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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I bet there is. We took the kids to Key West for one night this past summer and I will say most of the store fronts were packed with shirts that I considered extremely inappropriate for kids. At the time our kids were 8, 11, and 12 and you can bet my 11 year old sons eyes were popping out. I had only remembered that it was a fun place (as a 20 something) and didn't even consider that it would be different for kids. We still had a blast. It was one night but it was the first non visit family vacation we had taken in 4 years. That was Key West though. I remember like 15 years ago staying a
  2. I don't know about cheap but Captiva Island is beautiful and small. You could rent a golf cart to get around and I think the main resort there has camps (on sea life, scuba diving, tennis, sea shells, etc..) for kids. There is also parasailing and well it's just a beautiful place. Sanibel Island is the island you go through to get to it and that is another great place. There is a huge nature preserve and I think either Captiva or Sanibel are considered the shell capitals of the world or something like that. There are shells all along the beaches there. If you were going a little later
  3. I feel bad for you. Actually for all of you who have lost money to a friend or relative. I find myself getting frustrated with my husbands employer (who also happens to be family). I think it has been six months since he received a paycheck all at once and on time yet they are eating out several nights a week, spend money like its water and currently have two cruises planned for their family in the next 6 months. I know I shouldn't judge but it drives me nuts that they can do all this yet not pay their employees on time. In regards to lending money. I was taught at a young age that yo
  4. Luckily just the thought of lemon cookies makes me go Ewwww! I ordered 10 boxes of GSC from my niece but none of them were the lemon ones. I too wonder why ship something out if it doesn't meet your quality standards.
  5. It doesn't bother me so much but I like what some of the Target stores are doing now. You get .05 cents off you total for each of your own bags you use instead of their plastic bags. I don't think they do it around here but I have seen it done elsewhere. More often than not I forget the re-useable bags but when I do remember them I am so impressed by how much they fit into them. I use those bags for so many other things though that they are so worth the $10 that they cost.
  6. Well, I voted. I can't blame those who didn't though. I wouldn't have even known there was an election if I hadn't received a call from one of the candidates staff a few weeks back (I don't even remember which candidate). I then forgot and received a recorded call from Sibley the night before. I was sick as a dog and went online yesterday morning to find out some info on each candidate. I basically watched the video pubby put up and read one of the mailers I got. I was clear cut and even debated not voting but I decided to pick someone and vote. As I was driving out I still wasn't 100%
  7. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it might have to do with either birth control or fighting menopause.
  8. We don't do "vacations" but I do try to use the time to visit family when I can afford the gas. For the past 14 months though my husband has been working about 10 hours South of here and since he usually only gets one day off a week he doesn't get home much. Because of that we have made several trips down to Florida to see him. We are going for a couple of days this week but my kids are still complaining. They want to stay home and have their friends come over. LOL
  9. Loving them as well. Wow! that means that St. Patty's day is just about a month away~~ which means MARCH MADNESS is just around the corner!! Yipee!!
  10. I hope this isn't totally inappropriate to ask but what are you all talking about? I'm a women in my early 40's and I'm wondering if this is something I have to look forward to.
  11. That's cool! I did see where we had a 30% chance of snow tonight. It would be nice to wake up to a little of the white stuff on the ground. Not too much. I do have a long drive ahead of me tomorrow.
  12. First off THANK GOD (and the school board) they didn't add the 15 minutes into the morning. I have a hard enough time getting myself and 3 kids out the door in time for school as it is. Second, I grew up in Michigan and where I went we did have snow days but we also had extra days figured into the school calendar as well. Some years we didn't use them all, some we did. Third, I would hate for them to have added those days into spring or winter break. People (not me) make plans and I think a lot more families would be disrupted by this. My children have friends who not only have v
  13. I posted a similar question last year and after hearing many people say the lines were so long they only got to go down 2-3 ties we went with another place that was recommended by a fellow board member called Scaly mountain. I think the website is www.scalymountain.com. We had a blast. Some family from South Carolina met us there. We purchased our tickets ahead of time making a birthday party out of it. After everyone got done tubing we had dinner there. There was a cool band and the waitress was a hoot. It is a few hours away and I know that when we got there the people that hadn't pur
  14. I feel for ya. My husband is a GM for a restaurant but is working about 650 miles from home right now. We don't see him much and he has been trying to find something to get him back home without any luck. Atleast not at the salary he needs to make to pay the bills. That is great they are letting him stay on another month. I hope he finds something closer to home that he enjoys. Good luck!
  15. I wish!! That would be an awesome idea if it were just me. I'll have my three kiddo's with me when we take the car to him in Florida. They won't need to go with me to return the rental since they will be in school. Thanks for the thought though.
  16. fishnthec~~ thanks for sharing that paper. I enjoyed it and learned a few things along the way.
  17. SWEET! I hate driving out to the one near Kroger on 278/61?. It's so far away but you can't beat those $5 pizza's and the fact that they make a donation to the school system for each Pizza purchased on Monday's (between a certain time). I wonder how soon they will open? We did try the "New" Domino's pizza a few times last month and enjoyed that but still, $5, just can't beat it.
  18. I've had it on most of the day but haven't spent a whole lot of time sitting and watching it. Right now Apollo is racing and I'm hoping he does well. I can't wait for the curling to begin. Not sure what day or time but surprisingly I love watching that "sport" .
  19. Yeah, I agree she isn't really the draw for me. I was planning to check it out before I heard she was going to be on. I don't remember if the article said anything specific but I go the impression she was just doing one episode. I'm thinking maybe some of the refs are just guest type refs.
  20. Thanks so much!! Luckily I won't have to rely on a flight arriving on time. I am driving my husbands car down to Florida and then will be renting a car to drive home. I should be back on the same day I rent and then will return the car the next day to the airport.
  21. I plan on watching. It looks hysterical. I think they may rotate some of the judges because I read an article today that said Madonna was going to be on it but hadn't shot anything yet.
  22. We'll be heading to church (West Ridge) in the morning around 10:30 and weather permitting we may do a few errands afterward.
  23. I didn't even realize there was a burger place there. We may have to check it out. So far my favorite burger place is Fuddruckers. Not sure where the closest one is around here but loved them many years ago.
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