hope that things can get resolved and that they are open for business soon. My daughter loves volunteering at the place off Industrial Blvd (I always thought it was the shelter now I'm not so sure). Edited to add I figured out which place they are talking about. I was just confused since the topic was The Humane Society. It looks like they will reopen soon so that is good news.
  12. I can't remember the exact words and numbers used but the regular school choice option goes something like this. Next year the new Abney will be able to house 1200 students, they are projecting about 950 being assigned to that school leaving 250 spots for school choice kids. Now this had nothing to do with a school meeting AYP. If I recall last year sometime in the summer when AYP came out you were given an option of what alternative schools you could choose to send your kid/s to. I did ask after the meeting because they didn't mention the whole AYP thing and they said a letter would go o
  13. I went to the one at Abney. I thought the guys that did the presenting did a great job. They did say that the goal was to get all the high schools where they would each be gosh I don't remember the word but without portables comfortably hold 1800 students so they will all be the same size. They showed the projected number of students at the new Abney, Russom and Shelton as well as how many kids were there now. It was interesting. After the meeting I did find out that the next schedule that was chosen was B and that it came down to A and B with B winning. I was glad to hear that since
  14. Yeah, I can't believe the stuff that my credit cards are trying to pull. It is insane. I will be sad to see one of them go since I have had it for what seems like forever but they want to change my rate from 11.9% to 29.9% and I am just not going for that. I also had to laugh at an "exclusive" offer I received recently for a card so exclusive that only a certain number of people will be invited to get it. It the "black" card and the annual fee is something like $450. I think the only time I ever paid an annual fee MIGHT have been for my first card and it was only maybe $19 or $29. Hav
  15. Ours went up. It usually goes down in the winter and up in the summer. This month both our Gas and Electric jumped pretty high. Last month the electric was $89 and this month it is almost $200. Our Gas bill nearly tripled! And I'm sure the water bill is going to be a doozy since when our pipes froze I kept one faucet running a little for about a week until the temperatures climbed above freezing.
  16. my sister bought a NEW PSP bundle at a gamestop last year and when it quit working (less than a month after Christmas) Sony told her it was actually a refurbished one and no longer under warranty. That wasn't around here though. There is a place on 41 that I think is called Gamers Trade. The guy who runs it is great and fixes systems. It might be cheaper to have him fix it is he can. Good Luck!
  17. Thanks Hitch, can't tell you what a huge help you have been. My husband just got these numbers from a local guy 1) engine with 65,000 for $1,100 + $500 labor and $100 misc 1 year warranty or 2)engine with 130,000 for $450 + $500 labor and $100 misc 30 day warranty These options are both from a guy who was recommended by a local car place that used to do engines but doesn't anymore. I believe the guy works out of his house so I'm not sure how the warranty would work or if we would be able to CC a little of it (right now don't have enough to pay all cash). Also the engine w
  18. THANKS SO MUCH! I will give him a call this morning! Can I tell him who referred me?
  19. Thanks! I didn't even think of that. Great idea!
  20. We are going to look into renting a dolly. The thing is we have to rent a truck to attach it to as well. I was leaning toward doing this but now I'm starting to worry we'll spend a couple hundred dollars getting the car here and then find out it is going to cost $3,000 to fix (which we can't do) and the salvage yard offers us less. Ughhh I hate this.
  21. Thanks, I have passed this suggestion onto my husband. I think the first offer was either $500 or $600 by the salvage yard but then the guy upped to $700. We'll see what he says w/o the tires. Thanks for these. I have given them to my husband to check out.
  22. Hi, haven't seen you or talked to you in a while. Hope things are going well with the kids and family. Anyway so you think if the engine doesn't have too many miles on it we should try to come up with the $3,000 for it? I don't know where the garage is getting the engine but I will have my husband ask. I don't think they have it handy and being so far away a warranty would be hard to take advantage of. You know if there is a problem we would have to get the car back to them in Lake City to honor it is what I am thinking and that would cost a bundle.
  23. Thanks, I think in the morning I will call the guy we use locally and see what he thinks. I don't know that we are that mechanically inclined but I know there are some P.commers that are and that could also save us some money. When my husband looked into getting the car towed to where he is in Florida he was told it would be $1,300 which is crazy if you ask me. I think the drive is around 300 miles so I knew it would be alot but that well that is alot more than I thought it would be.
  24. So, last week one of our cars died about 320 miles south of here in Lake City, Florida. My husband had to have it towed and rent a car to get to his destination in South Florida. It had been leaking oil and he was having to refill it each time he stopped. Needless to say he didn't quite make it to the next stop (the area it died in was currently under a tornado watch and in the middle of a nasty storm) and now it needs a new engine. The car is either a 2002 or 2003 Toyota Corolla and has over 100,000 but less than 150,000. We had had the oil problem checked before my husband came up for a
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