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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Yeah, I couldn't believe it. Oh well, I bet his parents are proud. I have a feeling more went on that what they showed. I've seen worse on this show.
  2. I used to buy them after church but now that we go to the 11 am service (instead of the 9am) they are usually out because I don't see them anymore. I was buying them at the light 92 and East Paulding. Sometimes I catch them behind O'Charleys in Hiram. If I don't see them in one of these two places I don't buy one.
  3. Bacon, lettuce and Mayo pizza from the Stevie B's in Acworth. It's the best.
  4. love, love LOVE Mark. Does anyone know if he is doing Karaoke anywhere these days? Never did get to catch his show before and only met him once but just loved the guy.
  5. Thanks for the reminder~~~ going to set the TiVo
  6. They are parts of the male anatomy that apparently play an important role in stimulation and should be shall we say handled in a certain way to bring about a desired result. . You could say I discovered this while doing some marital related research. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know.
  7. We tried it Friday night and liked it alot. It is 10 times better than the cardboard stuff they were serving before. What sauce did you think was gross? When we ordered online there was 4 different sauces to choose from. My personal fave is Pizza Hut's Pan Pizza and Stevie B's BLT (minus the T). My kids love Pappa Johns but we tend to order Little Caesars the most due to the $5 hot and ready deal they have coupled with the donation they give to the School system on Monday nights. We will definitely order again. They are the closest Pizza place to us (about a mile). Before the
  8. DANG She is still missing? I sure hope she is okay. I remember about 15 + years ago my sister got a job at a bookstore coffe house (not around here) to replace a missing girl. There were concerts to raise money and awareness. Several months later it was found out that she just left to follow the Dead (Grateful Dead). I sure wish that was a possibility here. I pray she is safe and sound somewhere and that her parents get word soon.
  9. LOL Me too which is probably why I am so open with my own kids . I am still learning things. Just this week I learned two new words ~Frenulum and Corona (not the beer).
  10. I answer most of their questions when asked. A few years ago my then 3rd grader walked into the room as I was watching an episode of The Closer during a scene where Kira Sedgwick was under the covers with her man and he said "Eww, isn't she a little old to be doing that?". LOL I said "There is no such thing as too old only too young".I went on the internet and got a bunch of book recommendations and ordered them through the local library. I had to laugh when I went to pick them up because the ladies at the library said you might want to look through these before showing them to your kids.
  11. Ditto on being glad I go the 10 year. Although the sample you posted does look pretty .
  12. Just want to add my admiration for Sonjay. I can't remember when I first saw him on TV but it was before he joined CNN and was real excited to see him take a more active roll on TV. He does a great job of balancing his service to those in need and to those who need to know what is going on. Not just a great surgeon but one with a great bedside manner. And yeah he is easy on the eyes too.
  13. I thought the local girls name was Ashley and that she was from Hiram. . . . I even googled her and AI and some pictures came up that look to be on an AI page not quite finished. I'll guess we'll find out sooner or later.
  14. Well I TiVo'd American Idol, Modern Family and Criminal Minds. Right now I'm watching Modern Family and will watch American Idol after the kids are in bed. They will watch AI tomorrow but due to Golf and Church it's just too late to start them on a 2 hour show. I can't wait to see our local girl. I totally forgot about SVU, there really is just too much good stuff on TV these days.
  15. I didn't ask WHY, I asked WHEN they were closing. I buy most of my kids stuff from Consignment sales and if they are having some awesome "store closing" type deals I would go and possible get some things. It's what I buy from the consignment sales since I know I am most likely to get most of my money back the following year when I resell.
  16. I was wondering it they meant Kilkelly off of Bone Circle. That is practically in my back yard. Several years back a neighbor told us that there was a registered sex offender on that street. I check every now and then and sometimes there is a registered sex offender on that street and sometimes there isn't. I haven't checked it lately. I didn't realize there was a Kelly street though so I guess they aren't talking about Kilkelly after all.
  17. I wish I could~~my heat went out yesterday so I have to see what I can do to get it up and running this morning. I hope I can join you all later this week or next. Since I will be hanging around all day I will try to catch the Doctors, it sounds like a great show. Stay warm and have fun!
  18. Not what I would normally be wearing but the heat isn't working so I am layered up and have been all night~~legging, sweat type pants, 2 shirts a sweater a coat and a scarf. I really thought I had gotten the dang heat working when I went to bed and planned on shedding the layers when I woke up in a sweat. Your talking to a girl who normally sleeps with a fan blowing on her. Oh well the upstairs (where the heat is working) will be getting some unexpected attention today .
  19. Probably 99 cent slices of Pizza from Sparkles since my son has a school night there tonight. I may skip out and just have a salad when I get home though.
  20. Thanks for letting me join you. It was nice to get out and do something physical. I'm sure I'll be a little sore tomorrow but once my butt thawed out I felt pretty good .
  21. Yeah, no time for make-up or primping here. I just got back from making copies at the school and will just come as I am. I am pretty sure I slept in the shirt I have on~~lol.
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